Biden. Finally, the truth.

Is there direct action we can take to replace Biden and Trump that I am not taking?
I was mostly referencing the Democratic party; however, I can say, "I don't know. Is there?" Have you written your Congressman/woman?
Should we storm the capitol building?
Is that your only viable option? Did MLK storm the Capitol?
Just not vote or throw our vote away to somebody like RFK (LOL no) or Jill Stein?
See, the two-party system has already won. You feel powerless and vote that way.
The reality is that we will likely be faced with a choice between Trump and Biden. It will be one or the other. That choice is very easy to make. I'd vote for those sheep over Trump. The bar is usually a minimum requirement and that is to defeat Trump. We can hope/aspire for better but we should at least clear the bar.
Spoken like a person in complete and utter defeat. "There's nothing I can do", "It is what it is, we're stuck with it".

I've written Ted Cruz several times and I didn't like the responses I received, so I'm personally voting him out in November. I am one person, but I will vote like there are thousands of me.
The one who just said this to prove his brain works:

"Fact of the matter is how can you assure you're going to be out on you know on your way to go you know work tomorrow age, age wasn't the idea that I'm too old."

It was covered by cnn in case you missed it.

Both candidates have made statements that don't make sense. They're old, what do you expect. When people use the term "sharp as a tack", that's code for, this guy is pretty good for someone his age. Have you ever heard that phrase being used for someone who's 30? The vote is between two old guys and trump is not only old but he's a nut job, so if I have to choose, I will vote non-trump.
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This to me is a big part of the problem with our world today. It’s like the grass is always greener on the other side when in fact most of the time it is not. Who knows who would be making decisions the next 4 years if Joe wins.
Another thing you are starting to see happen is this close knit group Joe created is starting to turn on each other. You’re seeing more things leaked in the news each day. Personally I like seeing leaked articles because it’s someone actually telling the truth about what’s going on. Something joe and his buddies have been keeping silent for years. People love to bash trump when he’s have things against him leaked often. In my option, it was great. He couldn’t keep secrets that way.
Plus why are you wanting to keep a president on an incubator in office that hasn’t done a damn thing in the last 4 years. I could see voting for the vegetable if he actually did something. Most people have less now than they did 4 years ago.

I was better off prior to trump than when he left office, so for me, trump isn't a solution for anything. I don't want to see our democracy fail, so I have to vote non-trump. As I said, trump isn't the solution for anything, he's just more problems and I don't want that. It's a simple decision.

Parkinson’s Doctor Tells NBC Biden Has ‘Classic Features’ of Disease: ‘I Could Have Diagnosed Him From Across the Mall’​

Dr. Tom Pitts, a board-certified neurologist, told NBC News on Monday that President Joe Biden is displaying symptoms of Parkinson’s despite having never been in the “same room” as the man.
Malpractice at its finest, to diagnose someone with never actually examining the patient.
This administration has attempted to conceal this from the American people.

When certain sources reported on the incidents, others attempted to discredit and/or gaslight those sources.

Meanwhile, major news outlets opted to not cover/report on the incidents, which makes the current non stop coverage all the more preplexing.

It took a debate on a national stage where it couldn't be hidden or concealed for many Americans to see and hear what other people already knew.
It was never hidden. Those in denial couldn't deny it. Anyone who has cared for a family member with dementia knew the score.
Parkinson’s is a clinical diagnosis meaning there is no blood test or definitive scan for it. Diagnosis is primarily based on symptoms and Biden has been exhibiting many of them for much of his term. Obviously they’re worsening. The neurologist used his clinical judgement. I’m not a neurologist and the manifestations of Parkinson’s have been apparent for a while now to me and any clinician with an understanding of the disease can see this. That our media is now shocked by Biden’s decline is an indictment of our supposedly impartial media as they circled the wagons to protect him. Will the media learn from this? Doubtful.
Parkinsons is a form of dementia.
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We used to have a bell curve on left to right with most people close to the middle. Now we have a trough and isolated communities. People are now isolating themselves with like people.

