Chuck Schumer tells Joe to Go

I suspect that this is orchestrated and that Team Biden was given some room to exit gracefully over the past couple of weeks and we know of course that they did not go that route. Now...Team Dem is going to drum him out with one announcement after another until Biden drops out. This is taking a few more days to happen than I thought it would, but it's happening, IMO.

Donations are drying up and polling isn't looking good, he done.
Nothing like going into the Democratic National Convention with no candidate, no campaign structure, and a divided base.

I guess they can fall back on Trump bad, abortion good. See how far that gets them.

Seems like it closer for Biden to drop out. Money is drying up based on big donors.

Joe looked really old coming down the stairs from the plane. Tough situation
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You want to talk cult? Your party followed and believed everything they were spoon fed from Biden and his staff since 2020. You followed blindly without questioning for yourself. Now that Biden has zero chance of winning, your party wants to throw him to the curb for the sole purpose of not giving up control. And YOU, chisdick1425, will vote for whoever they put in Bidens place, no matter the policies, comments and character. That my friend, could be considered a cult. You throw around that word every post and it’s stupid. You sound stupid every time you say it.

Sack up for once, realize that your party is to blame because they let Mohamed Ali fight for too long when everyone knew he should’ve retired. America doesn’t believe any of the crap coming from the White House, they can’t be honest, about Hunter, funding, or Presidents health.
I hope Biden lives out his days peacefully holding hands with Jill. He’s been through a lot.

If you want to be mad, be mad at your party for lying about his condition. Now they’re lying about Covid to give him an out and to save face.
The Trump flags say you’re wrong.
I'm not happy that Trump is the Republican nominee. But Democrats were giddy about that fact in April. Democrats chose not to try to prolong the Republican primary contest. Remember the DNC chairman saying about Haley that Democrats weren't going to bail her out by switching party registration to vote against Trump? The Biden campaign expressed similar views. They wanted the Trump rematch. Well, hooray, you got the rematch you wanted, so you could make the existential threat argument that you wanted to make. Seems a little odd to be complaining about the Republicans when they nominated the candidate you wanted to face.
I'm not happy that Trump is the Republican nominee. But Democrats were giddy about that fact in April. Democrats chose not to try to prolong the Republican primary contest. Remember the DNC chairman saying about Haley that Democrats weren't going to bail her out by switching party registration to vote against Trump? The Biden campaign expressed similar views. They wanted the Trump rematch. Well, hooray, you got the rematch you wanted, so you could make the existential threat argument that you wanted to make. Seems a little odd to be complaining about the Republicans when they nominated the candidate you wanted to face.
Biden will be gone. He can't run without donors. Some dems like me who actually contribute money have said no more.
Joe looked really old coming down the stairs from the plane. Tough situation

That was tough to watch, I got the feeling that's the last we're going to see of Biden. They'll transition to a new candidate and try to keep him out of the public eye to not distract from the election imo.
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That was tough to watch, I got the feeling that's the last we're going to see of Biden. They'll transition to a new candidate and try to keep him out of the public eye to not distract from the election imo.
LOL - The Dem party is stained from the lies it has supported by pushing Biden for President for the last 12 months. Only a sheep would trust anything they say moving forward toward November.