Close friend pleading with me to not vaccinate our baby

What do you mean move the goalposts? My goalpost has been set at aluminum for quite some time now, long before I started posting about vaccines here. There are almost no aluminum toxicity safety studies done for vaccines and the ones that I'm aware of indicate that it is a highly potent neurotoxin. Now what does that tell you? Move the goalposts my butt. Aluminum is in the vaccines every bit as much as mercury.

The science done on vaccines almost completely overlooks synergistic toxicity of the rest of the 38 vaccine ingredients. For instance what are the effects of a substance like the surfactant polysorbate 80 - present in 10 vaccines, known to allow toxins to more readily cross the blood-brain barrier? The neurotoxicity of aluminum is shown to have a much greater effect when it's in the presence of mercury. Synergistic effects. You guys avoid it every time I mention it as if you don't know what it means, and yet it is a central talking point to this debate.
“Additionally, for the purpose of evaluating safety and efficacy, vaccine clinical trials often use an aluminium-containing placebo, either containing the same or greater amount of aluminum as the test vaccine [48-51]. Without exception, these trials report a comparable rate of adverse reactions between the placebo and the vaccine group (for example, 63.7% vs 65.3% of systemic events and 1.7% vs 1.8% of serious adverse events respectively [51]). According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a placebo is “an inactive pill, liquid, or powder that has no treatment value” [52]. The well-established neurotoxic properties of aluminium (Table 1) therefore suggest that aluminum cannot constitute as a valid placebo.
In spite of these above data, newborns, infants and children up to 6 months of age in the U.S. and other developed countries receive 14.7 to 49 times more than the FDA safety limits for aluminum from parenteral sources from vaccines through mandatory immunization programs (Table 2). Specifically, 2-month old children in U.K., U.S., Canada and Australia routinely receive as much as 220 to 245 μg/kg bw of aluminum per vaccination session (Table 2), a burden equivalent to 34 standard adult-dose injections of hepatitis B vaccine (Table 3). Similarly, newborns at birth receive 73.5 μg Al/kg bw/day from a single hepatitis B vaccine, which is a dose equivalent to 10 standard adult-dose injections of hepatitis B vaccine in a single day (Table 3). Whether such doses of aluminum are safe even for adults is not known."

“Aluminum in various forms can be toxic to the nervous system. The widespread presence in the human environment may underlie a number of CNS disorders. The continued use of aluminum adjuvants in various vaccines for children as well as the general public may be of significant concern. In particular, aluminum presented in this form carries a risk for autoimmunity, long-term brain inflammation and associated neurological complications and may thus have profound and widespread adverse health consequences. The widely accepted notion of aluminum adjuvant safety does not appear to be firmly established in the scientific literature and, as such, this absence may have lead to an erroneous conclusions regarding the significance of these compounds in the etiologies of many common neurological disorders. Furthermore, the continued use of aluminum-containing placebos in vaccine clinical trials may have lead to an underestimation of the true rate of adverse outcomes associated with aluminum-adjuvanted vaccines. In our opinion, a comprehensive evaluation of the overall impact of aluminum on human health is overdue. Such an evaluation should include studies designed to determine the short and long-term impacts of dietary aluminum as well as the potential impacts in different age groups of exposure to adjuvant aluminum alone and in combination with other potentially toxic vaccine constituents (e.g., formaldehyde, formalin, mercury, phenoxyethanol, phenol, sodium borate, polysorbate 80, glutaraldehyde). For the latter, until vaccine safety can be comprehensively demonstrated by controlled independent long- term studies that examine the impact on the nervous system in detail, many of those already vaccinated as well as those currently receiving injections may be at risk for health complications that exceed the potential benefits that vaccine prophylaxis may provide. The issue of aluminum adjuvanted vaccine safety is especially pertinent in light of the legislation which might mandate vaccination regimes for civilian populations (e.g., the Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of 2005). Whether the risk of protection from a dreaded disease outweighs the risk of toxicity from its presumed prophylactic agent is a question that demands far more rigorous scrutiny than has been provided to date.”

Rowen Comments:
I’ve done some calculations as follows:

First, we turn to the maximum permitted Al for parenteral nutrition in the code of Federal regulations: 25 mcg/L (…/cdrh/c…/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm…) and the amount of aluminum therein must appear on the package insert. Consider this amount is for an average 70 kg (155 lbs) adult. If we divide just by weight that 25 mcg by 155 pounds, that nets 0.16 mcg permissible per pound in the IV fluid.

Consider a baby at 7 pounds. That would net 0.16 x 7 lbs = 112 mcg permitted level for parenteral IV therapy. This also doesn’t figure that a baby doesn’t have an adequate blood brain barrier and that Al is known to damage the BBB. A baby’s Al exposure should be far, far less.

Now, let’s turn to what’s in vaccines (

So how much aluminum is in the vaccines that are routinely given to children?
• Hib (PedVaxHib brand only) – 225 mcg per shot
• Hepatitis B – 250 mcg
• DTaP – depending on the manufacturer, ranges from 170 to 625 mcg
• Pneumococcus – 125 mcg
• Hepatitis A – 250 mcg
• HPV – 225 mcg
• Pentacel (DTaP, HIB and Polio combo vaccine) – 330 mcg
Pediarix (DTaP, Hep B and Polio combo vaccine) – 850 mcg

We can clearly see that aluminum given to children in one injection at birth is more than double the FDA permitted level in IV fluid. And consider the additional aluminum given in significant pulses. A FB follower sent me information that the FDA IM limit is 250 mug. We clearly see that the vaccines are pushing the IM limit as well and in BABIES!

Questions for all of you:

1.How is it that babies aren’t afforded the same safety precautions against aluminum in vaccines as adults are in IV fluids when we know they have an immature immune system, a porous blood brain barrier, etc?

2. How is it that vaccine safety studies are conducted against placebo consisting of toxic adjuvants? Of course they are “proven” safe!

You can thank your nearest Pharma company for this terrific piece of overt medical fraud.()

No. She. Didn't. No amount of lying on your part can change that. She said that ANYTHING that stresses children with this mitochondrial disorder can trigger autism-like symptoms. Here:

Fever plus mitochondrial disease could be risk factors for autistic regression.


Autistic spectrum disorders encompass etiologically heterogeneous persons, with many genetic causes. A subgroup of these individuals has mitochondrial disease. Because a variety of metabolic disorders, including mitochondrial disease show regression with fever, a retrospective chart review was performed and identified 28 patients who met diagnostic criteria for autistic spectrum disorders and mitochondrial disease. Autistic regression occurred in 60.7% (17 of 28), a statistically significant increase over the general autistic spectrum disorder population (P < .0001). Of the 17 individuals with autistic regression, 70.6% (12 of 17) regressed with fever and 29.4% (5 of 17) regressed without identifiable linkage to fever or vaccinations. None showed regression with vaccination unless a febrile response was present. Although the study is small, a subgroup of patients with mitochondrial disease may be at risk of autistic regression with fever. Although recommended vaccinations schedules are appropriate in mitochondrial disease, fever management appears important for decreasing regression risk.

In other words, the FEVER caused the regression. Now you can argue that the vaccine caused the fever but of the 17 who regressed in this sample, only 4 had a fever associated with vaccines. Eight - that would be twice as many - had a fever associated with illness. The regressions in the other five couldn't be linked to fever or vaccinations.

So...if we know that fevers can trigger regression in children with this mitochondrial disorder, the goal should be to reduce the possibility of fevers. Which vaccines do. And with a vaccine, the fevers are usually low-grade and an identified susceptible child could be closely monitored with any fever managed aggressively and hydration maintained...dehydration may also trigger regression in susceptible children, you see.

