Could Donald Trump actually be the Antichrist in the Bible?

You have someone else in mind for the job, Devil?
Trump is a fake, want to be and a failure.

The real one-
Christianity believes that the AntiChrist will be someone
who is a false teacher within the Christian Church on earth.
So that would disqualify Donald Trump immediately. He
certainly is toxic to Christianity by his gross immorality.

@RagnarLothbrok I watched the 21 minute video and
found that all of the passages from Daniel were taken
out of context. These verses and others in the video
refer to a religious leader who is already inside the church.
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Christianity believes that the AntiChrist will be someone
who is a false teacher within the Christian Church on earth.
So that would disqualify Donald Trump immediately. He
certainly is toxic to Christianity by his gross immorality.
Did you watch the video? I’m curious what your opinion is of it.

I’m not much of a Bible scholar, so I’m wondering how accurate or far off the narrator is with the Bible verses he connects to Donald Trump.
Bible Evidence:

Discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls: In 1947, ancient Jewish texts were discovered in the Qumran caves near the Dead Sea. These scrolls include some of the earliest known copies of biblical texts, providing evidence of the accuracy of the transmission of biblical manuscripts over centuries.

Excavations at Jericho: Archaeological excavations at the ancient city of Jericho have revealed evidence of its destruction, consistent with the biblical account in the book of Joshua. Although interpretations vary, findings such as collapsed walls and burnt debris suggest a violent event that aligns with the biblical narrative.

Confirmation of Biblical Figures: Archaeological discoveries have provided evidence for the existence of various individuals mentioned in the Bible, including King David, King Solomon, and Pontius Pilate. Inscriptions, artifacts, and other historical records support the existence of these figures, corroborating biblical accounts.

City of David Excavations: Ongoing excavations in Jerusalem's City of David have unearthed remains dating back to biblical times, shedding light on the city's history as described in the Old Testament. These findings include structures, pottery, and inscriptions that align with biblical descriptions of ancient Jerusalem.

Discovery of the Tel Dan Inscription: In 1993-1994, an inscription was found at Tel Dan in northern Israel, mentioning the "House of David." This inscription is considered one of the earliest extrabiblical references to the biblical King David, providing archaeological evidence for the existence of this significant biblical figure.

God Evidence:

Fine-Tuning of the Universe: The precise balance of physical constants and fundamental forces in the universe necessary for life to exist is often cited as evidence of design. The anthropic principle suggests that the universe seems to be finely tuned to support intelligent life, raising questions about its origin and purpose.

Origin of Life: The complexity of biological systems, such as DNA and the intricacies of cellular machinery, has led some to propose that life is too complex to have arisen through natural processes alone. The existence of irreducibly complex structures, as described by proponents of intelligent design, is seen by some as indicative of a designer.

Cosmological Argument: Philosophical arguments based on cosmology, such as the Kalam cosmological argument, posit that the universe had a beginning and requires a cause outside of itself. This cause is often identified as God, providing a rational basis for belief in a transcendent creator.

Moral Law: The existence of objective moral values and duties in human experience is seen by some as evidence of a moral lawgiver. The universality of moral principles across cultures and civilizations suggests to some that these values are rooted in a transcendent source, such as God.

Personal Religious Experiences: While not empirical evidence in the scientific sense, many individuals report personal experiences of encountering the divine or feeling a sense of transcendence. These religious experiences, whether through prayer, meditation, or other spiritual practices, are often cited as evidence of a personal relationship with God. (look deeply into NDEs)
Can't watch the video, with my kids at one of their friend's birthday party but this thought has crossed my mind more than once considering the vast amounts of so called Christians who worship person who is the exact opposite of Christ in nearly every way.

I don't worry about it too much though, I don't back the guy so if he is me and my house will be safe.
Bible Evidence:
Historical fiction is nothing new.
Discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls: In 1947, ancient Jewish texts were discovered in the Qumran caves near the Dead Sea. These scrolls include some of the earliest known copies of biblical texts, providing evidence of the accuracy of the transmission of biblical manuscripts over centuries.

Excavations at Jericho: Archaeological excavations at the ancient city of Jericho have revealed evidence of its destruction, consistent with the biblical account in the book of Joshua. Although interpretations vary, findings such as collapsed walls and burnt debris suggest a violent event that aligns with the biblical narrative.

Confirmation of Biblical Figures: Archaeological discoveries have provided evidence for the existence of various individuals mentioned in the Bible, including King David, King Solomon, and Pontius Pilate. Inscriptions, artifacts, and other historical records support the existence of these figures, corroborating biblical accounts.

City of David Excavations: Ongoing excavations in Jerusalem's City of David have unearthed remains dating back to biblical times, shedding light on the city's history as described in the Old Testament. These findings include structures, pottery, and inscriptions that align with biblical descriptions of ancient Jerusalem.

Discovery of the Tel Dan Inscription: In 1993-1994, an inscription was found at Tel Dan in northern Israel, mentioning the "House of David." This inscription is considered one of the earliest extrabiblical references to the biblical King David, providing archaeological evidence for the existence of this significant biblical figure.

God Evidence:
None of this stands up to scientific scrutiny. All we know is that life as we understand it could only exist within certain parameters (some of which - like the mass of quarks - aren't as "fine-tuned" as previously thought) but it says nothing about life as we don't understand it in a universe that's set up differently. Irreducible complexity, quite simply, doesn't exist. It's a made-up concept that has been thoroughly a court of law. Requiring a "cause" is nonsensical since the "cause" postulated is then defined as not requiring a cause. "Morality" absolutely confers a survival advantage and would be selected for. Bees will sacrifice their lives to protect the hive. An amoral humanity would self-destruct. As you stated, anecdotal evidence isn't evidence.
Fine-Tuning of the Universe: The precise balance of physical constants and fundamental forces in the universe necessary for life to exist is often cited as evidence of design. The anthropic principle suggests that the universe seems to be finely tuned to support intelligent life, raising questions about its origin and purpose.

