Close friend pleading with me to not vaccinate our baby

I really do not understand the anti vaccine movement, their fears are not legitimate. Their science is whack.
The pro-vaccine movement has been exposed. It is nothing more than collusion between the FDA, the pharmaceutical companies and the media. Vaccine science is nothing more than Marketing 101: promote the good, hide the bad.

Try telling a family who’ve had their lives destroyed that their fears are unfounded.

The pro-vaccine movement has been exposed. It is nothing more than collusion between the FDA, the pharmaceutical companies and the media. Vaccine science is nothing more than Marketing 101: promote the good, hide the bad.

Try telling a family who’ve had their lives destroyed that their fears are unfounded.

You can honestly say the polio vaccine is not beneficial with a straight face?

In most cases where there is negative outcome the child A. Was likely contraindicated - in the case above already having a disorder in all 3 children. In similar cases children with late onset autism that sets in around 1 1/2 to 2 years old can have the systems become present as an autoimmune response. These one off cases don’t offset the benefits.
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"A study today involving 46 million adults in England shows that the incidence of both heart attacks and strokes dropped following COVID-19 vaccination compared to the incidence before or without vaccination."

Here is an actually study in England. Not your wonky ideas of someone gets covid shot and month later dies of a heart attack and think its correlated. You would really struggle in science class.
The science today is bought and paid for.
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You can honestly say the polio vaccine is not beneficial with a straight face?
It's always polio isn't it? Most of the vaccine skeptics talk about the entire 70 some dose schedule being the problem, and then those that defend vaccines say "well what about polio?".

Do you see the problem?
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You can honestly say the polio vaccine is not beneficial with a straight face?

In most cases where there is negative outcome the child A. Was likely contraindicated - in the case above already having a disorder in all 3 children. In similar cases children with late onset autism that sets in around 1 1/2 to 2 years old can have the systems become present as an autoimmune response. These one off cases don’t offset the benefits.
Yeah, I don’t feel the vaccine is/was beneficial because the polio ‘epidemic’ was a lie, imo.

And the experts changed the definition so polio became acute flaccid myelitis. It never went away but it sure made the polio vaccine seem super effective. :rolleyes:

Yeah, I don’t feel the vaccine is/was beneficial because the polio ‘epidemic’ was a lie, imo.

And the experts changed the definition so polio became acute flaccid myelitis. It never went away but it sure made the polio vaccine seem super effective. :rolleyes:

Polio epidimic a lie? Well,wish you could have told that to my great uncle. I’m sure he wished it was a lie. Being a part of rotary and trying to eradicate it was pretty cool.

Also some Amish do have autism. In general though they don’t diagnose too much and only go to doctor in the most severe of cases. Mothers are also much younger. Having children around age 20-21. Age of the mother is the biggest risk factor. So when they are birthing much younger the rates will be much much lower. Add in no diagnosis, misdiagnosis. Do you know how many slow Amish children, or have mental or physical disabilities? It’s sky high because of closed gene pool. I don’t think Amish is the best argument. I could keep going.
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I'm not going to read thru the entire thread. But now turn to the real world. Good luck getting your child into a lot of things, like school and college without their vaccinations. Go ahead and give your child another label, it's not like life isn't hard enough. Hey, no crying when they come down with the measles, mumps or polio. Have you seen, that's coming back to America due to people not getting vaccinations. This is almost a rediculous question to ask. Fair question but probably not in the best intentions to non vaccinnate your child. Now Covid is a different story.
After your meal I’m sure you would like to get any additional vaccines you are missing 😂
John Candy No GIF by Laff
Just pulled this from my dad's, Trump-loving, MAGA wife's FB page:

All test results are in MRI,ECHOGRAM,CT SCANS all NEGATIVE. So I’m just going to put this out here he was fine wednesday he went to his primary Dr and she suggested the FLU shot
I’m totally against all of these
but anyways he got the flu shot, he still can’t walk without assistance he can’t remember ordering his dinner for tonight let alone breakfast for tomorrow. He will move next week to a rehab facility until he’s able to come home if at all
Do yourself a favor skip the vaccine it’s just the flu and it will pass just like a cold or the Covid.
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it’s just the flu and it will pass just like a cold or the Covid.
This, and I just don't understand the fear over it. It was never a death threat growing up in the 70's, 80's, 90's. Yeah you never wanted to get it because the vomiting sucked and you felt like crap for awhile but the fear generated over it these days is truly incredible.
This, and I just don't understand the fear over it. It was never a death threat growing up in the 70's, 80's, 90's. Yeah you never wanted to get it because the vomiting sucked and you felt like crap for awhile but the fear generated over it these days is truly incredible.
Agreed..I recall having the stomach flu a few times as a kid…stayed home from school for about a week each time, drank a lot of liquids, ate chicken noodle soup, and got lots of rest/TV time. 😉. Recovered each time and likely more immune to it now because as an adult, I haven’t had the flu in 40+ years, with no flu vaccines.
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Agreed..I recall having the stomach flu a few times as a kid…stayed home from school for about a week each time, drank a lot of liquids, ate chicken noodle soup, and got lots of rest/TV time. 😉. Recovered each time and likely more immune to it now because as an adult, I haven’t had the flu in 40+ years, with no flu vaccines.
“Stomach flu” isn’t influenza. Not that the ignorant understand that.
This, and I just don't understand the fear over it. It was never a death threat growing up in the 70's, 80's, 90's. Yeah you never wanted to get it because the vomiting sucked and you felt like crap for awhile but the fear generated over it these days is truly incredible.
Unless you're 78 years old and in terrible terrible health like my dad is. The flu vax has been around since the 1940s.
Unless you're 78 years old and terrible terrible health like my dad is. The flu vax has been around since the 1940s.