Do vaccines cause autism? No. And Julie Gerberding never once said they did. Stop lying.
Do vaccines cause autism? Yes. And Julie Gerberding never once said they did.Yes; she did. Stop lying. Stop enabling.
“Additionally, for the purpose of evaluating safety and efficacy, vaccine clinical trials often use an aluminium-containing placebo, either containing the same or greater amount of aluminum as the test vaccine [48-51]. Without exception, these trials report a comparable rate of adverse reactions between the placebo and the vaccine group (for example, 63.7% vs 65.3% of systemic events and 1.7% vs 1.8% of serious adverse events respectively [51]). According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a placebo is “an inactive pill, liquid, or powder that has no treatment value” [52]. The well-established neurotoxic properties of aluminium (Table 1) therefore suggest that aluminum cannot constitute as a valid placebo.
In spite of these above data, newborns, infants and children up to 6 months of age in the U.S. and other developed countries receive 14.7 to 49 times more than the FDA safety limits for aluminum from parenteral sources from vaccines through mandatory immunization programs (Table 2). Specifically, 2-month old children in U.K., U.S., Canada and Australia routinely receive as much as 220 to 245 μg/kg bw of aluminum per vaccination session (Table 2), a burden equivalent to 34 standard adult-dose injections of hepatitis B vaccine (Table 3). Similarly, newborns at birth receive 73.5 μg Al/kg bw/day from a single hepatitis B vaccine, which is a dose equivalent to 10 standard adult-dose injections of hepatitis B vaccine in a single day (Table 3). Whether such doses of aluminum are safe even for adults is not known."

“Aluminum in various forms can be toxic to the nervous system. The widespread presence in the human environment may underlie a number of CNS disorders. The continued use of aluminum adjuvants in various vaccines for children as well as the general public may be of significant concern. In particular, aluminum presented in this form carries a risk for autoimmunity, long-term brain inflammation and associated neurological complications and may thus have profound and widespread adverse health consequences. The widely accepted notion of aluminum adjuvant safety does not appear to be firmly established in the scientific literature and, as such, this absence may have lead to an erroneous conclusions regarding the significance of these compounds in the etiologies of many common neurological disorders. Furthermore, the continued use of aluminum-containing placebos in vaccine clinical trials may have lead to an underestimation of the true rate of adverse outcomes associated with aluminum-adjuvanted vaccines. In our opinion, a comprehensive evaluation of the overall impact of aluminum on human health is overdue. Such an evaluation should include studies designed to determine the short and long-term impacts of dietary aluminum as well as the potential impacts in different age groups of exposure to adjuvant aluminum alone and in combination with other potentially toxic vaccine constituents (e.g., formaldehyde, formalin, mercury, phenoxyethanol, phenol, sodium borate, polysorbate 80, glutaraldehyde). For the latter, until vaccine safety can be comprehensively demonstrated by controlled independent long- term studies that examine the impact on the nervous system in detail, many of those already vaccinated as well as those currently receiving injections may be at risk for health complications that exceed the potential benefits that vaccine prophylaxis may provide. The issue of aluminum adjuvanted vaccine safety is especially pertinent in light of the legislation which might mandate vaccination regimes for civilian populations (e.g., the Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of 2005). Whether the risk of protection from a dreaded disease outweighs the risk of toxicity from its presumed prophylactic agent is a question that demands far more rigorous scrutiny than has been provided to date.”

Rowen Comments:
I’ve done some calculations as follows:

First, we turn to the maximum permitted Al for parenteral nutrition in the code of Federal regulations: 25 mcg/L (…/cdrh/c…/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm…) and the amount of aluminum therein must appear on the package insert. Consider this amount is for an average 70 kg (155 lbs) adult. If we divide just by weight that 25 mcg by 155 pounds, that nets 0.16 mcg permissible per pound in the IV fluid.

Consider a baby at 7 pounds. That would net 0.16 x 7 lbs = 112 mcg permitted level for parenteral IV therapy. This also doesn’t figure that a baby doesn’t have an adequate blood brain barrier and that Al is known to damage the BBB. A baby’s Al exposure should be far, far less.

Now, let’s turn to what’s in vaccines (

So how much aluminum is in the vaccines that are routinely given to children?
• Hib (PedVaxHib brand only) – 225 mcg per shot
• Hepatitis B – 250 mcg
• DTaP – depending on the manufacturer, ranges from 170 to 625 mcg
• Pneumococcus – 125 mcg
• Hepatitis A – 250 mcg
• HPV – 225 mcg
• Pentacel (DTaP, HIB and Polio combo vaccine) – 330 mcg
Pediarix (DTaP, Hep B and Polio combo vaccine) – 850 mcg

We can clearly see that aluminum given to children in one injection at birth is more than double the FDA permitted level in IV fluid. And consider the additional aluminum given in significant pulses. A FB follower sent me information that the FDA IM limit is 250 mug. We clearly see that the vaccines are pushing the IM limit as well and in BABIES!

Questions for all of you:

1.How is it that babies aren’t afforded the same safety precautions against aluminum in vaccines as adults are in IV fluids when we know they have an immature immune system, a porous blood brain barrier, etc?

2. How is it that vaccine safety studies are conducted against placebo consisting of toxic adjuvants? Of course they are “proven” safe!

You can thank your nearest Pharma company for this terrific piece of overt medical fraud.( )

Hmmmm...a breast-fed baby will consume about 7mg of aluminum from mommy over the first six months of life. Did you know that? By contrast, they will be exposed to 4.225 mg from vaccines assuming they remained on the schedule. So...mother's milk is more dangerous than vaccines? Assuming you're an adult male, you consume between 12-14 mg of aluminum every single day. Feeling any effects? Maybe your load is far higher.

An infant's blood will show a constant load of about 5 ng of aluminum. Testing the blood of infants before and after they've been vaccinated shows no detectable change in this number - that's how small the load in vaccines is. Individuals with aluminum toxicity have levels of aluminum at least 100 times greater than this, btw.

Here's some research for you:

Baylor NW, Egan W, Richman P. Aluminum salts in vaccines —
U.S. perspective.
Vaccine. 2002;20:S18-S23.

Bishop NJ, Morley R, Day JP, Lucas A. Aluminum neurotoxicity in
preterm infants receiving intravenous-feeding solutions.
New England
Journal of Medicine. 1997;336:1557-1561.

Committee on Nutrition: Aluminum toxicity in infants and
Pediatrics. 1996;97:413-416.

Keith LS, Jones DE, Chou C. Aluminum toxicokinetics regarding
infant diet and vaccinations
. Vaccine. 2002;20:S13-S17.

Pennington JA. Aluminum content of food and diets. Food Additives
and Contaminants. 1987;5:164-232.

Simmer K, Fudge A, Teubner J, James SL. Aluminum concentrations
in infant formula
. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. 1990;26:9-11.
Do vaccines cause autism? Yes. And Julie Gerberding never once said they did.Yes; she did. Stop lying. Stop enabling.

You just keep lying...demonstrably. Here's your challenge - post the exact quote and the time of the video where she states that "vaccines cause autism", You've been put on notice. If you can't meet the challenge, you're lying.
Hmmmm...a breast-fed baby will consume about 7mg of aluminum from mommy over the first six months of life. Did you know that? By contrast, they will be exposed to 4.225 mg from vaccines assuming they remained on the schedule. So...mother's milk is more dangerous than vaccines? Assuming you're an adult male, you consume between 12-14 mg of aluminum every single day. Feeling any effects? Maybe your load is far higher.

An infant's blood will show a constant load of about 5 ng of aluminum. Testing the blood of infants before and after they've been vaccinated shows no detectable change in this number - that's how small the load in vaccines is. Individuals with aluminum toxicity have levels of aluminum at least 100 times greater than this, btw.

Here's some research for you:

Baylor NW, Egan W, Richman P. Aluminum salts in vaccines —
U.S. perspective.
Vaccine. 2002;20:S18-S23.

Bishop NJ, Morley R, Day JP, Lucas A. Aluminum neurotoxicity in
preterm infants receiving intravenous-feeding solutions.
New England
Journal of Medicine. 1997;336:1557-1561.

Committee on Nutrition: Aluminum toxicity in infants and
Pediatrics. 1996;97:413-416.

Keith LS, Jones DE, Chou C. Aluminum toxicokinetics regarding
infant diet and vaccinations
. Vaccine. 2002;20:S13-S17.

Pennington JA. Aluminum content of food and diets. Food Additives
and Contaminants. 1987;5:164-232.

Simmer K, Fudge A, Teubner J, James SL. Aluminum concentrations
in infant formula
. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. 1990;26:9-11.
Babies don't get autism from breastfeeding (or from getting naturally occurring fever spikes from illness). They can and do from vaccines.

Ingestion is not injection.

