Can one of you god folk…


HR Legend
Dec 16, 2001
Iowa City, IA
…explain why people say “contraception is next” when it comes to the post RvW war? I mean, I know you all get a little loony but is this some situation where you’re persevering on some interpretation of scripture that you’ve all warped or is it some institutional thing? Something else? Or are you most of you fine with the pill and rubbers?
…explain why people say “contraception is next” when it comes to the post RvW war? I mean, I know you all get a little loony but is this some situation where you’re persevering on some interpretation of scripture that you’ve all warped or is it some institutional thing? Something else? Or are you most of you fine with the pill and rubbers?
More children born into religious families = more future members of the church = more money = more power.
…explain why people say “contraception is next” when it comes to the post RvW war? I mean, I know you all get a little loony but is this some situation where you’re persevering on some interpretation of scripture that you’ve all warped or is it some institutional thing? Something else? Or are you most of you fine with the pill and rubbers?
I'm not one of the religious people you are asking, but the Catholic Church has always only officially allowed natural birth control (i.e. only having sex during the infertile period of a woman's monthly cycle) Also some methods of birth control like IUDs work by not allowing a fertilized embryo to implant in the uterus. (Thus abortion according to extremists.)
I have no idea what your question means lol

I’ll make it super simps for you:

Hardcore god folk are (and have been) fighting against abortion and overturning RvW was a big win.

Many (lib) people are saying contraception is next on the list for these hardcore god folk.

My question is: why specifically do god folk think rubbers and the pill are bad? Or is that not the case and the people saying contraception is next are wrong?
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1) I'm not one of the religious people you are asking, but the Catholic Church has always only officially allowed natural birth control (i.e. only having sex during the infertile period of a woman's monthly cycle) 2) Also some methods of birth control like IUDs work by not allowing a fertilized embryo to implant in the uterus. (Thus abortion according to extremists.)

1) catholic god folk - where did this come from? Specific scripture? Institution? Man?

2) Alabama says hi.
I’ll make it super simps for you:

Hardcore god folk are (and have been) fighting against abortion and overturning RvW was a big win.

Many (lib) people are saying contraception is next on the list for these hardcore god folk.

My question is: why specifically do god folk think rubbers and the pill are bad? Or is that not the case and the people saying contraception is next are wrong?


Some forms of birth control like the "morning after pill" act as abortion because they end a life.

There is natural law theory which holds that sex is for procreation and anything unnatural that disrupts that is immoral because it stifles the true purpose of sex and turns people into objects for use.

Here's an article:

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Some forms of birth control like the "morning after pill" act as abortion because they end a life.

There is natural law theory which holds that sex is for procreation and anything unnatural that disrupts that is immoral because it stifles the true purpose of sex and turns people into objects for use.

Here's an article:

In your view is natural law theory the word of god or the interpretation of men? Something different?

Billions of teenage boys both past, present, and future that have and will send trillions upon trillions of drain babies up the river are dying to know.
In your view is natural law theory the word of god or the interpretation of men? Something different?

Billions of teenage boys both past, present, and future that have and will send trillions upon trillions of drain babies up the river are dying to know.

The great genius theologian Thomas Aquinas had a comment:

According to St. Thomas, the natural law is “nothing else than the rational creature’s participation in the eternal law” (I-II, Q. xciv). The eternal law is God‘s wisdom, in as much as it is the directive norm of all movement and action. When God willed to give existence to creatures, He willed to ordain and direct them to an end."

The great genius theologian Thomas Aquinas had a comment:

According to St. Thomas, the natural law is “nothing else than the rational creature’s participation in the eternal law” (I-II, Q. xciv). The eternal law is God‘s wisdom, in as much as it is the directive norm of all movement and action. When God willed to give existence to creatures, He willed to ordain and direct them to an end."

I asked you. Not Tommy A.
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Some forms of birth control like the "morning after pill" act as abortion because they end a life.

There is natural law theory which holds that sex is for procreation and anything unnatural that disrupts that is immoral because it stifles the true purpose of sex and turns people into objects for use.

Here's an article:

Yeah, we wouldn’t want people to be used as objects.🙄

How many people have died in the name of “god”?
Killing others because they believe in a different sky fairy is cool, but only fvck for procreation or you’re going to hell!!! 🤣
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Yeah, we wouldn’t want people to be used as objects.🙄

How many people have died in the name of “god”?
Killing others because they believe in a different sky fairy is cool, but only fvck for procreation or you’re going to hell!!! 🤣

Killing people in the name of God is probably the worst sin of all time.
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…explain why people say “contraception is next” when it comes to the post RvW war? I mean, I know you all get a little loony but is this some situation where you’re persevering on some interpretation of scripture that you’ve all warped or is it some institutional thing? Something else? Or are you most of you fine with the pill and rubbers?
season 1 friends GIF

Ask the Catholics. All good on my end. ;)
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In your view is natural law theory the word of god or the interpretation of men? Something different?

Billions of teenage boys both past, present, and future that have and will send trillions upon trillions of drain babies up the river are dying to know.