When it gets down to it there are 3 main issues dividing Americans.

Abortion - Both sides are moving further extreme. One side (growing) sees it as murder. Hard to compromise on.

Vax Program - One side sees it as harmful and the other sees the non vaxed as harmful. Hard to compromise on.

BLM - this one is opposite on the political side (reversed).

Others such as immigration, taxes, war...are just 2ndary.

On this board, eventually one side or the other will disappear and the still present will still want to argue from the same point.

What is hilarious is most on here are down on youth positions as being soft, but are taking the youth lead in "ghosting" which is called blocking rather than discourse. Even here we are becoming a trough.
“Narcissistic personality disorder involves a pattern of self-centered, arrogant thinking and behavior, a lack of empathy and consideration for other people, and an excessive need for admiration. Others often describe people with NPD as cocky, manipulative, selfish, patronizing, and demanding. This way of thinking and behaving surfaces in every area of the narcissist’s life: from work and friendships to family and love relationships.

People with narcissistic personality disorder are extremely resistant to changing their behavior, even when it’s causing them problems. Their tendency is to turn the blame on to others. What’s more, they are extremely sensitive and react badly to even the slightest criticisms, disagreements, or perceived slights, which they view as personal attacks.”

Which of those traits of narcissistic personality disorder do not apply to Trump?
Which of those don't apply to Obama? He was a HUGE narcissist, but I bet you loved him anyway. In order to be, or want to be, the president, you HAVE to be a narcissist in order to survive the daily grind. So there's that.
Which of those don't apply to Obama? He was a HUGE narcissist, but I bet you loved him anyway. In order to be, or want to be, the president, you HAVE to be a narcissist in order to survive the daily grind. So there's that.

I said the other day that the majority of politicians are most likely narcissists.
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He's never met Biden. Kinda of stupid to try diagnosing someone you've never met.
I’m not going to pretend to know what condition Biden has. But you don’t have to be in the same room or even be a neurologist to know his cognitive skills have declined noticeably over the past 3 1/2 years. And the stark reality of aging is that his cognitive skills are going to decline even more over the next 4 1/2 years.

The man canceled a meeting with the German Chancellor regarding the war in Ukraine because it was past his bedtime. That’s a huge red flag.
Which of those don't apply to Obama? He was a HUGE narcissist, but I bet you loved him anyway. In order to be, or want to be, the president, you HAVE to be a narcissist in order to survive the daily grind. So there's that.
I voted for McCain and Romney.

Agreed about presidential aspirations and narcissism, but Trump’s is on a whole other level.

Only someone fully immersed in the MAGA cult would think otherwise.
I can almost you that there was no conspiracy in which reporters factually knew that Biden has Parkinsons and they ‘circled the wagons’ to protect him. That’s almost comical.
I didn’t say the media knew he had Parkinson’s, but his worsening frailty was obvious to everyone including the media and they ignored it. In the last month they were blaming it on a right wing media conspiracy. That you’re defending them is comical.
It amazes me how often Trump fans throw out the TDS “insult” while spending an inordinate amount of time railing on Biden.

It’s as if people in the MAGA crowd have literally zero self awareness.

Btw, TDS actually stands for Trump Dick Suckers, which, rest assured, you are still a prominent member of that distinguished club.

Please pass along my regards to your dear mother the next time you come up out of the basement. Carry on TDS warrior. Carry on. 🤡
TDS started with not being able to handle real time tweets from the current POTUS at the time and escalated as he tried to drain the swamp. No way even camparable to calling out Biden and his shitty job of being POTUS, but it's understood it's all ya got.
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This to me is a big part of the problem with our world today. It’s like the grass is always greener on the other side when in fact most of the time it is not. Who knows who would be making decisions the next 4 years if Joe wins.
Another thing you are starting to see happen is this close knit group Joe created is starting to turn on each other. You’re seeing more things leaked in the news each day. Personally I like seeing leaked articles because it’s someone actually telling the truth about what’s going on. Something joe and his buddies have been keeping silent for years. People love to bash trump when he’s have things against him leaked often. In my option, it was great. He couldn’t keep secrets that way.
Plus why are you wanting to keep a president on an incubator in office that hasn’t done a damn thing in the last 4 years. I could see voting for the vegetable if he actually did something. Most people have less now than they did 4 years ago.

