Asks Russian GIF
He has to wrestle smart and clean. I still think he is the better, more technical wrestler. But, theone thing that has scared me from the beginning of Ayala moving up to 133 is physical, “strength” positions. He just doesn’t have the firepower to fight out of those type of positions. Not that it is “easy” for anyone, but plenty of guys are “strong” enough to wing down and square up in that position…
They talk of him possibly moving to 141 next year seems nuts. He isn't even an especially big 133. He'd get pushed around.
another tom brands masterclass.

looking forward to @MSU158 or @Gobblin acting like nobody could have seen this coming
I am definitely not going to say they had a good tournament. But, it also wasn’t a straight up dud like you Brands haters want to make it out to be.

I will happily do a grades thread later on and I welcome you to tell me where I am wrong when I do…

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