Close friend pleading with me to not vaccinate our baby

Here ya go, Brian. This should disturb someone claiming to be pro-life. Your vaccine ‘researchers’ are into satanic sacrifice, it seems. 👺

You are a moron. Fetuses of 3 months. That were going to be aborted. They were used for research. Other than being burned to ash or disposed of some other way, what is your concern.
You are a moron. Fetuses of 3 months. That were going to be aborted. They were used for research. Other than being burned to ash or disposed of some other way, what is your concern.
The popes and their bishops have been lying to their faithful flock, saying only two fetal cell lines have ever been used in vaccine development and it’s morally ok to get jabbed since those babies weren’t deliberately aborted in order to make vaccines.

They were lying. Turns out they’ve been chopping up fetuses for over 50 years and using the parts for their gruesome experiments.

In addition to vaccines being junk science the fact that unborn babies are being used in this manner is just one more reason to avoid them.
The popes and their bishops have been lying to their faithful flock, saying only two fetal cell lines have ever been used in vaccine development and it’s morally ok to get jabbed since those babies weren’t deliberately aborted in order to make vaccines.

They were lying. Turns out they’ve been chopping up fetuses for over 50 years and using the parts for their gruesome experiments.

In addition to vaccines being junk science the fact that unborn babies are being used in this manner is just one more reason to avoid them.
Again you are a moron.
Again you are a moron.
The only thing you have to offer in defense of ‘science’, specifically as it relates to vaccines, is personal insults.

That says pretty much all I need to know about you and your ilk. Maybe Joes Place will stop by someday and give you a cyber pat on the head for your efforts 🙄
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The only thing you have to offer in defense of ‘science’, specifically as it relates to vaccines, is personal insults.

That says pretty much all I need to know about you and your ilk. Maybe Joes Place will stop by someday and give you a cyber pat on the head for your efforts 🙄
I"ve shown you over and over again your concerns are invalid. How else should I interpret your intelligence level? That you cannot have a rational discussion does not mean you have a winning argument. My son can believe he is the best player on his team, his beliefs mean diddly squat.

Your concern is over some fetuses that were used in research. Here is my rational discussion. The fetuses were already aborted. That they were used in research to develop vaccines or other research is irrelevant. You are basically saying no one should be an organ donor or for research after death. A non living entity should never be used is your argument. My analysis is its hogwash, and I don't think you truly believe either of those should not occur. You are bringing an ethics question and morality into a vaccine concern. Neither is related. You can talk about fetuses being chopped up and it makes no difference. I ran over a turtle the other day literally split in half saw the guts split out as ran over, shocked me but nothing I could do, oncoming traffic and at top of hill, would have died in either case, yes gruesome, but it was what it was. Life is like that.

Respond to this with an intelligent response and maybe I will stop thinking you are a moron. My hopes are not high. Remember you were the one that called vaccines junk science.
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Vaccines are a junk science.

That’s where this thread is right now. 22 pages in.

OP. I hope you vaccinate your kids. You don’t want to experience the travesties that humanity encountered prior to vaccines. Back in the days of having to have 8 kids because half of them died from something now preventable.
I"ve shown you over and over again your concerns are invalid. How else should I interpret your intelligence level? That you cannot have a rational discussion does not mean you have a winning argument. My son can believe he is the best player on his team, his beliefs mean diddly squat.

Your concern is over some fetuses that were used in research. Here is my rational discussion. The fetuses were already aborted. That they were used in research to develop vaccines or other research is irrelevant. You are basically saying no one should be an organ donor or for research after death. A non living entity should never be used is your argument. My analysis is its hogwash, and I don't think you truly believe either of those should not occur. You are bringing an ethics question and morality into a vaccine concern. Neither is related. You can talk about fetuses being chopped up and it makes no difference. I ran over a turtle the other day literally split in half saw the guts split out as ran over, shocked me but nothing I could do, oncoming traffic and at top of hill, would have died in either case, yes gruesome, but it was what it was. Life is like that.

Respond to this with an intelligent response and maybe I will stop thinking you are a moron. My hopes are not high. Remember you were the one that called vaccines junk science.
The only reason I brought up the use of fetuses in vaccine development was to show Brian the fine line between his love of God and his love of vaccines.

