Biden's team bracing for special counsel's report on classified docs

The only thing I can think of is that it was a baseline question. For the record, state your name? Age? Profession? Married? List your children. Ages? You had a son pass away? What year was that? What years were you a Senator? What years were you VP?

Or Hur is the partisan hack you are making him out to be.
Why would asking when his son died be a baseline question? What possible details surrounding his sons cancer and his death be at all part of this investigation? Walk me through why Beaus cancer and death is in anyway related to these documents? Further walk me through why his cancer and death should be one of the investigations highlights?
I almost admire your fervor in defending the current POTUS.

None of us have heard the audio of the 5 hour interview but I will agree that I’d be very fatigued after 5 hours and if I were Biden’s age I might sound demented too - and so would many on this board (more so than usual😂)

IMO Hur’s wording showed he was trying to tiptoe through a mine field but he is definitely missing several toes at this point.
Hur wasn't tiptoeing around his age. He dropped an anvil right on it.
Yet you libs keep defending this sick man. This whole thread backing him up. It’s freaking pitiful. You should all be ashamed and embarrassed.
"You libs" don't lump me in with those peoplx please 😅
Trump or Kamala? Is that what I'm really forced to consider? Is Manchin gonna run? Both parties kinda don't like him, right? Time is ripe for an independent.
The Simpsons GIF
Why would asking when his son died be a baseline question? What possible details surrounding his sons cancer and his death be at all part of this investigation? Walk me through why Beaus cancer and death is in anyway related to these documents? Further walk me through why his cancer and death should be one of the investigations highlights?
I don’t think you understand the definition of what baseline questions are. Look it up then get back to me.
From PBSNewsHour legal experts:

"I mean, the report, when you read it, it's clearly written for a public audience. It's not written like a normal legal document. It's not written in legalese, really. And certainly the beginning summary is written with a kind of audience in mind. It's written with a public audience in mind and certainly with reporters in mind."

How are we supposed to take this? Whole thing seems skewed instead of sticking to the facts. What kind of investigation ends in a report written not from a legal. Perspective but from a political one?

It is really too bad as it looks like there was a political motivation. Shame on Garland for allowing it. There is no way to put the genie back in the bottle now. It is like he is totally damaged goods in the eyes of many. Not sure how he comes back from that now. Any arguments are to Rs what Trumper arguments are to regular people. This was almost an inside hit job.
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Even Hur said he couldn't find intentionality. Not sure what you want here.
WASHINGTON, Feb 8 (Reuters) - An "elderly" President Joe Biden will not face charges for knowingly taking classified documents when he left the vice presidency in 2017, a prosecutor said on Thursday, opens new tab, drawing a swift rebuke from the president as he seeks reelection.

Special Counsel Robert Hur said in a report that he opted against bringing criminal charges following a 15-month investigation because Biden cooperated and would be difficult to convict, describing him as a "well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."

So is the issue word nuance between "intentionally" and "knowingly"? I'm not saying the President should face prison time for this because his actions weren't intentional to harm the country; however, actions should have consequences, right? What if Trump did this? Would you be upset?

What if Nancy Pelosi decides to remove classified documents from a SCIF and take them home to her private office? The precedence has been set that it is ok. Are you good with that?
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From PBSNewsHour legal experts:

"I mean, the report, when you read it, it's clearly written for a public audience. It's not written like a normal legal document. It's not written in legalese, really. And certainly the beginning summary is written with a kind of audience in mind. It's written with a public audience in mind and certainly with reporters in mind."

How are we supposed to take this? Whole thing seems skewed instead of sticking to the facts. What kind of investigation ends in a report written not from a legal. Perspective but from a political one?

The problem is, the facts lead to willfully taking classified documents, inappropriately. And while that does not lead to criminal process for sitting presidents, it can lead to certain other remedies from the political branches. Hence the need to get into mens rea related stuff and practical likelihood of success stuff.

So yeah I agree it’s political, but not entirely to his disadvantage.
Bidens wife should be ashamed and his family should also be ashamed for trotting him out there for the nation to see. He has zero business being in politics. He repeatedly claims to have visited with dead people.

The man shouldn't be allowed to drive yet alone be President.

If he went to local grocery with a list a few hours later the store manager would be calling his family to report he was found aimlessly walking around lost in the aisles.

It's high time the 25th Amendment be put in motion.
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It's been pointed out already but other subjects of the investigation couldn't recall specifics from stuff that happened a decade ago. You don't find it odd that none of them were accused of not having functioning minds? You can understand why this reeks of Hur having an agenda.

It is, quite literally, what Durham did, when he had nothing to criminally charge.

Wrote a novel of unrelated nonsense for rightwing media to parrot.
From PBSNewsHour legal experts:

"I mean, the report, when you read it, it's clearly written for a public audience. It's not written like a normal legal document. It's not written in legalese, really. And certainly the beginning summary is written with a kind of audience in mind. It's written with a public audience in mind and certainly with reporters in mind."

How are we supposed to take this? Whole thing seems skewed instead of sticking to the facts. What kind of investigation ends in a report written not from a legal. Perspective but from a political one?

Why don't you take issue with him not being charged because of how he predicts a jury will see things rather than letting it play out. That seems like the most egregious thing. Yet, none of you seem to have a problem with that part of it.
Called as soon as I saw the report.

It’s the playbook.

Nobody said a word about the guy when Garland appointed him.

Report comes out…MAGA stooge 😂
Hard to take him any other way but being a stooge. The report is written sensationally. It's not legalise. It's written to grab headlines. It delves into areas it shouldn't touch like his dead son. It makes medical judgments with no authority to do so. It's contradictory. It's ok to admit that this is a political and not legal report.
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Why don't you take issue with him not being charged because of how he predicts a jury will see things rather than letting it play out. That seems like the most egregious thing. Yet, none of you seem to have a problem with that part of it.
Oh I take issue with that too and have said as such when I made my Cosby comparison. If he has the goods, charge Biden. Absolutely charge him. The fact that he won't suggests that either Hur is botching his job or what seems painfully clear, that he really doesn't have evidence for a crime.
Why don't you take issue with him not being charged because of how he predicts a jury will see things

That's just rightwing BS.

If he could be charged, it would be up to a judge or medical staff to decide if he was competent for trial.
Prosecutors don't make those kinds of statements. Ever.

Find anything close to that in either of Mueller's reports.
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Oh I take issue with that too and have said as such when I made my Cosby comparison. If he has the goods, charge Biden. Absolutely charge him. The fact that he won't suggests that either Hur is botching his job or what seems painfully clear, that he really doesn't have evidence for a crime.
I can see it being political. But it also happens to be true.
I can see it being political. But it also happens to be true.
Here's what I believe is true. Biden was sloppy taking care of these documents. He had no nefarious intent keeping them and may have even had known he had them, but he wasn't careful in their keep. I also believe that if the archives ever asked for them back that Biden knew that he would obey their wishes and return them immediately, which is exactly what he did.

I also believe that Biden forgot large chunks of events surrounding these documents. And some of these missing chunks may have been related to age. Do I believe that he forgot about his dead son or forgot about his time as VP? Of course not. That is ridiculous. But I do believe that he was unable to answer a number of questions.

So what does this mean? Does it mean Biden committed a crime? No. He clearly did not. Is Biden so lost in his memories that he can't even recall his own son's death? Also no. That seems ridiculous on it's face.

The truth is what is the most likely explanation. Biden did exactly what Pence did. Took some documents he shouldn't have, owned up to it, and immediately returned them. The rest is just political sensation designed to grab headlines.
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