Biden to Meet With His Family on Sunday

There were a few things at play there:

1. She was very unlikeable
2. Obviously the health concerns. She looked like a dead fish being shuttled into that van, zero strength projected
3. Comey announcing opening up an investigation
all these are true and biden has some other stuff in play as well right now
She should be told that she can throw her hat in the ring with Whitmer, Newsom, Pritzger and others. It’s up to her to generate excitement and support. Being VP doesn’t and shouldn’t make it “her turn.”

If she can’t win over the delegates, she isn’t going to have much success in a general election with the handicap that is the electoral college. A democrat needs to win 54 or 55 percent of the vote to be elected thanks to that relic.

If she doesn’t like it, someone should remind her that she very briefly peaked at 4% in 2020 and spent almost all of her time as a candidate at 1%.
This is all being discussed behind closed doors. If Biden exits, there’s a chance he makes his delegates pledge to support Kamala because she’s already on the ticket. If he says to send it to the convention, then there will be choices. I personally think he’s staying in the race and if he leaves, it’ll be Kamala.
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I'd vote for anyone the Dems put up instead of Trump unless it's Harris or Newsome. If that's the case I will do what I plan on now and that's not voting for either guy.
I get the need for anyone but Trump. But really? Harris or Newsom? California is a shithole and that’s on Newsom. And you want that to spread to the rest of the country?
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Joe will stay. Jill is a selfish you know what. Joe will lose by the largest margin ever. The dems will lose both the senate and house. Mtg might become speaker of the house. These things actually seem plausible. Some people on here will continue to live in blissful denial.
Idk. That would be pretty massive news. Plus the Rs will sue to keep any new nominee off the ballot and SCOTUS will probably agree with them. Coming up with a compromise VP might be the safer choice.

Those state laws don’t have provisions for death or incapacitation? How can they commit to a candidate on state ballots when we are currently seven weeks before the convention. We don’t have an official nominee.

I don’t know the source but this sounds like more disinformation from Team Jill.
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I get the need for anyone but Trump. But really? Harris or Newsom? California is a shithole and that’s on Newsom. And you want that to spread to the rest of the country?

He said UNLESS it's Harris or Newsome. Dumb F
Joe will stay. Jill is a selfish you know what. Joe will lose by the largest margin ever. The dems will lose both the senate and house. Mtg might become speaker of the house. These things actually seem plausible. Some people on here will continue to live in blissful denial.

Too many people are openly against Joe staying on. Jill isn’t going to have a choice. It may take donors throwing their weight around and threatening to cut off funds but this won’t be allowed to continue more than a few days.
Those state laws don’t have provisions for death or incapacitation? How can they commit to a candidate on state ballots when we are currently seven weeks before the convention. We don’t have an official nominee.

I don’t know the source but this sounds like more disinformation from Team Jill.
It's more like not trusting the Trump judges. Rs will absolutely sue to keep a new nominee off the ballot.
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It's more like not trusting the Trump judges. Rs will absolutely sue to keep a new nominee off the ballot.

That is a genuine concern but it is a far greater risk to run, what is now being referred to by overseas press, a cadaver. That will result in the biggest landslide of all time and will provide a mandate for Project 2025 and the permanent TRUMP dictatorship.
That is a genuine concern but it is a far greater risk to run, what is now being referred to by overseas press, a cadaver.
That's why I favor replacing Harris. It mitigates these lawsuits, Gretchen brings Michigan and other Midwest states with her. It sets her up nicely in 2028. And it comforts voters that we are in good hands when Biden goes down.
That's why I favor replacing Harris. It mitigates these lawsuits, Gretchen brings Michigan and other Midwest states with her. It sets her up nicely in 2028. And it comforts voters that we are in good hands when Biden goes down.
I just saw a poll where whitmer polls 4 or 5 points lower than biden- against trump. she will get beat worse than biden. so yes please bring her on!!
SIAP- I know this won't happen but I wonder if Biden's cabinet removing him due to his impairments would make an open convention any easier to hold.

"The 25th Amendment to the Constitution, which governs presidential succession, says that the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet may vote to declare a president “unable to discharge the powers and the duties of his office” and give the vice president the duties of acting president."
She isn't that smart man. I listened to her post debate. Not good. Seriously.
She's smart just not for politics. Which is why we need to dump her. She is less popular than Hillary and was such a lousy candidate that she didn't even make it to the primaries before dropping out. Math just isn't matching to keep her.
That is a genuine concern but it is a far greater risk to run, what is now being referred to by overseas press, a cadaver. That will result in the biggest landslide of all time and will provide a mandate for Project 2025 and the permanent TRUMP dictatorship.
You truly can't believe this. You know what happens if Trump gets elected? In 4 years we will elect someone else. That's it.
I agree but you shouldn't be allowed to put a convicted felon on the ballot either.

