Chuck Schumer grilling skills

If it was cooked on one side, the cheese would be melted at least a little. It doesn’t look like the grill is on at all. That cheese isn’t melted.
Not if the cheese had just been dropped on. What the heck do you mean the grill doesn’t look on? You can see the freakin flames in the picture.
I’m voting for Kennedy. Not sure what Trump has to do with Schumer throwing a slice of cheese in a raw patty.

That Trump guy must live rent free in your head all day long. That must suck
Donny shares a 3 bedroom condo there with Kirk and Brian.
No one in the Trump family has cooked any type of meal in years. I'm not sure any of them could even fire up a gas grill.
Absolutely not. Getting propane hooked up would be a monumental task.

I'd actually pay to watch that.
I don’t believe you
I don’t believe you
Seems like Jr is a big game hunter. I do t know if grilling skills come with that. Back on point, the burger isn’t raw. It’s undercooked. One side probably cooked. They threw a piece of cheese on for the photo. Dumb photo ops equals dumb photos.
Tries looking like an average guy and discovers that he doesn't know how,... Up next, Nancy Pelosi goes grocery shopping...
You don't remember her "let them eat ice cream moment" during the pandemic? Trump made a hilarious ad over it:

Say what you want, but those hotdogs look absolutely delicious and legit, I could eat all of them in a sitting. Chuck's burger skills however appear to be a bit raw.

On a somewhat related matter, tBW has an aunt that would on occasion devour an entire pound of cold uncooked ground beef, straight out of the shrink-wrap package. Blech!
Schumer's a dork, but you guys really need to look at yourselves and ask why you care so much about it.
Cuz trolling is a blast.

Especially the blue cult libs group coming to the defense to one of their leaders. Yah bunch of triggered wacko.
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