Not interested in reading 'research' from ethically and financially compromised individuals.
You just keep lying...demonstrably. Here's your challenge - post the exact quote and the time of the video where she states that "vaccines cause autism", You've been put on notice. If you can't meet the challenge, you're lying.
I already did; you're in denial.
As for your idiotic video, sell it to the ~450 who died from measles each year from 1956-1960. Or maybe just the nearly 50,000 hospitalized each year. Or the ~4,000 each year who developed encephalitis (that's swelling of the brain). There's a reason mothers in developing nations line up for hours to get their children vaccinated - they've seen what measles can do.
Or maybe they were guinea pigs for experiments by GSK, Merck, etc. Informed consent my ass.
Africa soon experienced an “unprecedented increase in health research involving humans” who were typically “poverty-stricken and poorly educated”46; the results were predictably lethal. In 2010 the Gates Foundation funded a Phase III trial of a malaria vaccine developed by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), administering the experimental treatment to thousands of infants across seven African countries. Eager to secure the WHO approval necessary to license the vaccine for global distribution, GSK and BMGF declared the trials a smashing success, and the popular press uncritically reproduced the publicity.47 Few bothered to look closely at the study’s fine print, which revealed that the trials resulted in 151 deaths and caused “serious adverse effects” (e.g., paralysis, seizures, febrile convulsions) in 1048 of 5949 children aged 5-17 months.48 Similar stories emerged in the wake of the Gates-funded MenAfriVac campaign in Chad, where unconfirmed reports alleged that 50 of 500 children forcibly vaccinated for meningitis later developed paralysis.49 Citing additional abuses, a South African newspaper declared: “We are guinea pigs for the drugmakers.”50

It was in India, however, that the implications of BMGF’s collaboration with Big Pharma first rose to widespread public attention. In 2010 seven adolescent tribal girls in Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh died after receiving injections of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) vaccines as part of a large-scale “demonstrational study” funded by the Gates Foundation and administered by PATH.51 The vaccines, developed by GSK and Merck, were given to approximately 23,000 girls between 10 and 14 years of age, ostensibly to guard against cervical cancers they might develop in old age.

Extrapolating from trial data, Indian physicians later estimated that at least 1,200 girls experienced severe side effects or developed auto-immune disorders as a result of the injections.52 No follow-up examinations or medical care were offered to the victims. Further investigations revealed pervasive violations of ethical norms: vulnerable village girls were virtually press-ganged into the trials, their parents bullied into signing consent forms they could not read by PATH representatives who made false claims about the safety and efficacy of the drugs. In many cases signatures were simply forged.53

An Indian Parliamentary Committee determined that the Gates-funded vaccine campaign was in fact a large-scale clinical trial conducted on behalf of the pharmaceutical firms and disguised as an “observational study” in order to outflank statutory requirements.54 The Committee found that PATH had “violated all laws and regulations laid down for clinical trials by the government” in a “clear-cut violation of human rights and a case of child abuse.”55 The Gates Foundation did not trouble to respond to the findings but issued an annual letter calling for still more health-related R&D in poor countries and reaffirming its belief in “the value of every human life.”56

Making markets

By thrusting the HPV vaccine on India, The Gates Foundation was not merely facilitating low-cost clinical trials but was also assisting in the creation of new markets for a dubious and underperforming product. Merck’s version of the vaccine, called Gardasil, was introduced in 2006 in conjunction with a high-powered marketing campaign that generated $1.5 billion in annual sales57; the vaccine was named “brand of the year” by Pharmaceutical Executive for “building a market out of thin air.”58 Aided by enthusiastic endorsements from the medical establishment, Merck at first persuaded Americans that Gardasil could protect their daughters from cervical cancer. In fact the vaccine was of questionable efficacy:

Vaccines: one of the biggest acts of collective fraud ever perpetrated on man.
Or maybe they were guinea pigs for experiments by GSK, Merck, etc. Informed consent my ass.
Africa soon experienced an “unprecedented increase in health research involving humans” who were typically “poverty-stricken and poorly educated”46; the results were predictably lethal. In 2010 the Gates Foundation funded a Phase III trial of a malaria vaccine developed by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), administering the experimental treatment to thousands of infants across seven African countries. Eager to secure the WHO approval necessary to license the vaccine for global distribution, GSK and BMGF declared the trials a smashing success, and the popular press uncritically reproduced the publicity.47 Few bothered to look closely at the study’s fine print, which revealed that the trials resulted in 151 deaths and caused “serious adverse effects” (e.g., paralysis, seizures, febrile convulsions) in 1048 of 5949 children aged 5-17 months.48 Similar stories emerged in the wake of the Gates-funded MenAfriVac campaign in Chad, where unconfirmed reports alleged that 50 of 500 children forcibly vaccinated for meningitis later developed paralysis.49 Citing additional abuses, a South African newspaper declared: “We are guinea pigs for the drugmakers.”50

It was in India, however, that the implications of BMGF’s collaboration with Big Pharma first rose to widespread public attention. In 2010 seven adolescent tribal girls in Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh died after receiving injections of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) vaccines as part of a large-scale “demonstrational study” funded by the Gates Foundation and administered by PATH.51 The vaccines, developed by GSK and Merck, were given to approximately 23,000 girls between 10 and 14 years of age, ostensibly to guard against cervical cancers they might develop in old age.

Extrapolating from trial data, Indian physicians later estimated that at least 1,200 girls experienced severe side effects or developed auto-immune disorders as a result of the injections.52 No follow-up examinations or medical care were offered to the victims. Further investigations revealed pervasive violations of ethical norms: vulnerable village girls were virtually press-ganged into the trials, their parents bullied into signing consent forms they could not read by PATH representatives who made false claims about the safety and efficacy of the drugs. In many cases signatures were simply forged.53

An Indian Parliamentary Committee determined that the Gates-funded vaccine campaign was in fact a large-scale clinical trial conducted on behalf of the pharmaceutical firms and disguised as an “observational study” in order to outflank statutory requirements.54 The Committee found that PATH had “violated all laws and regulations laid down for clinical trials by the government” in a “clear-cut violation of human rights and a case of child abuse.”55 The Gates Foundation did not trouble to respond to the findings but issued an annual letter calling for still more health-related R&D in poor countries and reaffirming its belief in “the value of every human life.”56

Making markets

By thrusting the HPV vaccine on India, The Gates Foundation was not merely facilitating low-cost clinical trials but was also assisting in the creation of new markets for a dubious and underperforming product. Merck’s version of the vaccine, called Gardasil, was introduced in 2006 in conjunction with a high-powered marketing campaign that generated $1.5 billion in annual sales57; the vaccine was named “brand of the year” by Pharmaceutical Executive for “building a market out of thin air.”58 Aided by enthusiastic endorsements from the medical establishment, Merck at first persuaded Americans that Gardasil could protect their daughters from cervical cancer. In fact the vaccine was of questionable efficacy:

Vaccines: one of the biggest acts of collective fraud ever perpetrated on man.

Could you please link to legitimate research rather than the rantings of an idiotic anti-vaxxer site? Are you going to respond to my mother's milk question given your concerns over aluminum? Have you stopped eating and breathing (yes - you can inhale aluminum) given that you're ingesting three times more aluminum in a day than an infant gets from every vaccine combined in their first six months?

Or are you just going to move the avoid questions you can't answer?
My wife is 38+ weeks pregnant with child #1 and we are expecting the arrival any day. We have taken courses, read books on sleeping, etc., spent an outrageous amount of money on stroller, crib, etc. and are very excited.

GlobalResearch is the kind of wacko website you're friend is using to get information. Steer clear and get your child vaccinated. Too late for you now but it's being recommended that expectant mothers get a pertussis booster in their third trimester so they can pass antibodies to the child. Whooping cough is making a comeback and it's a terrible thing for an infant to suffer from.