Dude. He can’t even vote for himself. What a crazy world we live in when you can be on the ballot AND now being the leading candidate, yet you can’t even vote for yourself because you are a felon. Strange times indeed.
You truly can't believe this. You know what happens if Trump gets elected? In 4 years we will elect someone else. That's it.
Wrong. He wont leave until he dies. That will be his primary goal the next four years. He will purge every last safeguard to dismantle the two term limit.
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SIAP- I know this won't happen but I wonder if Biden's cabinet removing him due to his impairments would make an open convention any easier to hold.

"The 25th Amendment to the Constitution, which governs presidential succession, says that the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet may vote to declare a president “unable to discharge the powers and the duties of his office” and give the vice president the duties of acting president."
I don't believe the coup de grace option would be accepted by most democrats. I also believe that Harris or any of the cabinet would have the balls to employ it without universal approval of any democrat in power (congress or senate, living past pres, money donors).

I've been reading these threads since Thursday. Maybe Joe steps down of his own volition, maybe he doesn't (I think he stays). I do know that there has been much hand wringing on here and I think it is unwarranted. I watched the debate, and it was bad, but not nearly as bad as reported.

Simple solution is to replace Harris with a moderate or someone who is likeable to all Americans, Joe invokes the 25th, new VEEP takes over. I know that was suggested, just saying that would be preferable.
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Wrong. He wont leave until he dies. That will be his primary goal the next four years. He will purge every last safeguard to dismantle the two term limit.
Blah blah blah. That's a great load of bullshit.
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You truly can't believe this. You know what happens if Trump gets elected? In 4 years we will elect someone else. That's it.
Jan 6 actually happened despite your willingness to ignore it. Trump is a cancer. The world has lost faith in the US regardless who wins in November. We are witnessing the rapid decline of our country. If you think what is happening is BAU and of no concern then you are delusional.
Jan 6 actually happened despite your willingness to ignore it. Trump is a cancer. The world has lost faith in the US regardless who wins in November. We are witnessing the rapid decline of our country. If you think what is happening is BAU and of no concern then you are delusional.
I really don’t see what specifically will change no matter who wins besides opinions and people’s mood.

US will still have the strongest military.
US will still be the driving force for world economy.
US will still be the world’s piggy bank.
US will still set debt records.

China is screwed long term because of their aging population.
Wrong. He wont leave until he dies. That will be his primary goal the next four years. He will purge every last safeguard to dismantle the two term limit.

Come on. Do you really believe this? Sheesh. Talk about fear mongering.
I think you’re wrong dude. Kamala is a non starter, so how the fvck do they navigate that piece? I think we’re fvcked.
If the Dem powers that be genuinely think Kamala is presidential caliber, they might want to suggest Biden resign as President so that Harris can BE PRESIDENT for the next 4 months.

Some may recall that I suggested something similar many months ago - namely that Biden needed to give Harris some high profile, important jobs/projects so she could be in the limelight, strut her stuff, and prove that she has what it takes.

To some extent that may have happened. She was briefly active on the border, also on abortion, and a little on Ukraine. But the impact (for me, at least) was underwhelming. Whether that's because she underperformed, or because the media ignored her, I don't know.

SO . . . on the one hand the Rs predictably mock and lie about Harris while, on the other, she has not stood out or dispelled doubts.

I'm left thinking that it's probably too late for Kamala. As I said before, the Dems need someone who can generate excitement. That's simply not Kamala.
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It's more like not trusting the Trump judges. Rs will absolutely sue to keep a new nominee off the ballot.
As much as you want to keep trying to make this about Trump, this is all about Joe…which means Trump wins.
I think we're underestimating the PRESS in this discussion.

In 2004 Howard Dean was running an excellent center-left, anti-war campaign, leading the media and DLC-preferred candidate John Kerry.

Then came "the scream." It was nothing but the media and the Dem power brokers instantly blew it way out of proportion to destroy Dean. It was all they had and they milked it for all it was worth.

As of now, a few in the media have called for Biden to withdraw from the race. But despite 100 times the provocation, there's no firestorm.

Why the difference? All I can think of is that Biden is the insider's choice; whereas Dean was an upstart. Sort of like the Hillary vs Bernie situation.