Biden's team bracing for special counsel's report on classified docs

I can’t imagine what Biden is going to look like by the end of a second term. The office of POTUS ages a man more than any other job in the world. Every President in my lifetime left the White House looking like he aged two or three years for every year he was there. Joe will be 86 at the end of his next term. He’s going to look like a 100 year old man.
From PBSNewsHour legal experts:

"I mean, the report, when you read it, it's clearly written for a public audience. It's not written like a normal legal document. It's not written in legalese, really. And certainly the beginning summary is written with a kind of audience in mind. It's written with a public audience in mind and certainly with reporters in mind."

People need to understand that the Special Counsel operates under specific rules requiring the submission of a public report, explaining final findings & recommendations,.. If Hur was operating as a common prosecutor no public explanations would have been given,.. Don't like it?, change the special counsel rules.
He's not saying there wasn't willful intent. He's saying the evidence of willful intent is circumstantial by the presence of the documents, and it's hard to prove.

Ummm…it sounds like if you can’t prove there is willful intent based on the evidence, then there is no willful intent.

Go back and re-read what Hur wrote. It’s not what you are suggesting.

“While it’s natural to assume that Mr. Biden put the Afghanistan documents in the box on purpose….THERE IS IN FACT A SHORTAGE OF EVIDENCE ON THESE POINTS”.
Ummm…it sounds like if you can’t prove there is willful intent based on the evidence, then there is no willful intent.

Go back and re-read what Hur wrote. It’s not what you are suggesting.

“While it’s natural to assume that Mr. Biden put the Afghanistan documents in the box on purpose….THERE IS IN FACT A SHORTAGE OF EVIDENCE ON THESE POINTS”.
We know that he had classified documents in his home. We know that at some point he was well aware that they were there. We know that he didn’t return them until his lawyers found some other classified documents while cleaning out his office at the Penn Biden Center. There are audio recordings of him discussing classified documents with his ghostwriter after he left office and after the documents should have already been returned.

So one of these two explanations must be true. Either he 1) kept them intentionally, or 2) fvcking forgot that he had classified documents.

I guess it’s up to you to decide which one is less damning.
Ummm…it sounds like if you can’t prove there is willful intent based on the evidence, then there is no willful intent.

Go back and re-read what Hur wrote. It’s not what you are suggesting.

“While it’s natural to assume that Mr. Biden put the Afghanistan documents in the box on purpose….THERE IS IN FACT A SHORTAGE OF EVIDENCE ON THESE POINTS”.
That's some convoluted and tortured logic right there. You could be Biden's press secretary. There's no shortage of evidence Biden took the documents and stored them in his home for decades. He claimed they were in locked, or lockable, cabinets, but they obviously weren't.
That's some convoluted and tortured logic right there. You could be Biden's press secretary. There's no shortage of evidence Biden took the documents and stored them in his home for decades. He claimed they were in locked, or lockable, cabinets, but they obviously weren't.

It’s not my convoluted or tortured logic, though. It’s Hur’s.

It’s straight out of his report.

There’s no evidence of willful intent and even Hur admits “…that [while] Mr. Biden was mistaken in his legal judgment [it] is not enough to prove he acted willfully, which requires intent to do something the law forbids.”
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Nope. But my pop had diagnosed Alzheimer's for 10 years, and was in a specialized assisted living facility for his last 2 1/2 years, so I know the signs.

Unlike Joes Place, and a lot of Biden supporters here, I don't claim someone has to be a doctor to recognize dementia. I'm certainly not a hypocrite about it, demanding a medical diagnosis about Biden while also taking shots at Trump. I'm not supporting Trump at all, just pointing out the inconsistency.
People need to understand that the Special Counsel operates under specific rules requiring the submission of a public report, explaining final findings & recommendations
NONE of the window-dressing prose he wrote has anything at all to do with "explaining" findings.
Unlike Joes Place, and a lot of Biden supporters here, I don't claim someone has to be a doctor to recognize dementia.
Where did I post anything close to this?

BOTH Biden AND Trump are very old, and clearly not as sharp as they were 10-20 years ago.
Nope. But my pop had diagnosed Alzheimer's for 10 years, and was in a specialized assisted living facility for his last 2 1/2 years, so I know the signs.

Unlike Joes Place, and a lot of Biden supporters here, I don't claim someone has to be a doctor to recognize dementia. I'm certainly not a hypocrite about it, demanding a medical diagnosis about Biden while also taking shots at Trump. I'm not supporting Trump at all, just pointing out the inconsistency.

Then maybe you should have posted "was your pop diagnosed with Alzheimers for 10 years and in a specialized assisted living center for his last 2-1/2 years?" instead of "Wait... Are you a doctor?".
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Then maybe you should have posted "was your pop diagnosed with Alzheimers for 10 years and in a specialized assisted living center for his last 2-1/2 years?" instead of "Wait... Are you a doctor?".
It's all good. You apparently didn't read my other post about all the people here criticizing Hur because he's not a doctor, yet those same people post often about Trump's mental issues. My point is, in either case, it doesn't require a medical diagnosis to see obvious problems. I've had many sports injuries in my life, and of a lot of them didn't require an X-Ray or other test by a doctor to diagnose.
That's because people like you continue to propagate it WITHOUT pointing out the same issue with Trump.