Of the 537,303 children in the cohort (representing 2,129,864 person-years), 440,655 (82.0 percent) had received the MMR vaccine. We identified 316 children with a diagnosis of autistic disorder and 422 with a diagnosis of other autistic-spectrum disorders. After adjustment for potential confounders, the relative risk of autistic disorder in the group of vaccinated children, as compared with the unvaccinated group, was 0.92 (95 percent confidence interval, 0.68 to 1.24), and the relative risk of another autistic-spectrum disorder was 0.83 (95 percent confidence interval, 0.65 to 1.07). There was no association between the age at the time of vaccination, the time since vaccination, or the date of vaccination and the development of autistic disorder.
This study is only mmr. Not completely vaccinated vs. completely unvaccinated. The only difference in the cohorts is the mmr. And the vaccine schedule in this data set is different and not near as aggressive as the one currently used in the US.
Shortcomings from the article linked below:
"However, while the study methodology appears to be good, and there is much
to learn from the informative findings, there are some significant
shortcomings in the conclusions drawn and the study results raise more
questions than they answer and underscore the importance for more research.

For example, one of the most concerning omissions of the study was their
failure to consider the absence of Thimerosal in the other infant vaccines
the children of the Danish study received prior to getting their MMR

Although she did not include it in her article, the reporter from the Dallas
Morning News who interviewed me (article below) was able to confirm that the
mercury based preservative under so much legal fire for triggering autism
was removed from vaccines on the market in Denmark prior to the birthdates
of the children studied. American children on the other hand, have
potential cumulative mercury exposures at sometimes neurotoxic levels from
prenatal exposures including maternal vaccination and immune globulin
preparations, environmental pollution and infant vaccinations which create a
significantly different set of circumstances when the MMR vaccine, which
does not contain mercury, is administered.

We feel very strongly that it is erroneous for the study's authors to
conclude that since the children in the Danish study did not show an
increased incidence of autism after MMR vaccine that the same would hold
true for all children. They have not satisfied the question of the MMR
vaccine's potential role as a trigger amidst other environmental factors
including previously administered mercury containing vaccines that have been
given to children outside of their population."

Phase I screened for associations between neurodevelopmental disorders and thimerosal exposure among 124 170 infants who were born during 1992 to 1999 at 2 HMOs (A and B).

In phase I at HMO A, cumulative exposure at 3 months resulted in a significant positive association with tics (relative risk [RR]: 1.89; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.05–3.38). At HMO B, increased risks of language delay were found for cumulative exposure at 3 months (RR: 1.13; 95% CI: 1.01–1.27) and 7 months (RR: 1.07; 95% CI: 1.01–1.13). In phase II at HMO C, no significant associations were found. In no analyses were significant increased risks found for autism or attention-deficit disorder.

Study # 4 2/3 down page exerpt,
"Safety of thimerosal-containing vaccines: a two-phased study of computerized health maintenance organization databases Pediatrics, Thomas Verstraeten, MD (November 2003)

Headline: Only looked at vaccinated kids. Only looked at more or less thimerosal exposure (more or less smoking). Worst of all, the study produced a NEUTRAL outcome, meaning it couldn’t prove or disprove anything. The conclusion of the study was a tie, like a soccer game with no winner!!

This is the most widely quoted study, and the only study ever done with American data on American children (the CDC has buried this data ever since), and it reached a neutral conclusion, asked the wrong question, and the author left to join a vaccine company before its publication. And, the world’s most incriminating and public “secret meeting” calls the entire study into question (see: Simpsonwood). The former CDC Director called this study “unhelpful and potentially misleading.”

Choice Excerpt from the Study:

“The biological plausibility of the small doses of ethylmercury present in vaccines leading to increased risks of neurodevelopmental disorders is uncertain.”

Incredibly, the study author — Dr. Thomas Verstraeten — went on to assert in an unprecedented letter to Pediatrics that his conclusions were being misrepresented:

“Surprisingly, however, the study is being interpreted now as negative [where ‘negative’ implies no association was shown between Thimerosal and autism] by many…The article does not state that we found evidence against an association, as a negative study would. It does state, on the contrary, that additional study is recommended, which is the conclusion to which a neutral study must come…A neutral study carries a very distinct message: the investigators could neither confirm nor exclude an association, and therefore more study is required.”
An article said:

“CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding has delivered a potentially explosive report to the powerful House Appropriations Committee, in which she admits to a startling string of errors in the design and methods used in the CDC’s landmark 2003 study that found no link between mercury in vaccines and autism, ADHD, speech delay or tics.”

- CDC: Vaccine Study Design “Uninformative and Potentially Misleading” By David Kirby, The Huffington Post.

It’s hard to make this point strongly enough: the Verstraeten study is the most widely cited study “proving” vaccines do NOT cause Autism, and no free-thinking individual could possibly believe that’s what it did after reading the above. Just to pour kerosene on the fire, here’s quote from one of Dr. Verstraeten’s internal emails:

“Unfortunately, I have witnessed how many experts, looking at this thimerosal issue, do not seem bothered to compare apples to pears at the best and insist that if nothing is happening in these studies [referring to some old science on other types of mercury exposure] then nothing should be feared of thimerosal. I do not wish to be the advocate of the anti-vaccine lobby and sound like being convinced that thimerosal is or was harmful, but at least I feel we should use sound scientific argumentation and not let our standards be dictated by our desire to disprove an unpleasant theory.”

Only in 1 analysis for tics was there some evidence of a higher risk with increasing doses (Cox’s HR: 1.50 per dose at 4 months; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.02–2.20). Statistically significant negative associations with increasing doses at 4 months were found for general developmental disorders (HR: 0.87; 95% CI: 0.81–0.93), unspecified developmental delay (HR: 0.80; 95% CI:0.69–0.92), and attention-deficit disorder (HR: 0.79; 95% CI: 0.64–0.98). For the other disorders, there was no evidence of an association with thimerosal exposure.

Study # 3, 2/3 down page. Exerpt:
"Thimerosal exposure in infants and developmental disorders: a prospective cohort study in the United kingdom does not support a causal association Pediatrics, John Heron and Nick Andrews, PhD and Jean Golding, DSc (September 2004)

Headline: This may be the worst study ever done. Every kid in the study got the same vaccines, so the study only considered timing differences (when someone got their DTP shot, was it 2 months, 3 months, or 4 months old?). Wins award for most dishonest title, too.

Choice Excerpt from the Study: “The age at which doses of thimerosal-containing vaccines were administered was recorded, and measures of mercury exposure by 3, 4, and 6 months of age were calculated and compared with a number of measures of childhood cognitive and behavioral development covering the period from 6 to 91 months of age.”

Meaning: Every kid in our study got the same vaccines, and we only considered the difference of WHEN they got them. Huh?"

Results Of 95 727 children with older siblings, 994 (1.04%) were diagnosed with ASD and 1929 (2.02%) had an older sibling with ASD. Of those with older siblings with ASD, 134 (6.9%) had ASD, vs 860 (0.9%) children with unaffected siblings (P < .001). MMR vaccination rates (≥1 dose) were 84% (n = 78 549) at age 2 years and 92% (n = 86 063) at age 5 years for children with unaffected older siblings, vs 73% (n = 1409) at age 2 years and 86% (n = 1660) at age 5 years for children with affected siblings. MMR vaccine receipt was not associated with an increased risk of ASD at any age. For children with older siblings with ASD, at age 2, the adjusted relative risk (RR) of ASD for 1 dose of MMR vaccine vs no vaccine was 0.76 (95% CI, 0.48-1.22; P = .25), and at age 5, the RR of ASD for 2 doses compared with no vaccine was 0.56 (95% CI, 0.30-1.04; P = .07). For children whose older siblings did not have ASD, at age 2, the adjusted RR of ASD for 1 dose was 0.91 (95% CI, 0.68-1.20; P = .50) and at age 5, the RR of ASD for 2 doses was 1.09 (95% CI, 0.76-1.54; P = .65).

Conclusions and Relevance In this large sample of privately insured children with older siblings, receipt of the MMR vaccine was not associated with increased risk of ASD, regardless of whether older siblings had ASD. These findings indicate no harmful association between MMR vaccine receipt and ASD even among children already at higher risk for ASD.