But it’s cute that you think I give a rat’s ass regarding your opinion of my intelligence. 🤣
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The only reason I brought up the use of fetuses in vaccine development was to show Brian the fine line between his love of God and his love of vaccines.

But it’s cute that you think I give a rat’s ass regarding your opinion of my intelligence. 🤣
Way to put out a strong rational argument defending your views.
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Vaccines are a junk science.

That’s where this thread is right now. 22 pages in.

OP. I hope you vaccinate your kids. You don’t want to experience the travesties that humanity encountered prior to vaccines. Back in the days of having to have 8 kids because half of them died from something now preventable.
The problem is kids die and are injured from vaccines as well, and the science that would show us just how bad it is doesn't exist.

Again, infectious disease was already on the way out with improved sanitation. Where would the numbers have gone if allowed to continue their downward trajectory w/o vaccines?
The problem is kids die and are injured from vaccines as well, and the science that would show us just how bad it is doesn't exist.

Again, infectious disease was already on the way out with improved sanitation. Where would the numbers have gone if allowed to continue their downward trajectory w/o vaccines?
These people are stuck in the 1660’s lol.

By the 1960’s, like you said, the societal impact of all these childhood illnesses was approaching zero.
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Vaccines have been a game changer for the good of humanity but this idea that the growth of the use of vaccines should simply be accepted and only those with specific training are allowed to question things is not OK. The increase in childhood vaccines is stunning when one looks at the last 40 or so years. There is zero chance the people that have developed these things truly understand how all of these vaccines interact with each other over time and truthfully it is unlikely they care all that much. There goal is above reproach in addressing disease which sure is a nice front to do whatever the hell you want without consequences. Joe's place is proving yet again how truly arrogant and stupid people can be in their trust of science. As if trust and science actually ever should go together as a way to quell dissent. Dissent of course is science but apparently only from the credentialed. Those that are profiting most off of their own hubris should be not only trusted but protected from liability in their motives and actions.

The existence of a Vaccine injury fund where claims are evaluated by a panel of experts in vaccines is an admission of guilt all by itself. Pharmaceutical companies threatened to not make vaccines if they are liable for hurting people? Let them not make them and then push them out of business. Do they make this argument on other drugs as well? By the way the initial story that it took ten years to clear their name as justification for not holding them liable is bunk on its face. What a clown show argument. Who proved them innocent? They did. It's a circular and incestuous argument to make. People are just too dumb to evaluate us is not true nor is it an argument that should ever be made on any subject.
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Vaccines have been a game changer for the good of humanity but this idea that the growth of the use of vaccines should simply be accepted and only those with specific training are allowed to question things is not OK. The increase in childhood vaccines is stunning when one looks at the last 40 or so years. There is zero chance the people that have developed these things truly understand how all of these vaccines interact with each other over time and truthfully it is unlikely they care all that much. There goal is above reproach in addressing disease which sure is a nice front to do whatever the hell you want without consequences. Joe's place is proving yet again how truly arrogant and stupid people can be in their trust of science. As if trust and science actually ever should go together as a way to quell dissent. Dissent of course is science but apparently only from the credentialed. Those that are profiting most off of their own hubris should be not only trusted but protected from liability in their motives and actions.

The existence of a Vaccine injury fund where claims are evaluated by a panel of experts in vaccines is an admission of guilt all by itself. Pharmaceutical companies threatened to not make vaccines if they are liable for hurting people? Let them not make them and then push them out of business. Do they make this argument on other drugs as well? By the way the initial story that it took ten years to clear their name as justification for not holding them liable is bunk on its face. What a clown show argument. Who proved them innocent? They did. It's a circular and incestuous argument to make. People are just too dumb to evaluate us is not true nor is it an argument that should ever be made on any subject.
This guy gets it. Well said!
Standing Ovation Clap GIF
With vaccines available for the first three and several in phase 3 trials for the third it won’t be long before ‘quad-demics’ are a distant memory, right? 🤔

What is a quad-demic?

A quad-demic is a way of describing the co-circulation of four "very common viruses" at this time of year – influenza virus, RSV, coronavirus and norovirus.

"The first three are respiratory viruses – they cause colds and more severe diseases of the lung; norovirus causes diarrhoea and vomiting," John Tregoning, a professor in vaccine immunology at Imperial College London, told ITV News.

