Face it you heathens... the Bible is VERIFIABLE HISTORY

It's not too late to come home. I was lapsed for 15 years into atheist philosophy like Nietszche, Schopenhauer and Camus.

The only purpose to life is to get to Heaven and get others to Heaven as well.
The only purpose in life is to leave the world a better place than you found it and love and be loved in return. If that's not "good" enough, this "god" is a psychopathic narcissist who only craves adoration. Why can't you ever justify the slaughter of innocent infants and children by an angry "god" with anything other than..."Well, he's God and can do whatever he likes"?
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And yet, Christians can't agree on what constitutes objective morality. Interesting, isn't it? Your god can't even decide what constitutes objective morality. As I pointed out earlier, your god commanded that thou shalt not kill yet then ordered the slaughter of an untold number of innocent children and infants. Don't talk to me about "objective morality" when you have that profoundly immoral skeleton in the closet.
Once again, you are displaying a complete misunderstanding of the very thing you are criticizing. As explained to you yesterday, just because you are a Christian does not mean you become perfect. The only difference is the professed Christian accepts the forgiveness and grace from Jesus Christ. They deserve death but Christ paid that penalty for them.

A professed Christian still lives in the same sin state as anyone else, yourself included. God created morality and it is perfect the way He created it to be. We still warp it and will continue to do so.

Did you know in Exodus when God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, it does not use the word "kill" but translates best to murder/pre-meditated? There is a stark difference here. God does not murder. He may kill or order to kill based on His righteous judgement. I know you don't like to hear that and you believe you have every right to judge God. But, that's not how it works.

So I know you think God of the OT is immoral. In reality, He is sovereign and perfectly just. I get it though, from human perspective it seems unfair. Much like how a young child thinks their own parents are unfair when administering punishments.
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The only purpose in life is to leave the world a better place than you found it and love and be loved in return.
Now you need to define "better!" ISIS members think they are leaving the world a better place when they kill an infidel and then are sent to supposedly see their many virgins in heaven!

You are also going to have to define "love." Ghengis Khan loved many, many women and girls. Stalin loved communism. Your mom loves my sausage!

See the problem when humans think they can define morality? There are millions just like you coming up with their own definitions and they are each a little different. Those differences add up and cause chaos. Why would you want to live in chaos?

Thankfully, the God who loves you very much created love and defined it for us. Agape love is perfect but humans are not always able to love in that manner. God always offers us agape love.
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Um, people in the bible lived to be 600 years old, survived a global flood that was so massive that it somehow covered the entire earth, could be turned into salt, regularly talked to snakes, could create new people from ribs, and could be killed and be brought back to life with supernatural powers. Safe to assume that the bible is about as believable as Lord of the Rings.
If you can get past the part that God created the heavens and the earth, the rest is cream cheese.
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We can do both; imagine if every human was striving to be a saint.

This world would be almost paradise.
Jesus's perfect blueprint for world peace. Love one another including your enemies.

Are there any other original documents that contain a blueprint for world peace that would actually work if people would execute it?
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typescript errors are the worst

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Define “good.” Who decides what is “good?”
You dont know what ethical means? We have rules, laws, and norms and most have been with us for a long time and since we agree to use them we thing they are good rules.

If a guy smacks his wife around, is he a good person? Hell no. It is that easy. Society tries to set what is "good". Some things are agreeable to the vast majority of people and some newer rules especially get tossed aside.

Do you think militarily conquering Greenland is a good deed?
You dont know what ethical means? We have rules, laws, and norms and most have been with us for a long time and since we agree to use them we thing they are good rules.

If a guy smacks his wife around, is he a good person? Hell no. It is that easy. Society tries to set what is "good". Some things are agreeable to the vast majority of people and some newer rules especially get tossed aside.

Do you think militarily conquering Greenland is a good deed?
Hitler thought what he was doing was good too. Good is subjective.

Humans can’t seem to get on the same page with “good.” We have a need for a savior.
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Hitler thought what he was doing was good too. Good is subjective.

Humans can’t seem to get on the same page with “good.” We have a need for a savior.
Hitler was a novice compared to god, who murdered the whole planet. The christian god was a saviour for 8 people, I guess. What makes Hitler worse is he isn't made up. Although Hitler never killed anyone in his "righteous judgement" for spooging on the floor.
Once again, you are displaying a complete misunderstanding of the very thing you are criticizing. As explained to you yesterday, just because you are a Christian does not mean you become perfect. The only difference is the professed Christian accepts the forgiveness and grace from Jesus Christ. They deserve death but Christ paid that penalty for them.