Taken from the conclusion of the study itself:

The bias analyses conducted here are informative but need to be cautiously interpreted because
they rely on assumptions that might be inaccurate, are based on unadjusted cumulative incidence
rate ratio measures (as opposed to adjusted hazard rate ratio measures), and focus attention on
point estimates at the expense of confidence intervals (in other words a corrected RR estimate
still carries as much imprecision as was associated with the original estimate’s 95% confidence

Exerpt from article, linked below:
"HUB is a good reason to be skeptical of all human vaccine-autism studies, and instead look at controlled animal studies. Animal studies always have better controls and do not suffer from biases due to behavior of study subjects. And many animal studies prove beyond any doubt that activation of the immune system during brain development causes autism, schizophrenia, epilepsy, seizure disorders and other brain injury. Animal studies also prove beyond doubt that aluminum adjuvant in vaccines can cause brain injury, at dosages routinely given to human infants.....
Final Word
The Jain study only looked at MMR. Media reports about this study have falsely and deceptively asserted that the Jain study shows that “vaccines” in general do not cause autism. In reality, the Jain study says nothing about other vaccines. The MMR vaccine is the only vaccine that has been much studied in relation to autism, and all of the MMR-autism studies suffer from HUB. The other likely more dangerous aluminum-containing vaccines, given at younger ages, have hardly been studied at all. It is a blatant lie to claim that the science shows “vaccines” in general do not cause autism.

The science actually shows the opposite. Controlled animal experiments overwhelmingly prove that immune activation (i.e., interleukin-6) in the developing brain causes autism. Animal experiments also prove that aluminum adjuvant causes brain damage, at dosages human infants routinely receive from vaccines. There is also evidence that aluminum and the Hepatitis B vaccine stimulate interleukin-6 production in the brain. Hep B vaccine evidence:"

Any more highly controversial (at best) studies you could link for me? Purely scandalous.

This study is only mmr. Not completely vaccinated vs. completely unvaccinated. The only difference in the cohorts is the mmr. And the vaccine schedule in this data set is different and not near as aggressive as the one currently used in the US.
Shortcomings from the article linked below:
"However, while the study methodology appears to be good, and there is much
to learn from the informative findings, there are some significant
shortcomings in the conclusions drawn and the study results raise more
questions than they answer and underscore the importance for more research.

For example, one of the most concerning omissions of the study was their
failure to consider the absence of Thimerosal in the other infant vaccines
the children of the Danish study received prior to getting their MMR

Although she did not include it in her article, the reporter from the Dallas
Morning News who interviewed me (article below) was able to confirm that the
mercury based preservative under so much legal fire for triggering autism
was removed from vaccines on the market in Denmark prior to the birthdates
of the children studied. American children on the other hand, have
potential cumulative mercury exposures at sometimes neurotoxic levels from
prenatal exposures including maternal vaccination and immune globulin
preparations, environmental pollution and infant vaccinations which create a
significantly different set of circumstances when the MMR vaccine, which
does not contain mercury, is administered.

We feel very strongly that it is erroneous for the study's authors to
conclude that since the children in the Danish study did not show an
increased incidence of autism after MMR vaccine that the same would hold
true for all children. They have not satisfied the question of the MMR
vaccine's potential role as a trigger amidst other environmental factors
including previously administered mercury containing vaccines that have been
given to children outside of their population."

Study # 4 2/3 down page exerpt,
"Safety of thimerosal-containing vaccines: a two-phased study of computerized health maintenance organization databases Pediatrics, Thomas Verstraeten, MD (November 2003)

Headline: Only looked at vaccinated kids. Only looked at more or less thimerosal exposure (more or less smoking). Worst of all, the study produced a NEUTRAL outcome, meaning it couldn’t prove or disprove anything. The conclusion of the study was a tie, like a soccer game with no winner!!

This is the most widely quoted study, and the only study ever done with American data on American children (the CDC has buried this data ever since), and it reached a neutral conclusion, asked the wrong question, and the author left to join a vaccine company before its publication. And, the world’s most incriminating and public “secret meeting” calls the entire study into question (see: Simpsonwood). The former CDC Director called this study “unhelpful and potentially misleading.”

Choice Excerpt from the Study:

“The biological plausibility of the small doses of ethylmercury present in vaccines leading to increased risks of neurodevelopmental disorders is uncertain.”

Incredibly, the study author — Dr. Thomas Verstraeten — went on to assert in an unprecedented letter to Pediatrics that his conclusions were being misrepresented:

“Surprisingly, however, the study is being interpreted now as negative [where ‘negative’ implies no association was shown between Thimerosal and autism] by many…The article does not state that we found evidence against an association, as a negative study would. It does state, on the contrary, that additional study is recommended, which is the conclusion to which a neutral study must come…A neutral study carries a very distinct message: the investigators could neither confirm nor exclude an association, and therefore more study is required.”
An article said:

“CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding has delivered a potentially explosive report to the powerful House Appropriations Committee, in which she admits to a startling string of errors in the design and methods used in the CDC’s landmark 2003 study that found no link between mercury in vaccines and autism, ADHD, speech delay or tics.”

- CDC: Vaccine Study Design “Uninformative and Potentially Misleading” By David Kirby, The Huffington Post.

It’s hard to make this point strongly enough: the Verstraeten study is the most widely cited study “proving” vaccines do NOT cause Autism, and no free-thinking individual could possibly believe that’s what it did after reading the above. Just to pour kerosene on the fire, here’s quote from one of Dr. Verstraeten’s internal emails:

“Unfortunately, I have witnessed how many experts, looking at this thimerosal issue, do not seem bothered to compare apples to pears at the best and insist that if nothing is happening in these studies [referring to some old science on other types of mercury exposure] then nothing should be feared of thimerosal. I do not wish to be the advocate of the anti-vaccine lobby and sound like being convinced that thimerosal is or was harmful, but at least I feel we should use sound scientific argumentation and not let our standards be dictated by our desire to disprove an unpleasant theory.”

I didn't think you were riding the thimerosal train anymore. I thought ALUMINUM was the new boogeyman. For god's sake - make up your mind!!!
Could you please link to legitimate research rather than the rantings of an idiotic anti-vaxxer site? Are you going to respond to my mother's milk question given your concerns over aluminum? Have you stopped eating and breathing (yes - you can inhale aluminum) given that you're ingesting three times more aluminum in a day than an infant gets from every vaccine combined in their first six months?

Or are you just going to move the avoid questions you can't answer?
Ingestion > injection. Pretty simple test to do; give completely equal types and amounts of aluminum. One group gets to drink it, the other gets vaccinated. I would suggest poor foreigners as your test subjects since apparently they are sub-human and deserve to have science experiments performed on them according to 'philanthropists' like Gates, Merck, et al.

Oh, and the best part of the article:
Merck’s version of the vaccine, called Gardasil, was introduced in 2006 in conjunction with a high-powered marketing campaign that generated $1.5 billion in annual sales57; the vaccine was named “brand of the year” by Pharmaceutical Executive for “building a market out of thin air.” Ha Ha! Can't make that shit up.........................uh, unless you're a pharmaceutical company. Then you create markets out of thin air all the time for unnecessary products. Thank God there's suckers born every minute.:p:p:p:p
They're BOTH in vaccines! Working synergistically :)

Ahhh...but thimerosal breaks down very quickly into ethylmercury and thiosalicylate. Both are eliminated from the body fairly quickly. Is it one of THOSE that acts "synergistically" with aluminum? Both? What might be the pathway for that...biochemically speaking? I suspect the pathway is "out-of-your-ass".

And since thimerosal has been completely removed as a preservative from the standard vaccines recommended for infants (other than flu vaccines in multi-dose formulations)...what's acting "synergystically" NOW...since, you know, autism levels haven't dropped?

BTW, still waiting for that post number requested earlier. Are you admitting you lied?
Study # 3, 2/3 down page. Exerpt:
"Thimerosal exposure in infants and developmental disorders: a prospective cohort study in the United kingdom does not support a causal association Pediatrics, John Heron and Nick Andrews, PhD and Jean Golding, DSc (September 2004)

Headline: This may be the worst study ever done. Every kid in the study got the same vaccines, so the study only considered timing differences (when someone got their DTP shot, was it 2 months, 3 months, or 4 months old?). Wins award for most dishonest title, too.

Choice Excerpt from the Study: “The age at which doses of thimerosal-containing vaccines were administered was recorded, and measures of mercury exposure by 3, 4, and 6 months of age were calculated and compared with a number of measures of childhood cognitive and behavioral development covering the period from 6 to 91 months of age.”

Meaning: Every kid in our study got the same vaccines, and we only considered the difference of WHEN they got them. Huh?"

