Do you enjoy the holidays?

Smoke 'em while you got 'em, carpe diem, etc. Little kids become big kids, big kids become adults, parents get old, etc. What I once viewed as unnecessary and annoying get togethers traveling hither and yon, I now wish I could go back in time and relive them all. I try enjoy each holiday season the the max.
One of my favorite things is getting out the Halloween and Christmas stuff that my kids had and showing it to my grandkids.
You throw a giant party for your wife's birthday every year?

We have it on the 24th. Goes from 10:00 am until 6 or 7 pm. Most people come for an hour or two……B-I-L stays the whole time. The guy who stole a lot of money from my late F-I-L. That’s annoying .

It’s a constant stream of people. Nothing too fancy. Lots of booze. Just a long day before the big day.

I pick my battles. My wife doesn’t ask for much, but she really loves her birthday.
I have the joy this holiday season of not having to think about it. I started a new job about a month ago and we're open 365 days. I'm working both Thanksgiving and Christmas, will not have to deal with the ridiculous pace, anxiety and tension that the in-laws always bring to the holidays.
I'm trying to decide whether to give this a smiley face or frowny face.
I'm trying to decide whether to give this a smiley face or frowny face.
Trust me, it's a smiley, at least for right now. The timing isn't right for me to fully reengage in full-on family outings anyway. I will enjoy some peace and quiet.