Harrison Vaugh was a healthy 25-year-old baseball coach in my hometown who married his high school sweetheart last May. Died of flu complications in February of this year. Your "science by anecdote" sucks.

Addendum - over 100 children died from influenza last winter. Here's one of them.


His name was Grayson Haag. He was 5. Your "science by anecdote" REALLY sucks.
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Harrison Vaugh was a healthy 25-year-old baseball coach in my hometown who married his high school sweetheart last May. Died of flu complications in February of this year. Your "science by anecdote" sucks.

Addendum - over 100 children died from influenza last winter. Here's one of them.


His name was Grayson Haag. He was 5. Your "science by anecdote" REALLY sucks.
Did Harrison or Grayson get the covid jab, which has been shown to switch off the immune system after repeated doses?

Did either of them get the flu shot? Wouldn’t that be important to know if you’re trying to make a relevant point?

Not that it matters; even Fauci admitted the truth about the garbage he promotes: “Past unsuccessful attempts to elicit solid protection against mucosal respiratory viruses and to control the deadly outbreaks and pandemics they cause have been a scientific and public health failure…”
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Harrison Vaugh was a healthy 25-year-old baseball coach in my hometown who married his high school sweetheart last May. Died of flu complications in February of this year. Your "science by anecdote" sucks.

Addendum - over 100 children died from influenza last winter. Here's one of them.


His name was Grayson Haag. He was 5. Your "science by anecdote" REALLY sucks.
Pure fearmongering. Haven't you had your fill of that since COVID? And I can go pick out countless individual stories of people dying after a vaccine.
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Pure fearmongering. Haven't you had your fill of that since COVID? And I can go pick out countless individual stories of people dying after a vaccine.
Which is why I said "science by anecdote" sucks...dumbass.

And Harrison wasn't vaccinated. No idea about the child. Those examples were to counter the stupidity expressed by your cult buddy.

And the only people "fear-mongering" are you and your fellow morons spreading lies about vaccinations. Fvck yourself with the biggest hypodermic needle you can find.
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Which is why I said "science by anecdote" sucks...dumbass.

And Harrison wasn't vaccinated. No idea about the child. Those examples were to counter the stupidity expressed by your cult buddy.

And the only people "fear-mongering" are you and your fellow morons spreading lies about vaccinations. Fvck yourself with the biggest hypodermic needle you can find.
You'd do much better for pharma if you'd step away from the keyboard and just go get back on your meds.
Pertussis vaccines shown to be useless at best and may be responsible for spreading the illness. (Whole-cell pertussis vaccines were discontinued and replaced by acellular vaccines over safety concerns)

Natural infection evokes both mucosal and systemic immune responses, while aPVs induce only a systemic immune response. As B. pertussis is a mucosal pathogen and only exceptionally causes infection outside the respiratory tract, this difference is of particular importance in pertussis control. Mucosal immunity is essential to prevent colonization and transmission of B. pertussis organisms. Consequently, preventive measures such as aPVs that do not induce a valid mucosal response can prevent disease but cannot avoid infection and transmission (similar to Marek’s disease).

Clear differences between systemic immune response after natural infection and aP and wP vaccines. Natural infection and wPvs induce antibodies of the IgG1, IgG2, and IgG3 subclasses, with marginal production of IgG4 (55), suggesting a strong Th1 response. In contrast, the immune response after aPVs evoke a mixed Th2 and Th17 response (56). APVs evoke the production of IgG1 and IgG4 antibodies, which is consistent with a Th2 response. Furthermore, aPVs evoke CD4+ T-cells that produce high concentrations of IL-4 and IL-5 and low amounts of IFNγ, again consistent with a Th2 response (57).

Since Th1 cytokines play an important role in protection against pertussis (58, 59), this finding can further explain the better protection offered by wPVs and natural infection.

The administration of aPV booster doses at 4 and 9 years of age was associated with an increase in the production of IgG4, regardless of the type of vaccine used for priming, but was significantly higher in aPV-primed children (66). IgG4 antibodies are unable to activate the complement system and lead to a suboptimal inflammatory response with impaired phagocytosis and antimicrobial defense, another potential mechanism for the lower efficacy of aPVs compared to wPVs (67). Moreover, the evidence that production of IgG4 after immunization with aPV increases with each dose seems to indicate that the protection offered by aPVs tends to be as shorter with each subsequent boosters (68, 69)
. (Like the covid vaccine, the pertussis jab seems to ‘turn off’ the immune response).

Finally, aPV pertussis vaccines do not prevent colonization. Consequently, they do not reduce the circulation of B. pertussis and do not exert any herd immunity effect. These findings at least partly explain the resurgence of pertussis.

Infant immunization induced a strong decrease in pertussis incidence but was followed by a rebound with a gradual buildup of susceptible individuals in adult age groups until a new equilibrium—with lower incidence than in the pre-vaccine era—was reached several decades later. Biggest issue is different variants that don't have full protection against, no different than Covid. Add in major underreporting.

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What ever happened to ShankHawk? Late December of 2021 last post, did Covid get him?