Taken from the conclusion of the study itself:

The bias analyses conducted here are informative but need to be cautiously interpreted because
they rely on assumptions that might be inaccurate, are based on unadjusted cumulative incidence
rate ratio measures (as opposed to adjusted hazard rate ratio measures), and focus attention on
point estimates at the expense of confidence intervals (in other words a corrected RR estimate
still carries as much imprecision as was associated with the original estimate’s 95% confidence

Exerpt from article, linked below:
"HUB is a good reason to be skeptical of all human vaccine-autism studies, and instead look at controlled animal studies. Animal studies always have better controls and do not suffer from biases due to behavior of study subjects. And many animal studies prove beyond any doubt that activation of the immune system during brain development causes autism, schizophrenia, epilepsy, seizure disorders and other brain injury. Animal studies also prove beyond doubt that aluminum adjuvant in vaccines can cause brain injury, at dosages routinely given to human infants.....
Final Word
The Jain study only looked at MMR. Media reports about this study have falsely and deceptively asserted that the Jain study shows that “vaccines” in general do not cause autism. In reality, the Jain study says nothing about other vaccines. The MMR vaccine is the only vaccine that has been much studied in relation to autism, and all of the MMR-autism studies suffer from HUB. The other likely more dangerous aluminum-containing vaccines, given at younger ages, have hardly been studied at all. It is a blatant lie to claim that the science shows “vaccines” in general do not cause autism.

The science actually shows the opposite. Controlled animal experiments overwhelmingly prove that immune activation (i.e., interleukin-6) in the developing brain causes autism. Animal experiments also prove that aluminum adjuvant causes brain damage, at dosages human infants routinely receive from vaccines. There is also evidence that aluminum and the Hepatitis B vaccine stimulate interleukin-6 production in the brain. Hep B vaccine evidence:"

Any more highly controversial (at best) studies you could link for me? Purely scandalous.
I was curious reading vaccine inserts and seeing the minor differences in the test group and the placebo group: after all, why would perfectly healthy babies and children suffer terrible side effects; up to and including death, by receiving a saline placebo?

That's probably the biggest fraud of this whole fraudulent mess. The placebo group in a test for the Hib vaccine might get a DTap, IPV, Hep B, and PCV while the test group gets the same shots PLUS the Hib. Yeah, of course there isn't going to be a helluva' lot of difference in side effects. The obvious conclusion? The Hib vaccine is perfectly safe.

Outright fraud.
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Interesting study recently about autism and gut bacteria. What's going to happen to all the crazy anti-vaxxers once they tie down autism's real cause? Claim it's all a lie by big pharma and refuse to treat their kids?
I was curious reading vaccine inserts and seeing the minor differences in the test group and the placebo group: after all, why would perfectly healthy babies and children suffer terrible side effects; up to and including death, by receiving a saline placebo?

That's probably the biggest fraud of this whole fraudulent mess. The placebo group in a test for the Hib vaccine might get a DTap, IPV, Hep B, and PCV while the test group gets the same shots PLUS the Hib. Yeah, of course there isn't going to be a helluva' lot of difference in side effects. The obvious conclusion? The Hib vaccine is perfectly safe.

Outright fraud.

Do you have absolutely no idea how science is conducted? I mean idea at all?
Interesting study recently about autism and gut bacteria. What's going to happen to all the crazy anti-vaxxers once they tie down autism's real cause? Claim it's all a lie by big pharma and refuse to treat their kids?

You don't understand...the gut bacteria are acting "synergystically" with the aluminum and thimerosal in the vaccines!!
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You have here FOUR direct cohort studies involving nearly a million children. Let that number sink in. Not 33...not 500...not 1,000...but over 850,000. Not one of those studies could find any link between vaccinations and autism. So move the goalposts and now claim it's aluminum. And when that's debunked, I'm sure you'll have something else.

Ahhh...but thimerosal breaks down very quickly into ethylmercury and thiosalicylate. Both are eliminated from the body fairly quickly. Is it one of THOSE that acts "synergistically" with aluminum? Both? What might be the pathway for that...biochemically speaking? I suspect the pathway is "out-of-your-ass".

And since thimerosal has been completely removed as a preservative from the standard vaccines recommended for infants (other than flu vaccines in multi-dose formulations)...what's acting "synergystically" NOW...since, you know, autism levels haven't dropped?

BTW, still waiting for that post number requested earlier. Are you admitting you lied?

BTW, that wasn't me that you're looking for the post # from.

I assume by now that you and Joe now realize that you've been handed your hat on your fraudulent vaccine "studies". I guess I'm interested to know whether you have any more fraudulent vaccine studies for me to look at. What consistently outrageous garbage you've posted. If you come across any real studies that indicate thimerosal is safe, you better rush your study to Robert Kennedy asap, as he extended his deadline, just for you. What? you mean you're confident enough to post your fraud studies here because you think that you're dealing with people who can't read science, but you're not confident enough to submit ONE of your fraudulent studies in to RFK and collect your 100K? Scandalous.

Here's some more fun reading for you, from the same article. It's such good reading I doubt you skipped over it, but just to be sure:
"What the studies actually say
For the sake of not losing every reader, I will only highlight five of the three-dozen or so studies cited as “proof” that vaccines do not cause autism. The truth is, I could go through every study and make the same conclusion: the questions asked and answered doesn’t come close to what is needed to find truth on the role of vaccinations in autism’s skyrocketing rate. But, of course, that’s not the point of all these studies. The point is to create distracting research and manufacture doubt, and they are very much doing their job!

The truth about the actual science that has been performed to “prove” vaccines do not cause autism is so ugly, I want to spell it out for you here so you can understand it for yourself:

- None of the studies compare anything but vaccinated children to other vaccinated children

- Of the 36 vaccines US children receive by the age of 5, only 2 of those 36 vaccines (the MMR given twice) have EVER been compared for their relationship to autism, and then only with otherwise vaccinated children.

This is such a huge point, I’m going to expand upon it. Here’s the first 19 vaccines a typical American infant receives, in chronological order:

2 month visit: Hepatitis B, Rotavirus, DTP, Hib, Pneumococcal, Polio

4 month visit: Hepatitis B, Rotavirus, DTP, Hib, Pneumococcal, Polio

6 month visit: Hepatitis B, Rotavirus, DTP, Hib, Pneumococcal, Polio, Flu


Fair question
So, by 6 months of age most American children receive 19 vaccines through 3 visits to the doctor. (It’s worth noting that many kids also receive a birth dose of Hepatitis B, boosting this number to 20 vaccines.)

So, of the first 19–20 shots given to kids in their first 12 months of life, how many have been studied for their relationship to autism? ZERO. That’s right, because only one vaccine, the MMR, has ever been studied for its relationship to autism. (The MMR is first administered to American children at 13–18 months of age.)

But what about the 2, 4, and 6 month well-baby visits where children receive so many vaccines? They have never been studied or considered, so no one has any idea. This would be like trying to identify the source of a plane crash, suspecting mechanical failure, solely analyzing one of the wings, and then declaring the entire airplane free of culpability.

Having spent the time to critically read every study produced to “prove” vaccines don’t cause autism, I have been dumbfounded by their inadequacy. Consider, from the studies, some of the actual questions that were asked:

Q: Do children receiving more thimerosal in their vaccines have different neurological outcomes from children receiving less thimerosal in their vaccines?Q: Are autism rates different for children who received 62.5 mcg or 137.5 mcg of mercury?Q: Did children who all received DTP vaccine with thimerosal have higher or lower rates of developmental disorders based on when they got the shots?Q: Do Thimerosal containing vaccines administered to children raise mercury blood levels above safe standards?Q: Does the use of RhoGam shots during pregnancy have a correlation with autism?
These 5 examples above come from 5 of the most commonly listed studies cited as “proof” that “vaccines do not cause autism.” Yet, not one of them comes close to addressing this issue or answering the question we all really care about that goes something like this:

Our children receive 36 vaccines by the time they are five, including 20 by their first birthday. Is the administration of so many vaccines causing autism in certain children?
That question, so important to the health of our children and our nation, has never been asked, so it cannot yet be answered. Anyone who asserts otherwise is either misinformed or lying.