Agree with you on the leaks. Keep them coming regarding every admin.

Regarding Biden "Doing Nothing", I disagree, he's done a lot of what I want and basically nothing I didn't want.

Regarding people having less than they did 4 years ago, that's just simply not true. Real wages have increased across basically every income spectrum going back to pre-COVID. I know most people disagree, but they are wrong.

TDS started with not being able to handle real time tweets from the current POTUS at the time and escalated as he tried to drain the swamp. No way even camparable to calling out Biden and his shitty job of being POTUS, but it's understood it's all ya got.

And actually, the original acronym was BDS, which was coined by conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer, for liberals who thought W was the second coming of Hitler.

Dumbasses like you ran with it and misapplied it to people sane enough to be against Trump.

In short, you’re a ****ing idiot.
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I would absolutely love to vote for Romney or McCain right now. Gosh it would be great if they were on the ticket.
Back in the 2000s, liberals used to bash me for my support of GWB, saying I was for fascism, racism, etc. While I later deeply regretted my support for W and the Iraq war, I warned liberals back then to be careful because they might someday know what it’s actually like to have a right-wing POTUS who epitomized all those qualities they accused every Republican of having at that time.

While not to the level of Hitler, liberals now understand what I meant back then thanks to Trump.
I was mostly referencing the Democratic party; however, I can say, "I don't know. Is there?" Have you written your Congressman/woman?

Is that your only viable option? Did MLK storm the Capitol?

See, the two-party system has already won. You feel powerless and vote that way.

Spoken like a person in complete and utter defeat. "There's nothing I can do", "It is what it is, we're stuck with it".

I've written Ted Cruz several times and I didn't like the responses I received, so I'm personally voting him out in November. I am one person, but I will vote like there are thousands of me.

My in-laws hate when I talk like this. They are full of fury and motivation. They fight their fight every election season.

They go door to door annoying people during election season, they frequently write senators and representatives, they do picketing/protests etc... and in spite of their efforts, Trump still won in 2016 and probably will again in 2024. They had it out with me in 2017 because I "didn't do enough" pre-election and I wasn't angry enough after Trump won. After the election, they were busy losing their minds as if the Trump gestapo was going to come and bust down their door at any moment and my attitude was basically "Yep it sucks; let's just get through the next four years and try again; it will be ok". Our relationship is just now healing from me saying that where they talk to me normally again.

I have to say that the results of my efforts vs theirs are exactly equal. It's not like we were one more protest away or one more door knock away from defeating Trump. Our actual power is voting and that is pretty limited. The something I can do that can have actual impact is vote.

Maybe I will send Matt Gaetz a nice letter for fun. Maybe he can help me convince Biden and Trump to step down.
My in-laws hate when I talk like this. They are full of fury and motivation. They fight their fight every election season.

They go door to door annoying people during election season, they frequently write senators and representatives, they do picketing/protests etc... and in spite of their efforts, Trump still won in 2016 and probably will again in 2024. They had it out with me in 2017 because I "didn't do enough" pre-election and I wasn't angry enough after Trump won. After the election, they were busy losing their minds as if the Trump gestapo was going to come and bust down their door at any moment and my attitude was basically "Yep it sucks; let's just get through the next four years and try again; it will be ok". Our relationship is just now healing from me saying that where they talk to me normally again.

I have to say that the results of my efforts vs theirs are exactly equal. It's not like we were one more protest away or one more door knock away from defeating Trump. Our actual power is voting and that is pretty limited. The something I can do that can have actual impact is vote.

