Biden. Finally, the truth.

Because demanding he step down certainly wouldn't be on the table. The bar isn't just "stop Trump".

This 👇is better than Trump and the Dems are complete okay with it (Except for TC OX, he's Twisted Sister-type pissed):


But it is NOT what is good for our country. Why are you not angry? If Americans ever needed to protest, it's now. 9/11 was our last unifying event, this election should be the one thing that brings both parties together, 258 million Americans pissed off demanding better.

Nothing will happen, though. Everyone will walk like emotionless sheep into the polling station and mark blue or red and drive home completely unphased.

Marsha, Marsha, Marsha.
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I’ve never met Trump or Michael J Fox.

I’m pretty sure I could fairly accurately diagnose either one despite zero training in the medical field or mental health.
Fox has been diagnosed. Officially. This guy has only seen Biden on TV.
I diagnose Trump as a psychopath and a raging narcissist. Neither should be running for president.

Agree. What trump has is far worse than anything Joe has. Some of you posters just don't get it, as long as Joe is breathing he will be a better choice than trump. I don't care if Joe is on a ventilator, I'd vote for him over trump. It's called, voting for anyone other than trump.
You "did voted?" Another retard........ 🤣 You'd probably crawl back on your old lady after catching her pull a train in your own bed too? Same concept, Honus!

You commenting on anyone’s grammatical failures is the height of irony.

It is just absolutely astounding how stupid and lacking in self awareness you are.

😂 Jesus Christ.
Sure. But if I was a doctor I sure as shit wouldn't be claiming that I could diagnose someone from "across the mall." That's quack talk.
Parkinson’s is a clinical diagnosis meaning there is no blood test or definitive scan for it. Diagnosis is primarily based on symptoms and Biden has been exhibiting many of them for much of his term. Obviously they’re worsening. The neurologist used his clinical judgement. I’m not a neurologist and the manifestations of Parkinson’s have been apparent for a while now to me and any clinician with an understanding of the disease can see this. That our media is now shocked by Biden’s decline is an indictment of our supposedly impartial media as they circled the wagons to protect him. Will the media learn from this? Doubtful.
You "did voted?" Another retard........ 🤣 You'd probably crawl back on your old lady after catching her pull a train in your own bed too? Same concept, Honus!

You sure got him there. If you're going to try and insult someone, take some time and actually come up with something good. Unless you're incapable of it.
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You commenting on anyone’s grammatical failures is the height of irony.

It is just absolutely astounding how stupid and lacking in self awareness you are.

😂 Jesus Christ.
"Self awareness," the new libtard buzz phrase to make them feel smart and important while increasing that 1" dick to 2" when they say it!!
Which candidate are you talking about because that describes both.
The one who just said this to prove his brain works:

"Fact of the matter is how can you assure you're going to be out on you know on your way to go you know work tomorrow age, age wasn't the idea that I'm too old."

It was covered by cnn in case you missed it.
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Parkinson’s is a clinical diagnosis meaning there is no blood test or definitive scan for it. Diagnosis is primarily based on symptoms and Biden has been exhibiting many of them for much of his term. Obviously they’re worsening. The neurologist used his clinical judgement. I’m not a neurologist and the manifestations of Parkinson’s have been apparent for a while now to me and any clinician with an understanding of the disease can see this. That our media is now shocked by Biden’s decline is an indictment of our supposedly impartial media as they circled the wagons to protect him. Will the media learn from this? Doubtful.
I can almost you that there was no conspiracy in which reporters factually knew that Biden has Parkinsons and they ‘circled the wagons’ to protect him. That’s almost comical.

Parkinson’s Doctor Tells NBC Biden Has ‘Classic Features’ of Disease: ‘I Could Have Diagnosed Him From Across the Mall’​

Dr. Tom Pitts, a board-certified neurologist, told NBC News on Monday that President Joe Biden is displaying symptoms of Parkinson’s despite having never been in the “same room” as the man.
Who is Parkinson, and why is his doctor talking about Joe Biden?
I’ve suspected Joe had some type of Parkinson’s for a while. Sadly, I’ve seen the disease up close and just the way the President stands and how his hands are so rigid.

No insult intended. My youngest brother has it and it has been a devastating decline for him physically and when it accelerates in later stages it’s a challenge to just move.

I’ve said on this board that America should have had TWO new choices for the highest office in the land…in the world, really.
We have only ourselves to blame for this sad situation.
I just think when discussing issues with one and bringing up the other as your argument people are avoiding whatever issue is under discussion.

It's an easy and lazy diversion in a lot of these discussions.