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You have to got to be shitting me. You are blaming heart attacks on Covid shots? They were completely healthy no risk factors for heart disease? What the hell are you smoking. I’ve had all the possible shots, I should have had a couple double bypass by then. In my community probably half the population didn’t get shots primarily middle age. We have had probably 60 middle age people die from Covid in the last 4 years. 5 more this September.
The pro-vaccine movement has been exposed. It is nothing more than collusion between the FDA, the pharmaceutical companies and the media. Vaccine science is nothing more than Marketing 101: promote the good, hide the bad.

Try telling a family who’ve had their lives destroyed that their fears are unfounded.
Caused/triggered by infections.

Not vaccines.
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Pertussis vaccines shown to be useless at best and may be responsible for spreading the illness. (Whole-cell pertussis vaccines were discontinued and replaced by acellular vaccines over safety concerns)

Natural infection evokes both mucosal and systemic immune responses, while aPVs induce only a systemic immune response.

Guess what?

You can get that "natural infection" with added protection from the vaccine. And end up with even better immunity. W/o the risks.
The existence of a Vaccine injury fund where claims are evaluated by a panel of experts in vaccines is an admission of guilt all by itself.

It's an admission that vaccine injuries - which are extremely rare - exist, and there should be a safety net for people who incur them.

The risk/benefit ratio of vaccines is part of the approval process, and is an established standard that's been around for decades.
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H5N1 has a potential for a 30%+ mortality rate.
Let's see how fast our anti-vax crowd changes their tune if this starts spreading in human populations...
Anti-vaxxers should be last on the list for H5N1 flu vaccines. Let 'em "ride it out" at home...
Already posted those links for you several times.

How many more times do they need to be posted before it sinks in for you?
Junk links. Sadly, none of them actually deliver. The retrospectives are exclusively MMR or thimerosal or both combined. The clinical trials are short-term, no inert placebo, and low powered, which essentially tell you nothing.
My wife is 38+ weeks pregnant with child #1 and we are expecting the arrival any day. We have taken courses, read books on sleeping, etc., spent an outrageous amount of money on stroller, crib, etc. and are very excited.

I have been acutely aware of the controversy around vaccinations and an alleged link to autism, but because I had no kids, I never looked into it. From what I can tell, there have been no scientific studies that prove causation between the MMR vaccine (generally given at around 8 weeks) and autism. The anti-vaccination movement has been largely grassroots (parents of austistic kids who were supposedly healthy before the vaccine) and a Dr. Wakefield in the U.K. Hollywood types like Robert De Niro and Jenny McCarthy have also hopped on board.

Fast forward to today, a dear friend (well-educated, level-headed father of two) started pleading with me to not vaccinate. He went so far as to say that our friendship means far too much to him to allow me to make the mistake of vaccinating, and asked that I meet up with him to discuss. My friend believes that the vaccinations are a huge money-maker for "Big Pharma," who is in bed with the CDC. He is a great guy and friend, but his behavior seems almost cultish. We are both committed Christians, and he compared his pleading with me about vaccinations to sharing the Gospel of Christ with an atheist friend.

Obviously, we would not do anything that could increase the risk of our child having autism. With that said, my look at the data seems to indicate that the odds of vaccine-induced autism (or other complications) are less than the odds of contracting disease due to not vaccinating.

What say you, HROT?
I think most of us are waiting for your post asking for recommendations on transitioning your children, yourself and your wife.

It's an admission that vaccine injuries - which are extremely rare - exist, and there should be a safety net for people who incur them.

The risk/benefit ratio of vaccines is part of the approval process, and is an established standard that's been around for decades.
Established standard established by whom exactly? Well golly if its been around for decades....

You are fool.
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H5N1 has a potential for a 30%+ mortality rate.
Let's see how fast our anti-vax crowd changes their tune if this starts spreading in human populations...
Anti-vaxxers should be last on the list for H5N1 flu vaccines. Let 'em "ride it out" at home...
I speak for the vast majority of America on this Joe to you specifically and to anyone else pushing this.

**** off
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Established standard established by whom exactly?

Scientists and physicians.

There are a whole bundle of these standards. You could Google up how many of them apply to vaccines, if you wanted to.
I work within the framework of many of them. Any company who violates them can be shut down.