No's because people watch him and listen to him and come up with that opinion on their own.

It is what it is.

Gas lighting on the subject ain't gonna make it go away.
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No's because people watch him and listen to him
He's had a speech impediment his entire life.

That isn't stopping him from negotiating and passing key legislation like we haven't seen since Obama.

FDR served in the WH in a wheelchair. Was he an "ineffective" leader, too?
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Both appear too old and have cognitive issues, so to me this doesn't move the needle. It's not a great look for Biden nor Trump... yet they are who we will have on the ballot. Knowing what I know I will vote for Biden over Trump.
And ending up with Harris if Biden gets elected.
He's had a speech impediment his entire life.

And there it is - the stutter finally makes an appearance in the discussion.

That isn't stopping him from negotiating and passing key legislation like we haven't seen since Obama.

FDR served in the WH in a wheelchair. Was he an "ineffective" leader, too?
The FDR comparison is quite possibly the most idiotic argument you could make here. Did FDR’s condition affect his memory or his mental acuity in any way?

No, he couldn’t walk. How much of being POTUS requires walking or running or frolicking? Close to zero, I’d say.

How much of being POTUS requires the ability to think and recall and decide? Just about all of it, I’d say.
How much of being POTUS requires the ability to think and recall and decide? Just about all of it, I’d say.

And considering that Biden has out-negotiated key GOP figures the last few years, I'd say he's doing a damn fine job of that.

The ONLY President incapable of getting major infrastructure legislation passed the past 7 years was TRUMP.
No. I’m saying that not all of his foibles can be explained away by saying he has a stutter.
He's certainly had a FAR more successful 4-yr track record of negotiating major legislation than Trump did...
And considering that Biden has out-negotiated key GOP figures the last few years, I'd say he's doing a damn fine job of that.

The ONLY President incapable of getting major infrastructure legislation passed the past 7 years was TRUMP.
Again, the issue isn’t what he has done so far. The issue is that he is rapidly aging in a job that ages everyone rapidly. If I thought we would be getting the same Joe Biden at age 86 that we got at age 78 then I would vote for him again without hesitation.
Link ALL of your posts which refer to "Trump being too old" or "Trump cognitive disability" then.

Let's compare.
Moving the goal post again. How about you link one post I've made, just one, where I've said I support Trump for POTUS.

You said that I have no problem supporting Trump for POTUS. Don't move the goalpost; back it up.
Moving the goal post again.

No. I'm absolutely not.

YOU are making claims about Biden's mental fitness. Trump has identical issues.

POST how many times you've pointed that out for Trump. Age and mental fitness simply isn't a distinguishing issue for 2024
No. I'm absolutely not.

YOU are making claims about Biden's mental fitness. Trump has identical issues.

POST how many times you've pointed that out for Trump. Age and mental fitness simply isn't a distinguishing issue for 2024
I asked you how you came to the conclusion I have no trouble supporting Trump. Unlike most here, I'm not binary. My statements about Biden don't mean I support Trump. So defend your comment about me having no trouble supporting Trump. That's our post. Defend it.
That's precisely what your point is, when you are claiming he is "losing it".
My point is that his mental acuity at age 86 is not going to be anywhere near what it is even now at age 81, let alone what it was 3 years ago at age 78.

Cognitive decline from age 50 to age 55 is fairly negligible for most people. Cognitive decline from age 81 to age 86 is an entirely different story, especially if you’re dealing with the daily rigors of one of the most stressful jobs in the world.

I don’t know if you’re somehow unable to grasp this concept or if you’ve just chosen to disregard it because of your political bias.
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I asked you how you came to the conclusion I have no trouble supporting Trump.
I asked you to link your prior posts criticizing Trump's "mental acuity" as you do for Biden.

Or, is that only a "Biden" issue, for you?
Again, the issue isn’t what he has done so far. The issue is that he is rapidly aging in a job that ages everyone rapidly. If I thought we would be getting the same Joe Biden at age 86 that we got at age 78 then I would vote for him again without hesitation.
None of this matters because I'd rather have a dead Biden than an alive Trump. Anything to avoid danger works for me so if that's an old forgetful man... so be it. If GOP would have had a decent option I'd have given it consideration, but no way I'm voting Trump. Ever.
None of this matters because I'd rather have a dead Biden than an alive Trump. Anything to avoid danger works for me so if that's an old forgetful man... so be it. If GOP would have had a decent option I'd have given it consideration, but no way I'm voting Trump. Ever.
It does matter because there is still time for the Dems to run someone other than Biden. I don’t want Trump under any circumstances, but I would much rather have someone besides Biden.
My point is that his mental acuity at age 86 is not going to be anywhere near what it is even now at age 81, let alone what it was 3 years ago at age 78.
Yet, he has STILL be able to negotiate major legislation w/ the opposing party at his age.

Something Trump WAS never capable of, and WILL never be capable of.

Biden will surround himself with capable and honest people to make up for whatever shortcomings his "mental declines" bring. Trump will NOT.
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