A professed Christian still lives in the same sin state as anyone else, yourself included. God created morality and it is perfect the way He created it to be. We still warp it and will continue to do so.
I understand every single word of this, and I've said not one thing to indicate otherwise. I don't require forgiveness from some mythical deity whose story is it created humanity to fail and then punished humanity for doing EXACTLY what we were built to do.
Did you know in Exodus when God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, it does not use the word "kill" but translates best to murder/pre-meditated? There is a stark difference here. God does not murder. He may kill or order to kill based on His righteous judgement. I know you don't like to hear that and you believe you have every right to judge God. But, that's not how it works.
I really don't care how you define it, ordering the slaughter of every innocent child and infant in ANY population is murder/premeditated, it's genocide, and it matters not one bit WHO does it. As I have said, that you can so easily accept that is deeply troubling. When the psycho says "God" ordered him to slaughter the entire exactly do you prove him wrong? Your Abrahamic God is the same God of Islam. There are Muslims who claim that slaughtering people is their/your God's will. How do you know they're wrong? Because YOU say so? Not MY God? What do you think the Amakelites thought when they heard that the Jews were acting with EXACTLY the same justification? What's interesting is that you just refuse to confront these questions head-on.

As to that last, your Christian god doesn't exist...I can judge the behavior attributed to it with no problem at all.
So I know you think God of the OT is immoral. In reality, He is sovereign and perfectly just. I get it though, from human perspective it seems unfair. Much like how a young child thinks their own parents are unfair when administering punishments.
No...the god described in the Bible IS immoral. Profoundly and indisputably so. But that god doesn't exist, and an imaginary being created to explain the natural world to ignorant desert dwellers has long outlived its usefulness. If the idea gives you comfort, keep on trucking. If you require a sky-daddy to make you act in a moral way, that's fine. Don't insert your beliefs into MY life.
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I understand every single word of this, and I've said not one thing to indicate otherwise. I don't require forgiveness from some mythical deity whose story is it created humanity to fail and then punished humanity for doing EXACTLY what we were built to do.

I really don't care how you define it, ordering the slaughter of every innocent child and infant in ANY population is murder/premeditated, it's genocide, and it matters not one bit WHO does it. As I have said, that you can so easily accept that is deeply troubling. When the psycho says "God" ordered him to slaughter the entire exactly do you prove him wrong? Your Abrahamic God is the same God of Islam. There are Muslims who claim that slaughtering people is their/your God's will. How do you know they're wrong? Because YOU say so? Not MY God? What do you think the Amakelites thought when they heard that the Jews were acting with EXACTLY the same justification? What's interesting is that you just refuse to confront these questions head-on.

As to that last, your Christian god doesn't exist...I can judge the behavior attributed to it with no problem at all.

No...the god described in the Bible IS immoral. Profoundly and indisputably so. But that god doesn't exist, and an imaginary being created to explain the natural world to ignorant desert dwellers has long outlived its usefulness. If the idea gives you comfort, keep on trucking. If you require a sky-daddy to make you act in a moral way, that's fine. Don't insert your beliefs into MY life.

Jesus isn't made up.

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The only purpose in life is to leave the world a better place than you found it and love and be loved in return. If that's not "good" enough, this "god" is a psychopathic narcissist who only craves adoration. Why can't you ever justify the slaughter of innocent infants and children by an angry "god" with anything other than..."Well, he's God and can do whatever he likes"?

Eternal life is a huge deal.

100 years on Earth is closer to 1 second than to eternity.
Hitler thought what he was doing was good too. Good is subjective.
What did he want to do? Substitute Amalekites for Jews. Your God appears to have been an original "Nazi". But it was "good"? Because your god ordered it?

You don't get to ignore that little problem...well, you do but it's blatantly obvious why. It simply can't be explained in any rational way

I understand every single word of this, and I've said not one thing to indicate otherwise. I don't require forgiveness from some mythical deity whose story is it created humanity to fail and then punished humanity for doing EXACTLY what we were built to do.

I really don't care how you define it, ordering the slaughter of every innocent child and infant in ANY population is murder/premeditated, it's genocide, and it matters not one bit WHO does it. As I have said, that you can so easily accept that is deeply troubling. When the psycho says "God" ordered him to slaughter the entire exactly do you prove him wrong? Your Abrahamic God is the same God of Islam. There are Muslims who claim that slaughtering people is their/your God's will. How do you know they're wrong? Because YOU say so? Not MY God? What do you think the Amakelites thought when they heard that the Jews were acting with EXACTLY the same justification? What's interesting is that you just refuse to confront these questions head-on.

As to that last, your Christian god doesn't exist...I can judge the behavior attributed to it with no problem at all.

No...the god described in the Bible IS immoral. Profoundly and indisputably so. But that god doesn't exist, and an imaginary being created to explain the natural world to ignorant desert dwellers has long outlived its usefulness. If the idea gives you comfort, keep on trucking. If you require a sky-daddy to make you act in a moral way, that's fine. Don't insert your beliefs into MY life.
Agreed. The ethic of the God of the Hebrew Bible is might makes right. People apply philosophical ideas that developed later to a God that did not develop with those concepts in mind. If we accept his ethic as described in the Bible then genocide is fine not only fine but a moral obligation when defeating your enemies. If someone commits a crime we should punish their children and their grandchildren.
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Eternal life is a huge deal.

