Biden prepares to take decisive action as Republican dithering leaves US borders unsafe.

Wow! I'm watching Fox and the Republicans are really mad that he's taking action now.

Trump owning the Rs and telling them to do nothing because it helps him politically.
Where do dems actually stand on the border issue? Do you think it should be "legal" to allow 1.8 million people to enter the usa illegally every year? Because this is what Biden has been doing and what he wants to make law.

Do you support illegal immigration or do you think immigration should be done through legal means?

I think republicans are frustrated because Biden presents this as controlling the border, but what he is really doing is allowing illegal immigration up to 1.8 million per year and then making it easier for them to get amnesty.
OP and the core of the dem loyalists clearly are... as comical as that may be.
This is all part of the plan though... Open the border for 3+ years, import 10s of millions of people with God only knows backgrounds, then act tough on it in the months leading up to the election. Bau, rinse and repeat.

The dems have realized their goal.

1. A change in the census, resulting in more congressional seats.
2. Birthright citizenship with hopes that they vote dem.
3. A hard push for amnesty with hopes that they vote dem.
Where do dems actually stand on the border issue? Do you think it should be "legal" to allow 1.8 million people to enter the usa illegally every year? Because this is what Biden has been doing and what he wants to make law.

Do you support illegal immigration or do you think immigration should be done through legal means?

I think republicans are frustrated because Biden presents this as controlling the border, but what he is really doing is allowing illegal immigration up to 1.8 million per year and then making it easier for them to get amnesty.
I'm an independent, but I think this is a misrepresentation of the bipartisan bill that Trump so cynically submarined and the order that Biden is currently proposing but carry on with your echo chamber narrative.
I'm an independent, but I think this is a misrepresentation of the bipartisan bill that Trump so cynically submarined and the order that Biden is currently proposing but carry on with your echo chamber narrative.

It's amusing what passes for something to be labeled "bipartisan" these days. But go with that if it makes you feel better.
I'm an independent, but I think this is a misrepresentation of the bipartisan bill that Trump so cynically submarined and the order that Biden is currently proposing but carry on with your echo chamber narrative.
I think it represents what is in the bill. If you think I misrepresented it, please tell me what is correct. Maybe share a link to prove it.
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I guess someone has to do something. If the R's won't act to appease Trump, I guess there's no choice.
This. But He should have done it immediately after Johnson shot down the Bill. Turn it against them. There was a bi-partisan Bill that the R’s didn’t even debate or try to alter/refine. Biden could have said because of that his hand is forced. Would have had better optics right after the scrapping.
Only a Joe Biden presidency could have American's seriously contemplating another 4 years of Donald effing Trump.

Thanks Dems!
It doesn't matter what he gets done, you guys hate it. 900,000 border encounters in 2019 and you guys didn't say one damn word about it.
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It's amusing what passes for something to be labeled "bipartisan" these days. But go with that if it makes you feel better.
Bipartisan meaning it was negotiated by James Lankford a Republican senator from Oklahoma and supported by Leader McConnell until it wasn't. It was also nearly identical to a Republican House bill supported by Speaker Johnson and others in the GOP that was passed just last year. They can't take yes for an answer because the Dear Leader told them it would hurt him politically.
This. But He should have done it immediately after Johnson shot down the Bill. Turn it against them. There was a bi-partisan Bill that the R’s didn’t even debate or try to alter/refine. Biden could have said because of that his hand is forced. Would have had better optics right after the scrapping.
Yeah his timing isn't great here but Republicans wouldn't have supported this if he did it 3 years ago either...or they would have done the same crap they did with infrastructure - take credit for something they voted against.
I think it represents what is in the bill. If you think I misrepresented it, please tell me what is correct. Maybe share a link to prove it.
You can't prove a negative. There is nothing in the order that "is allowing illegal immigration up to 1.8 million per year and then making it easier for them to get amnesty." Provide a link that proves your claim.
1. Trump was/is right.
2. If this wasn’t an election year Biden would just leave the border wide open. Trump will hammer him on this during the debate.
3. Americans are pissed Biden opened the border. Let’s not forget Biden caused this mess.
4. Biden could have done this two years ago. Clearly shows how mentally unfit for office and wretched decisions making.
5. One of every five hotels in NYC has been taken over by illegals on the taxpayers dime. But NYC’s main focus was elevating misdemeanors and get Trump.
Yeah his timing isn't great here but Republicans wouldn't have supported this if he did it 3 years ago either...or they would have done the same crap they did with infrastructure - take credit for something they voted against.
The key to Biden’s stupidity is he didn’t have to do anything. The correct policies were already in place.
It doesn't matter what he gets done, you guys hate it. 900,000 border encounters in 2019 and you guys didn't say one damn word about it.

You all have been provided the comparison between the two administrations and the numbers aren't even in the same stratosphere. You know this, yet here you are.

And you're being dishonest by saying that no one was talking about under Trump. The caravans and the entries were widely covered.
The dems have realized their goal.

1. A change in the census, resulting in more congressional seats.
2. Birthright citizenship with hopes that they vote dem.
3. A hard push for amnesty with hopes that they vote dem.
Wait - you think the Democrats gave us birthright citizenship? BWAAAHAHAHA.
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Bipartisan meaning it was negotiated by James Lankford a Republican senator from Oklahoma and supported by Leader McConnell until it wasn't. It was also nearly identical to a Republican House bill supported by Speaker Johnson and others in the GOP that was passed just last year. They can't take yes for an answer because the Dear Leader told them it would hurt him politically.

Wait a second. Are you referring to H.R.2?
It was also nearly identical to a Republican House bill supported by Speaker Johnson and others in the GOP that was passed just last year.

Bullshit,.. HR2 and the failed Senate bill are not at all the same.
OP sure went into full Blue talking points mode. Wowza. We were just told months ago when the Congressional plan fell through that there was nothing Biden could do. What changed?
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1. Trump was/is right.
2. If this wasn’t an election year Biden would just leave the border wide open. Trump will hammer him on this during the debate.
3. Americans are pissed Biden opened the border. Let’s not forget Biden caused this mess.
4. Biden could have done this two years ago. Clearly shows how mentally unfit for office and wretched decisions making.
5. One of every five hotels in NYC has been taken over by illegals on the taxpayers dime. But NYC’s main focus was elevating misdemeanors and get Trump.
I guess I should expect to see a lot more "open border" talk from the R's now that Trump is a convicted felon. Must distract!
I think it represents what is in the bill. If you think I misrepresented it, please tell me what is correct. Maybe share a link to prove it.

The inaccuracy is in the numbers. The presumption is that you are using HR 815 TITLE III—SECURING AMERICA Subtitle A—Border Emergency Authority, which contains verbiage about 5000 illegals per day. ( 5000 * 365 = 1,825,000)
The numbers (4,000, 5,000, and 8,500) utilized in that section are figures calculated to initiate either discretionary or mandated authorization of ‘‘SEC. 244B. BORDER EMERGENCY AUTHORITY.
The authority provides the Secretary with options to address the border.

Here is language in the bill addressing the numbers
(3) ACTIVATIONS OF AUTHORITY.— ‘‘(A) DISCRETIONARY ACTIVATION.—The Secretary may activate the border emergency authority if, during a period of 7 consecutive calendar days, there is an average of 4,000 or more aliens who are encountered each day. ‘‘(B) MANDATORY ACTIVATION.—The Secretary shall activate the border emergency authority if— ‘‘(i) during a period of 7 consecutive calendar days, there is an average of 5,000 or more aliens who are encountered each day; or ‘‘(ii) on any 1 calendar day, a combined total of 8,500 or more aliens are encountered.

Border Bill

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