Origin of Life: The complexity of biological systems, such as DNA and the intricacies of cellular machinery, has led some to propose that life is too complex to have arisen through natural processes alone. The existence of irreducibly complex structures, as described by proponents of intelligent design, is seen by some as indicative of a designer.

Cosmological Argument: Philosophical arguments based on cosmology, such as the Kalam cosmological argument, posit that the universe had a beginning and requires a cause outside of itself. This cause is often identified as God, providing a rational basis for belief in a transcendent creator.

Moral Law: The existence of objective moral values and duties in human experience is seen by some as evidence of a moral lawgiver. The universality of moral principles across cultures and civilizations suggests to some that these values are rooted in a transcendent source, such as God.

Personal Religious Experiences: While not empirical evidence in the scientific sense, many individuals report personal experiences of encountering the divine or feeling a sense of transcendence. These religious experiences, whether through prayer, meditation, or other spiritual practices, are often cited as evidence of a personal relationship with God. (look deeply into NDEs)
Can't watch the video, with my kids at one of their friend's birthday party but this thought has crossed my mind more than once considering the vast amounts of so called Christians who worship person who is the exact opposite of Christ in nearly every way.

I don't worry about it too much though, I don't back the guy so if he is me and my house will be safe.
When you get the chance, you should watch it.
Bible Evidence:

Discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls: In 1947, ancient Jewish texts were discovered in the Qumran caves near the Dead Sea. These scrolls include some of the earliest known copies of biblical texts, providing evidence of the accuracy of the transmission of biblical manuscripts over centuries.

Excavations at Jericho: Archaeological excavations at the ancient city of Jericho have revealed evidence of its destruction, consistent with the biblical account in the book of Joshua. Although interpretations vary, findings such as collapsed walls and burnt debris suggest a violent event that aligns with the biblical narrative.

Confirmation of Biblical Figures: Archaeological discoveries have provided evidence for the existence of various individuals mentioned in the Bible, including King David, King Solomon, and Pontius Pilate. Inscriptions, artifacts, and other historical records support the existence of these figures, corroborating biblical accounts.

City of David Excavations: Ongoing excavations in Jerusalem's City of David have unearthed remains dating back to biblical times, shedding light on the city's history as described in the Old Testament. These findings include structures, pottery, and inscriptions that align with biblical descriptions of ancient Jerusalem.

Discovery of the Tel Dan Inscription: In 1993-1994, an inscription was found at Tel Dan in northern Israel, mentioning the "House of David." This inscription is considered one of the earliest extrabiblical references to the biblical King David, providing archaeological evidence for the existence of this significant biblical figure.

God Evidence:

Fine-Tuning of the Universe: The precise balance of physical constants and fundamental forces in the universe necessary for life to exist is often cited as evidence of design. The anthropic principle suggests that the universe seems to be finely tuned to support intelligent life, raising questions about its origin and purpose.

Origin of Life: The complexity of biological systems, such as DNA and the intricacies of cellular machinery, has led some to propose that life is too complex to have arisen through natural processes alone. The existence of irreducibly complex structures, as described by proponents of intelligent design, is seen by some as indicative of a designer.

Cosmological Argument: Philosophical arguments based on cosmology, such as the Kalam cosmological argument, posit that the universe had a beginning and requires a cause outside of itself. This cause is often identified as God, providing a rational basis for belief in a transcendent creator.

Moral Law: The existence of objective moral values and duties in human experience is seen by some as evidence of a moral lawgiver. The universality of moral principles across cultures and civilizations suggests to some that these values are rooted in a transcendent source, such as God.

Personal Religious Experiences: While not empirical evidence in the scientific sense, many individuals report personal experiences of encountering the divine or feeling a sense of transcendence. These religious experiences, whether through prayer, meditation, or other spiritual practices, are often cited as evidence of a personal relationship with God. (look deeply into NDEs)

So, what do you think of the OP?
God damn Americans really have to make everything about themselves including Christianity which predates the Biblical authors' knowledge of the existence of the North American continent by more than a thousand years and half of the time Christendom has existed was before any Christians discovered the continent. Looking for prophecies involving America in the Bible is like picking and choosing what Nostradamus got right
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He embodies the seven deadly sins so he’s definitely not far off.
As I have said for years, he's broken more commandments than he's abided by. And, I'm sure he hasn't killed, just ordered Keith Schiller to take care of a problem, so in that way he's clear on that one.
Does the anti-Christ get to rape people? Is it in the job description? If so, then Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser may well be.
Does the anti-Christ get to rape people? Is it in the job description? If so, then Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser may well be.
I was honestly hoping there would be a Christian Trump supporter to offer insight on their unwavering support for evil.
Can Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser even say, spell or identify Bible?
His supporters are anti Christ worshipping idiots. But he's just a pathetic conman. Don't blame me I voted for the email lady.
I actually asked this question to a friend 6 years ago. I was dead serious. He was a MAGA and couldn't believe it
Christianity believes that the AntiChrist will be someone
who is a false teacher within the Christian Church on earth.
So that would disqualify Donald Trump immediately. He
certainly is toxic to Christianity by his gross immorality.

@RagnarLothbrok I watched the 21 minute video and
found that all of the passages from Daniel were taken
out of context. These verses and others in the video
refer to a religious leader who is already inside the church.
You do realize no one knows what context the verses in the Bible are to be taken, right.
He’s been called everything else. Might as well add The Antichrist to the list

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