MMR vs. thimerosal vs. total number of vaccines
One of the many ways people get confused about what is going on with our vaccine schedule is the debate about what, exactly, within the shots or shot schedule is causing autism. One theory, promoted by great activists like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is that the mercury in shots (called thimerosal) used to preserve certain vaccines is the likely trigger. Another theory, popularized by Dr. Andrew Wakefield, is that the MMR vaccine (a thimerosal-free vaccine) is the primary trigger of autism.

The challenge with pinpointing causation is that a child could walk into a pediatricians office and, in a single visit, get the following vaccines simultaneously:

MMR, Hep B (thimerosal free), Hib, DTaP (thimerosal free), Flu (with thimerosal)

If you get all those shots at the same time, and then your child descends into autism, how do you know which shot or which shot ingredient caused it? Of course, you have no idea, which reinforces the point that, much like non-smokers being the only reasonable control group for tobacco science, unvaccinated children are the only reasonable control group for vaccine-autism science. But that’s never happened in any of the research done!"

Do yourself a favor and let this sink in so you can stop posting fraudulent garbage.
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Do you have absolutely no idea how science is conducted? I mean idea at all?
I have an excellent idea of how 'science' now days is conducted (or what passes for science). The closest occupation it can be compared to is prostitution.

Prostitution minus any semblance of integrity that is. :p

But since obliviously obvious asked so nicely and since it's Fat Tuesday, I'll call it good and bow out until the next one comes along. Maybe go check out the Trump threads.
I have an excellent idea of how 'science' now days is conducted (or what passes for science). The closest occupation it can be compared to is prostitution.

Prostitution minus any semblance of integrity that is. :p

But since obliviously obvious asked so nicely and since it's Fat Tuesday, I'll call it good and bow out until the next one comes along. Maybe go check out the Trump threads.

Really? Because you don't seem to have the slightest idea how a controlled experiment is conducted nor demonstrate the least understanding of variables. Probably best you bow out.
This RFK interview explains a lot. There are several exerpts I'd like to post, but really the whole interview is a good read so I'm just going to leave this here.

Any objections to anything that was said here?


RFK: Well, there are many pediatricians who have grave doubts about thimerosal safety and would like better science.

So the f**k what Bob? Thimerosal has been removed from the entire complement of recommended childhood vaccines. It is only found now in the multi-dose vials of flu vaccine. Been that way for years. No drop in autism rates. Weird, huh? Guess you didn't get the "synergy" memo.
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BTW, that wasn't me that you're looking for the post # from.

I assume by now that you and Joe now realize that you've been handed your hat on your fraudulent vaccine "studies". I guess I'm interested to know whether you have any more fraudulent vaccine studies for me to look at. What consistently outrageous garbage you've posted. If you come across any real studies that indicate thimerosal is safe, you better rush your study to Robert Kennedy asap, as he extended his deadline, just for you. What? you mean you're confident enough to post your fraud studies here because you think that you're dealing with people who can't read science, but you're not confident enough to submit ONE of your fraudulent studies in to RFK and collect your 100K? Scandalous. you guys are laid out nice and neat:

In many ways, the anti-vaccine movement is highly mutable. However, this mutability is firmly based around keeping one thing utterly constant, and that one thing is vaccines. No matter what the evidence, no matter what the science, no matter how much observational, scientific, and epidemiological evidence is arrayed against them, to the relentlessly self-confident members of the anti-vaccine movement, it’s always about the vaccines. Always. Vaccines are always the root for many human health problems, be they asthma, autoimmune diseases, autism, and chronic diseases of all types. Everything else is negotiable. For instance, back when Andrew Wakefield ignited a scare about the MMR vaccine by publishing a fraudulent case series linking the MMR to a new syndrome consisting of regressive autism and enterocolitis, it was the measles vaccine that caused this syndrome. Here in the U.S., it was the mercury in the thimerosal preservative that used to be used in many childhood vaccines - until 2001 that was the cause of all evil. However, as scientists did more and more studies, testing vaccines to see if they were associated with an increased risk of autism and found zero, nada, zip association with either vaccines or the thimerosal preservative in vaccines, the anti-vaccine movement was nothing if not mutable. Before long, Jenny McCarthy was declaring that it was the “toxins” in vaccines that were causing autism, and Generation Rescue was asserting that children were getting “too many too soon.” Of course, as far as the anti-vaccine movement was concerned, the beauty of these ideas was (and is) that they are much harder to falsify scientifically because they are so much more vague.

Of late, the anti-vaccine movement has hit upon a new strategy. Specifically, they are demanding what they like to call a “vaxed versus unvaxed” study. Basically, their claim is that unvaccinated children are so much healthier than vaccinated children, and they think that such a study would prove it. Of course, they only hit on this message after making some rather embarrassing missteps. In particular, they didn’t seem to realize that a randomized, double blind study of vaccination according to the currently recommended schedule versus unvaccinated children was totally unethical. So, they figured out another angle. They acknowledge that a randomized trial of unvaccinated versus vaccinated children would not be feasible (although they appear not to be able to admit just how unethical it would be), and blithely suggest instead an epidemiological study of the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated without realizing just how horrendously difficult it would be to overcome the confounders that would plague such a study or that ethical considerations still require sound scientific justification for such a study. That’s why it’s so cute to see anti-vaccine loons trying to justify such a study.

All of which is why it’s pretty amusing that just such a study was recently reported in Germany. Can you guess what it found? Let’s just say that, to those of us who accept the science showing that vaccines do not cause autism, autoimmune diseases, asthma, and the like, the results were utterly unsurprising:

In their study, the authors compare the occurrence of infections and allergies in vaccinated and unvaccinated children and adolescents. These include bronchitis, eczema, colds, and gastrointestinal infections.

The evaluation showed that unvaccinated children and adolescents differ from their vaccinated peers merely in terms of the frequency of vaccine preventable diseases. These include pertussis, mumps, or measles. As expected, the risk of contracting these diseases is substantially lower in vaccinated children and adolescents.

Surprise, surprise! Unvaccinated kids differ from vaccinated kids only in having a much higher risk of vaccine-preventable disease! Who’da thunk it? can't do a vaccinated/unvaccinated trial with's unethical and surely illegal to expose children to the risks associated with preventable disease. But we can collect records and do cohort studies. The problem with using this to study autism is that the number of unvaccinated children is so small. In the German study they looked at the records of 13,453 children aged 1 through 17. Out of this group, for 94 children no evidence of vaccination could be found. That's too small a group to look at for autism since it occurs in approximately 1/100 children.'ve finally settled on an issue that can't ethically or legally be disproved. For now. If you get your way, we'll likely have a far higher number of children in the future who won't get vaccinated. The review then will show what the science now shows...there's no association between vaccines and autism. I'd like to think that would shut you up but I know you'll just shift strategies...again. Meanwhile, thousands of children will get completely preventable diseases and some will suffer life-long consequences while others will die. And that's 100% on asshats like you.

Here's your sign:

Schmitz, R; Poethko-Müller, C; Reiter, S; Schlaud, M (2011). Vaccination Status and Health in Children and Adolescents: Findings of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS) Dtsch Arztebl Int, 108 (7), 99-104
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RFK: Well, there are many pediatricians who have grave doubts about thimerosal safety and would like better science.

So the f**k what Bob? Thimerosal has been removed from the entire complement of recommended childhood vaccines. It is only found now in the multi-dose vials of flu vaccine. Been that way for years. No drop in autism rates. Weird, huh? Guess you didn't get the "synergy" memo.
First of all that's not entirely accurate. Here's the chart:

" * This product should be considered equivalent to thimerosal‐free products. This vaccine may contain trace amounts (<0.3 mcg) of mercury left after postproduction thimerosal removal; these amounts have no biological effect. JAMA 1999;282(18) and JAMA 2000;283(16)."

Did they use the same type of fraudulent science for that research as they did all the other garbage studies you've posted?

In addition it's still present! What true level of mercury should actually considered "safe" for one of the most toxic substances on the planet anyway? Since we've already learned that we can't trust the safety studies that indicate that it is safe, I don't think we really know the answer to that question. So don't tell me it's only in one vaccine so we shouldn't worry about it. You have some unreasonable industry-funded thought patterns in you TH.

