I just simply have never been a fan of the "grass is greener on the other side" mentality. This is especially true when your grass already is WAY greener than everyone but 1 other house in the entire country.
To keep the green grass anaolgy, to realistically consider making a change, I would want the proven creators of Natural Way, True Green and Chem Lawn to ALL come to an intensive 3 phase interview. I would want them to lay out to me how and why they would not only do better than(Iowa underr Brands) but be able to surpass someone(PSU under Sanderson) that has revolutionized the market. We are talking about a guy that found the way to organically create his lawn by hand, while damn near taking over the entire inventory necessary to make the grass that green.
The problem is, I don't see anyone at that level to even come interview. The simple truth is, you are just as likely, probably more so, to fall further behind with a new hire, than to magically catch a team that has revolutionized the sport is so many different ways...