100 years on Earth is closer to 1 second than to eternity.
The only purpose in life is to leave the world a better place than you found it and love and be loved in return. If that's not "good" enough, this "god" is a psychopathic narcissist who only craves adoration.
The only purpose in life is to leave the world a better place than you found it and love and be loved in return.

I think that's terrestrial purpose but not cosmic (or ultimate) purpose.

If there's no life after death, all our efforts turn to dust...people alot smarter than us like Nietszche and Schopenhauer knew it.

Everything depends on it.
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I understand every single word of this, and I've said not one thing to indicate otherwise. I don't require forgiveness from some mythical deity whose story is it created humanity to fail and then punished humanity for doing EXACTLY what we were built to do.

I really don't care how you define it, ordering the slaughter of every innocent child and infant in ANY population is murder/premeditated, it's genocide, and it matters not one bit WHO does it. As I have said, that you can so easily accept that is deeply troubling. When the psycho says "God" ordered him to slaughter the entire exactly do you prove him wrong? Your Abrahamic God is the same God of Islam. There are Muslims who claim that slaughtering people is their/your God's will. How do you know they're wrong? Because YOU say so? Not MY God? What do you think the Amakelites thought when they heard that the Jews were acting with EXACTLY the same justification? What's interesting is that you just refuse to confront these questions head-on.

As to that last, your Christian god doesn't exist...I can judge the behavior attributed to it with no problem at all.

No...the god described in the Bible IS immoral. Profoundly and indisputably so. But that god doesn't exist, and an imaginary being created to explain the natural world to ignorant desert dwellers has long outlived its usefulness. If the idea gives you comfort, keep on trucking. If you require a sky-daddy to make you act in a moral way, that's fine. Don't insert your beliefs into MY life.
A few thoughts:

- God did not build mankind to fail. On the contrary, we are His masterpiece (see Ephesians). God created all things good and that includes freedom & free will. Free will produced sin. Sin separates us from God (if He wanted robots, He could have just done that you know). But, He loves us so much that He created a plan to save us from sin (if you want to know what this plan is, read your OT and then NT - SPOILER ALERT - it’s Jesus and He wins!!!)!
- God never ordered the death or destruction of innocents for all have sinned. The good news is that Christ’s atonement is available to all and God is merciful. So children (while guilty) can still be given grace and eternal life in Heaven.
There's nothing more important than what happens after we die.

At least, IMHO.
And to me there's nothing more important than being a good person and spending time with my family.

If there's some sort heaven/hell setup for the afterlife and that puts me in a bad place when I die, so be it. On a list of things that I'm concerned about, "what happens when I die?" is at the bottom. I'm MUCH more concerned about my wife and stepson if I die than I am about where I end up after I die.
You wrote that "the Christian God doesn't exist" and Jesus is the Christian God so I thought I would gently correct you. :)

Carry on with your atheist self...
John 7:33 Jesus said, "I am with you for only a short time, and then I am going to the one who sent me.

So who sent him?

John 17:4 I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.

Same basic question. Is he talking to himself?

And, of course, you have the "Why hast thou forsaken me?" comment. Who would he be complaining to there?

Don't bother trying to explain it. It would just be more nonsense.
The only purpose in life is to leave the world a better place than you found it and love and be loved in return. If that's not "good" enough, this "god" is a psychopathic narcissist who only craves adoration.
Define “better.”

Define “love.”

Nothing you do will be good enough. He’s God, you’re not. That’s the point. You want eternity with God, you have to be blameless and sinless like He is. He offers us this by atoning for your sinful nature through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

God loves you, but because His justice is perfect, He cannot let you hang with Him unless you are:
a) perfect just like He is
b) Have your ransom paid for your sin and accept His grace and forgiveness
And to me there's nothing more important than being a good person and spending time with my family.

If there's some sort heaven/hell setup for the afterlife and that puts me in a bad place when I die, so be it. On a list of things that I'm concerned about, "what happens when I die?" is at the bottom. I'm MUCH more concerned about my wife and stepson if I die than I am about where I end up after I die.

Thanks for your perspective. I'd ask for a pic of your wife but that would be rude and this is HBOT.

I'm 41...only a few more decades until I take the ride into eternity.
John 7:33 Jesus said, "I am with you for only a short time, and then I am going to the one who sent me.

So who sent him?

John 17:4 I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.

Same basic question. Is he talking to himself?

And, of course, you have the "Why hast thou forsaken me?" comment. Who would he be complaining to there?

Don't bother trying to explain it. It would just be more nonsense.

He was talking about the Trinity...the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

I'm not trying to convince anyone in this thread. I know most Americans are atheists...I appreciate the discussion though.
What is your definition of “good person?” Are you cool if other people also be “good persons” but their definition is different than yours?
I've read this thread. You've got like 60 posts in it arguing with tarheel. I'm well aware that whatever answer I give you will result in more and more questions.

I like you, but you religious kooks don't know when to stop sometimes.