Your drop in autism rates theory doesn't make sense because they replaced it with Aluminum which itself has proven to be an extremely potent neurotoxin. Thimerosal is still there, with aluminum. Too many improperly tested and untested variables, and a lot of assumptions TH. That's tainted industry-funded reasoning, not sound scientific reasoning.
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First of all that's not entirely accurate. Here's the chart:

" * This product should be considered equivalent to thimerosal‐free products. This vaccine may contain trace amounts (<0.3 mcg) of mercury left after postproduction thimerosal removal; these amounts have no biological effect. JAMA 1999;282(18) and JAMA 2000;283(16)."

Did they use the same type of fraudulent science for that research as they did all the other garbage studies you've posted?

In addition it's still present! What true level of mercury should actually considered "safe" for one of the most toxic substances on the planet anyway? Since we've already learned that we can't trust the safety studies that indicate that it is safe, I don't think we really know the answer to that question. So don't tell me it's only in one vaccine so we shouldn't worry about it. You have some unreasonable industry-funded thought patterns in you TH.
"We've" learned nothing of the kind. YOU'VE made up crap and tried to pass it as fact. Not the same thing. Really.
Your drop in autism rates theory doesn't make sense because they replaced it with Aluminum which itself has proven to be an extremely potent neurotoxin.

No they didn't, you dipstick!! JFC, at least know what the hell you're talking about. Aluminum and thimerosal don't even serve the same functions and aluminum salts and gels have been used in vaccines since the 1930's. Where was the autism epidemic then?

You're hopeless.
In addition it's still present! What true level of mercury should actually considered "safe" for one of the most toxic substances on the planet anyway? Since we've already learned that we can't trust the safety studies that indicate that it is safe, I don't think we really know the answer to that question. So don't tell me it's only in one vaccine so we shouldn't worry about it. You have some unreasonable industry-funded thought patterns in you TH.

Well...they outshine your thought patterns by miles. You do know that thimerosal was first used in vaccines in the 1930's as well, correct? Do you think the amounts THEN were lower than .3mcg? I'll guarantee not. So we had aluminum AND thimerosal in vaccines in the 1930's...the 1940's...the 1950's...the 1960's...etc, etc, etc...and no autism epidemic. How can you explain that? Especially if your "no level is safe" bullshit is true.
My wife is 38+ weeks pregnant with child #1 and we are expecting the arrival any day. We have taken courses, read books on sleeping, etc., spent an outrageous amount of money on stroller, crib, etc. and are very excited.

I have been acutely aware of the controversy around vaccinations and an alleged link to autism, but because I had no kids, I never looked into it. From what I can tell, there have been no scientific studies that prove causation between the MMR vaccine (generally given at around 8 weeks) and autism. The anti-vaccination movement has been largely grassroots (parents of austistic kids who were supposedly healthy before the vaccine) and a Dr. Wakefield in the U.K. Hollywood types like Robert De Niro and Jenny McCarthy have also hopped on board.

Fast forward to today, a dear friend (well-educated, level-headed father of two) started pleading with me to not vaccinate. He went so far as to say that our friendship means far too much to him to allow me to make the mistake of vaccinating, and asked that I meet up with him to discuss. My friend believes that the vaccinations are a huge money-maker for "Big Pharma," who is in bed with the CDC. He is a great guy and friend, but his behavior seems almost cultish. We are both committed Christians, and he compared his pleading with me about vaccinations to sharing the Gospel of Christ with an atheist friend.

Obviously, we would not do anything that could increase the risk of our child having autism. With that said, my look at the data seems to indicate that the odds of vaccine-induced autism (or other complications) are less than the odds of contracting disease due to not vaccinating.

What say you, HROT?

Who do you like better, friends or smallpox?
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Well...they outshine your thought patterns by miles. You do know that thimerosal was first used in vaccines in the 1930's as well, correct? Do you think the amounts THEN were lower than .3mcg? I'll guarantee not. So we had aluminum AND thimerosal in vaccines in the 1930's...the 1940's...the 1950's...the 1960's...etc, etc, etc...and no autism epidemic. How can you explain that? Especially if your "no level is safe" bullshit is true.

Look at the vaccine schedule today vs back then. That'd be a good start. Just how much aluminum was in the vaccines then? Just how much other toxins were in the vaccines then? Change in diet? Changes in overall toxic load due to environmental factors? How many times to I have to say that it's probably others things as well as vaccines, though with vaccines being a, if not the major contributor? Lot's of unknowns aren't there? The only real knowns are ingredients in vaccines are toxic, and the science that studies them and says there isn't a problem is loaded with fraud and deceit.
"We've" learned nothing of the kind. YOU'VE made up crap and tried to pass it as fact. Not the same thing. Really.

No they didn't, you dipstick!! JFC, at least know what the hell you're talking about. Aluminum and thimerosal don't even serve the same functions and aluminum salts and gels have been used in vaccines since the 1930's. Where was the autism epidemic then?

You're hopeless.
What quantities of aluminum in the 30's - 80's were being injected into children and at what ages? How much mercury? What other ingredients were present? Diet, environmental factors are different. Too many variables and you're trying to compare apples to oranges. You're assuming too much, talking out your ass, with no science to back you up. This is what the clueless Dr. said I was doing and YOU'RE the one doing it!
In many ways, the anti-vaccine movement is highly mutable. However, this mutability is firmly based around keeping one thing utterly constant, and that one thing is vaccines. No matter what the evidence, no matter what the science, no matter how much observational, scientific, and epidemiological evidence is arrayed against them, to the relentlessly self-confident members of the anti-vaccine movement, it’s always about the vaccines. Always.
I have said many times it's not just the vaccines.
But we can collect records and do cohort studies. The problem with using this to study autism is that the number of unvaccinated children is so small. In the German study they looked at the records of 13,453 children aged 1 through 17. Out of this group, for 94 children no evidence of vaccination could be found. That's too small a group to look at for autism since it occurs in approximately 1/100 children.
The unvaccinated exist, amongst today's population undoubtedly in numbers large enough to study. I think your autism rate is a bit off. It's been at least 1/68 for quite awhile now. I've read a lot of 1/50 lately.
Meanwhile, thousands of children will get completely preventable diseases and some will suffer life-long consequences while others will die. And that's 100% on asshats like you.
I'll say it again. I'm not anti-vaccine, I'm pro-safe vaccines. That is something we should be able to do, and it should be something we should be striving for instead of deceiving the American public with faulty safety studies. We should probably be looking into safer vaccines that contain ingredients that aren't known potent neurotoxins. We shouldn't have to trade infectious disease for chronic disease.
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What quantities of aluminum in the 30's - 80's were being injected into children and at what ages? How much mercury? What other ingredients were present? Diet, environmental factors are different. Too many variables and you're trying to compare apples to oranges. You're assuming too much, talking out your ass, with no science to back you up. This is what the clueless Dr. said I was doing and YOU'RE the one doing it!

I'm comparing thimerosal and aluminum compounds to thimerosal and aluminum compounds. You're the one who keeps expanding and expanding and expanding your causative...I don't even know how to characterize it now. So it's NOW some unknown...and unknowable ..."synergism" between diet and environment and vaccine ingredients...but always...ALWAYS...vaccines. Just like the article I posted said. You've tied yourself in so many knots there's no hope to untie you.
I have said many times it's not just the vaccines.

The unvaccinated exist, amongst today's population undoubtedly in numbers large enough to study. I think your autism rate is a bit off. It's been at least 1/68 for quite awhile now. I've read a lot of 1/50 lately.

I'll say it again. I'm not anti-vaccine, I'm pro-safe vaccines. That is something we should be able to do, and it should be something we should be striving for instead of deceiving the American public with faulty safety studies, we should probably be looking into safer vaccines with ingredients in them that aren't known potent neurotoxins. We shouldn't have to trade infectious disease for chronic disease.

Vaccines will NEVER be safe for you. Ever. There will ALWAYS be some additive you'll find at fault. It will always be vaccines. ALWAYS.
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Vaccines will NEVER be safe for you. Ever. There will ALWAYS be some additive you'll find at fault. It will always be vaccines. ALWAYS.
This is such a foolish thing to say. Take a deep breath. I think you're letting your emotions cloud your ability to think straight.

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