It’s an either/or proposition though. I acknowledge that Biden is in clear decline, his inner circle has tried to hide it, and I wish he would drop out.

But I still have to vote for somebody in the fall. And that’s going to be Biden if he’s on the ticket.
It’s an either/or proposition though. I acknowledge that Biden is in clear decline, his inner circle has tried to hide it, and I wish he would drop out.

But I still have to vote for somebody in the fall. And that’s going to be Biden if he’s on the ticket.
That's fair.

I just think too many people use (but Trump or Biden) as their default.
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Parkinson’s is a clinical diagnosis meaning there is no blood test or definitive scan for it. Diagnosis is primarily based on symptoms and Biden has been exhibiting many of them for much of his term. Obviously they’re worsening. The neurologist used his clinical judgement. I’m not a neurologist and the manifestations of Parkinson’s have been apparent for a while now to me and any clinician with an understanding of the disease can see this. That our media is now shocked by Biden’s decline is an indictment of our supposedly impartial media as they circled the wagons to protect him. Will the media learn from this? Doubtful.
Agree. Or if you have a family member who suffers from the disease.
Your last question about the media?
WE have taken in what the media is feeding us and they’ve obliged. Until WE demand non-partisan truth we’ll get more of the same. The only reason they appear to be telling us the “truth” now is that the President has been exposed and it’s made them look bad. Can’t have that!
Agree. What trump has is far worse than anything Joe has. Some of you posters just don't get it, as long as Joe is breathing he will be a better choice than trump. I don't care if Joe is on a ventilator, I'd vote for him over trump. It's called, voting for anyone other than trump.
This to me is a big part of the problem with our world today. It’s like the grass is always greener on the other side when in fact most of the time it is not. Who knows who would be making decisions the next 4 years if Joe wins.
Another thing you are starting to see happen is this close knit group Joe created is starting to turn on each other. You’re seeing more things leaked in the news each day. Personally I like seeing leaked articles because it’s someone actually telling the truth about what’s going on. Something joe and his buddies have been keeping silent for years. People love to bash trump when he’s have things against him leaked often. In my option, it was great. He couldn’t keep secrets that way.
Plus why are you wanting to keep a president on an incubator in office that hasn’t done a damn thing in the last 4 years. I could see voting for the vegetable if he actually did something. Most people have less now than they did 4 years ago.
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Because demanding he step down certainly wouldn't be on the table. The bar isn't just "stop Trump".

This 👇is better than Trump and the Dems are complete okay with it (Except for TC OX, he's Twisted Sister-type pissed):


But it is NOT what is good for our country. Why are you not angry? If Americans ever needed to protest, it's now. 9/11 was our last unifying event, this election should be the one thing that brings both parties together, 258 million Americans pissed off demanding better.

Nothing will happen, though. Everyone will walk like emotionless sheep into the polling station and mark blue or red and drive home completely unphased.


Is there direct action we can take to replace Biden and Trump that I am not taking? Should we storm the capitol building? Just not vote or throw our vote away to somebody like RFK (LOL no) or Jill Stein?

The reality is that we will likely be faced with a choice between Trump and Biden. It will be one or the other. That choice is very easy to make. I'd vote for those sheep over Trump. The bar is usually a minimum requirement and that is to defeat Trump. We can hope/aspire for better but we should at least clear the bar.
The only reason they appear to be telling us the “truth” now is that the President has been exposed and it’s made them look bad. Can’t have that!
Haven't heard much about "cheap fakes" lately.

Made up term created by the administration and regurgitated by the MSM for a few weeks. Totally disappeared after the debate.
Is there direct action we can take to replace Biden and Trump that I am not taking? Should we storm the capitol building? Just not vote or throw our vote away to somebody like RFK (LOL no) or Jill Stein?

The reality is that we will likely be faced with a choice between Trump and Biden. It will be one or the other. That choice is very easy to make. I'd vote for those sheep over Trump. The bar is usually a minimum requirement and that is to defeat Trump. We can hope/aspire for better but we should at least clear the bar.
None of the above for me.
I’ve suspected Joe had some type of Parkinson’s for a while. Sadly, I’ve seen the disease up close and just the way the President stands and how his hands are so rigid.

No insult intended. My youngest brother has it and it has been a devastating decline for him physically and when it accelerates in later stages it’s a challenge to just move.

I’ve said on this board that America should have had TWO new choices for the highest office in the land…in the world, really.
We have only ourselves to blame for this sad situation.
Lewy Body Dementia includes Parkinsonism.
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