Biden prepares to take decisive action as Republican dithering leaves US borders unsafe.

He's not closing anything...he's using the same bogus plan put forth in the bullshit bill that had a "daily cap" on the number of criminals allowed across the border.
Sooo, Stop criminals from crossing the border. So that means Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser, you know the convicted felon X34, can never cross the border out of the United States? Dang.
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I'm sure there is a lot of that. I don't know how many are "trafficked" as you say vs those who are simply crossing on their own, but the total number today is way above the 2500 figure that the Biden order caps it at.
Or so we’re being told it will be capped. He still has to appease the loons in his party. How is he going to close the border once the cap is reached?
Or so we’re being told it will be capped. He still has to appease the loons in his party. How is he going to close the border once the cap is reached?
I don't think he's listening to his left flank right now with respect to this issue. If he was the order would have never been written. A cursory internet search will show how they're receiving it and it's not exactly a raving endorsement.
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I don't think he's listening to his left flank right now with respect to this issue. If he was the order would have never been written. A cursory internet search will show how they're receiving it and it's not exactly a raving endorsement.
This order does NOT comply with the global agenda. So he will be upsetting some people.
This order does NOT comply with the global agenda. So he will be upsetting some people.
I don't know what this global agenda is that you're referring to. If you're referring to the loose border crowd on the far left I agree with you.
Heard it put this way today.

Biden asking for more Border Patrol agents is like Walmart having a huge theft problem and hiring more greeters.
President Biden expected bipartisan legislation addressing numerous issues on the border and it didn't happen. That's today's whys.
Good for you Mr. President to do whatever you need to help you get reelected. I believe it was trump that has mentioned that as long as you win, that's all that is important.

It's not like he paid a porn star and Play Boy bunny off to keep them from spilling the beans to the American public. You right wing cultists certainly try to be entertaining. lol
I don't know what this global agenda is that you're referring to. If you're referring to the loose border crowd on the far left I agree with you.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognizes the positive contribution of migrants to inclusive growth and sustainable development. The Agenda's core principle is to "leave no one behind," which includes migrants. Many of the Agenda’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) contain targets and indicators which are relevant to migrants or migration. SDG target 10.7 calls on countries to “facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies ”.
From 2018. Responding to children being taken from their parents. By a Congresswoman who has very little powe within the party. You fail. Again.
Triggered Much?

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognizes the positive contribution of migrants to inclusive growth and sustainable development. The Agenda's core principle is to "leave no one behind," which includes migrants. Many of the Agenda’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) contain targets and indicators which are relevant to migrants or migration. SDG target 10.7 calls on countries to “facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies ”.
Wait - are you suggesting the US can continue to grow and be successful without immigration?
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Wow! I'm watching Fox and the Republicans are really mad that he's taking action now.
Should have taken it six months ago - wait, they had a bipartisan plan six months ago and the senate Republicans killed it at the direction of Donnie Felon. The bipartisan plan also contained a desperately needed aide package for Ukraine which was killed by senate Republicans per Donnie Felon's wishes.
Republicans in Congress refusing to put the country over Orange Jesus.
That is true. What’s also true is Biden reversed executive actions day one that started this 3 1/2 year flood of migrants over the border. Tell me he’s not to blame for that. Then go to confession
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Hahahaha.... he expected bipartisan work from a group that spent the previous 4 years shitting on everything the last guy did?

What a f.ucking idiot.
Well - not quite everything. Do you get tired of being wrong?

During the Biden administration, several bipartisan bills have been passed, showcasing cooperation between Democrats and Republicans. Some notable examples include:
  1. Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act): This legislation, signed into law in November 2021, is a major investment in the nation's infrastructure. It includes funding for roads, bridges, rail, public transit, airports, ports, and broadband internet. The law also addresses clean water infrastructure and electric vehicle charging stations (The White House) (The White House) (Wikipedia).
  2. Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2023: This bill provides a 3.2% cost-of-living increase for Department of Veterans Affairs compensation benefits for veterans with service-connected disabilities and military survivors (Senate Veterans).
  3. Fiscal Year 2023 Veterans Affairs Major Medical Facility Authorization Act: This law approves several VA construction projects to better serve veterans nationwide (Senate Veterans).
  4. Fiscal Year 2024 VA Extenders Legislation: This bill extends critical VA services and programs, ensuring veterans have access to medical disability examinations, education benefits, and emergency preparedness funding (Senate Veterans).
These bills reflect a significant level of bipartisan support and demonstrate the administration's commitment to improving infrastructure, supporting veterans, and addressing various public needs.
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Yep, the bi partisan bill that Johnson pulled because he has no guts to stand on his own two feet. Instead, he's trump's little bitch.
Like was stated…it was a bogus plan that didn’t actually stop illegal migration, so it was properly rejected.

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