Maybe I will send Matt Gaetz a nice letter for fun. Maybe he can help me convince Biden and Trump to step down.
Sounds like we need more people like your in-laws. Imagine if they were the norm.
I was better off prior to trump than when he left office, so for me, trump isn't a solution for anything. I don't want to see our democracy fail, so I have to vote non-trump. As I said, trump isn't the solution for anything, he's just more problems and I don't want that. It's a simple decision.
Who told you democracy would fail under Trump? The same people that for months/years told you nothing was wrong with Biden. His mental and physical state are the best they have ever been?
Agree with you on the leaks. Keep them coming regarding every admin.

Regarding Biden "Doing Nothing", I disagree, he's done a lot of what I want and basically nothing I didn't want.

Regarding people having less than they did 4 years ago, that's just simply not true. Real wages have increased across basically every income spectrum going back to pre-COVID. I know most people disagree, but they are wrong.

I work at a real job that employs thousands of people, I 100% disagree with your statement and I’m sure thousands of others that I work with would disagree with your statement as well. We were lucky to see a 3% increase during Covid while everything else was going up 7-8% in cost. Now that things have chilled to roughly 3.5% increase we are still getting that roughly 3% pay increase.
I guess we aren’t getting any real wages around here.
Back in the 2000s, liberals used to bash me for my support of GWB, saying I was for fascism, racism, etc. While I later deeply regretted my support for W and the Iraq war, I warned liberals back then to be careful because they might someday know what it’s actually like to have a right-wing POTUS who epitomized all those qualities they accused every Republican of having at that time.

While not to the level of Hitler, liberals now understand what I meant back then thanks to Trump.
Many on here treat DT and supporters the same as the Adolph.
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I work at a real job that employs thousands of people, I 100% disagree with your statement and I’m sure thousands of others that I work with would disagree with your statement as well. We were lucky to see a 3% increase during Covid while everything else was going up 7-8% in cost. Now that things have chilled to roughly 3.5% increase we are still getting that roughly 3% pay increase.
I guess we aren’t getting any real wages around here.

I literally don’t care about your anecdotal experience. Thats the whole reason we have nationwide studies so that we can properly understand what is actually happening and not get caught in the weeds of everyone’s personal experience.
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I literally don’t care about your anecdotal experience. Thats the whole reason we have nationwide studies so that we can properly understand what is actually happening and not get caught in the weeds of everyone’s personal experience.
Did you actually try reading the article that you linked then? You’d see that middle class is still struggling with high prices. Which aligns with me saying I have less now than I did 4 years ago. I don’t care if some places are paying more. People are still struggling with high prices thus have less money.
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Who told you democracy would fail under Trump? The same people that for months/years told you nothing was wrong with Biden. His mental and physical state are the best they have ever been?

I'll tell you who told me, trump did. And when he says it, you really should listen.
Did you actually try reading the article that you linked then? You’d see that middle class is still struggling with high prices. Which aligns with me saying I have less now than I did 4 years ago. I don’t care if some places are paying more. People are still struggling with high prices thus have less money.

Real inflation adjusted wages have gone up.

You might not like how much but there is just no evidence people are worse off than they were 4 years ago, especially compared to the rest of the world.
Real inflation adjusted wages have gone up.

You might not like how much but there is just no evidence people are worse off than they were 4 years ago, especially compared to the rest of the world.
So now we’re comparing ourselves to other countries. That’s how low this president has taken us?

Beings you like facts I’ll post this.

No way in hell is anyone making up over $700 a month in income in the year that this article was posted.
Someone making $20 an hour would have received a $4 pay raise that’s over a 20% pay increase.
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Real inflation adjusted wages have gone up.

You might not like how much but there is just no evidence people are worse off than they were 4 years ago, especially compared to the rest of the world.
Not even close.

What about folks who are not getting more raises?
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