Chuck Schumer grilling skills

Lol for so many reasons. How do we allow morons like this to run our country?

What does this have to do with black people being thugs?

Oh, and who the **** cares? But I’m sure your Orange Messiah is a pro behind the grill. I’m sure he knows so much about grilling that even George Foreman is impressed.
Donny T likes his steaks welldone with ketchup. A man of the people. I'm noticing you leaning into the random trump rage posts more often these days. Don't let someone like Trump live rent free in your head, my friend. It's not good for you.
If it was cooked on one side, the cheese would be melted at least a little. It doesn’t look like the grill is on at all. That cheese isn’t melted.
Situation room in Toronto says those are at least partially cooked.
You know frozen hotdogs are better than cooked hotdogs?
The Office Finger Guns GIF
Honestly, if you don't know what you're doing, don't be dishonest about it in your PR. (Set aside the question of, if you're the father, what are YOU doing doing the cooking on Father's Day?)

With that said...yesterday, for our father's day grilling, I secured a mixed ground beef/ground smoked pork belly product that exceeded expectations. I was expecting a more bacony flavor, but it ended up just being savory/smoky.
I cooked yesterday bc I wanted burgers for fathers day and didn't trust my wife to do it.
Lol for so many reasons. How do we allow morons like this to run our country?

Donny T likes his steaks welldone with ketchup. A man of the people. I'm noticing you leaning into the random trump rage posts more often these days. Don't let someone like Trump live rent free in your head, my friend. It's not good for you.
I’m just trying to balance out your shit posting religiously defending Trump despite not liking Trump. 😝

I have been consistent in not mincing words about my disdain for Trump. He has completely ruined the party I once aligned with.

Regardless, c’mon, Scrud Man. There’s letting ‘er rip about Trump when the itch needs to be scratched and then there’s Chishawk’s crusade. I am nowhere near the latter.
My favorite part of this thread is in what I believe is my first time in HORT history I saw the word 'twat'.
Jesus Christ dude is grilling albeit not well but at least spending time with his family on Father’s Day. Take a fuking day off
It’s a politician taking a picture acting like he is grilling. Then he deletes the picture after getting laughed at so badly
It’s a politician taking a picture acting like he is grilling. Then he deletes the picture after getting laughed at so badly
I’m aware of the situation but why anyone wouldn’t simply look at this an move on with their life is beyond me. Are ppl trying to make some point about DEM politicians or equate his grilling skills to something else….why?

Dude is trying to grill on Father’s Day. Give him a break.
Tries looking like an average guy and discovers that he doesn't know how....
Those hot dogs looked just fine.

Only one burger had cheese on it and the rest still cooking. Maybe someone likes their burger hella rare or maybe he sat the cheese on the burger for the picture and then picked it back up.
I’m aware of the situation but why anyone wouldn’t simply look at this an move on with their life is beyond me. Are ppl trying to make some point about DEM politicians or equate his grilling skills to something else….why?

Dude is trying to grill on Father’s Day. Give him a break.
I’m sure you felt the same when DeSantis was laughed at for his white boots. Right?
  • Haha
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How can you possibly trust a grown man who has never owned or maintained a back yard?...
I guess maybe that was the point. He lived in an apartment his whole life so has no idea how to grill.

Maybe we should just feel sorry for him.

We could maybe start a GoFundMe to send him to manhood camp.
I’m sure you felt the same when DeSantis was laughed at for his white boots. Right?
I have no idea what you’re talking about because I don’t live and breath politics like you. You should probably get a hobby