Ferrari Brother Update

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He was impeached twice. He attempted to strong arm the Ukrainians into lying about events revolving around a political rival’s son. He told the country to drink bleach to cure Covid. He told military secrets to heads of countries concerning allies. He told military secrets to rich donators. He illegally kept classified documents and showed to visitors at Mar Lago. He raped women. He admitted he would only consider an election fair IF he won. He tried to change the results of a presidential election. Four states are now charging accomplices with attempted tampering with election results. Then there’s the charges he’s now facing for m as my of the actions mentioned above. There are still 88 felony charges hanging over his head. No president has ever been impeached twice and then faced criminal charges after leaving office. His crime spree has been unprecedented. And yet….. here we are. I could go on….
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How is Biden doing with the deficit?
The deficit is a lost cause these days. We are paying so much in interest on the debt that it will never be paid off. Laying that on Trump is so funny when every president for the past umpteen years has been expanding it at record numbers.
Except that the Republicans preach fiscal responsibility until they come into power. Then they spend like drunken sailors. The documentation is quite clear on the effects of Republican vs Democrat administrations on the deficit.
He was impeached twice. He attempted to strong arm the Ukrainians into lying about events revolving around a political rival’s son. He told the country to drink bleach to cure Covid. He told military secrets to heads of countries concerning allies. He told military secrets to rich donators. He illegally kept classified documents and showed to visitors at Mar Lago. He raped women. He admitted he would only consider an election fair IF he won. He tried to change the results of a presidential election. Four states are now charging accomplices with attempted tampering with election results. Then there’s the charges he’s now facing for m as my of the actions mentioned above. There are still 88 felony charges hanging over his head. No president has ever been impeached twice and then faced criminal charges after leaving office. His crime spree has been unprecedented. And yet….. here we are. I could go on….
Love you Dub, but you're wasting your breath here. You can't win an argument premised on facts that some refuse to accept about a crime boss who distorts and corrupts everyone and everything he touches. Matthew 7:6.
The best you can do is VOTE.
You want a serious answer? Get your head out of your backside and realize the Ferraris are poison. What don't you understand about them? You come across as someone with few morals, and anything goes. What more can they do to convince you to step back from the cliff? Walk away from the Ferraris. YOU'RE WELCOME!

Really dude?

I am never a dick to talk shit about Penn State…. But seriously we have Penn State fans telling us about morals?
I was a Steelers fan before I realized the NFL was a complete waste of my time. I always liked coach Cowher and how he handled his athletes. Then came Tomlin he started letting the players do what they wanted and kinda lost control of the team, after Antonio Brown and Levion Bell started slipping I really would have prefferd them off the team, even if it meant losing. Yes thier talent level was remarkable but I thought that thier attitudes would be even a greater negative impact to the team which was the case.

The Ferrari's have already shown they are on the same path, even letting them in the room as much as they are is not good.

That being said u hope they are only keeping the two around until the get Angelo and then cut ties with them before they cut Iowa too deep. If the Brands lose their job because of them that would be detrimental to the program, I really do believe they are great coaches and things have not been going thier way the last two years but it was only three years a go you won a championship. They are still producing good talent and are still statistically the second best team of the decade even in recent years.

I hope they can straighten things out where ever the problem may be, for all I know TnT may not be getting what they ask for, maybe they are being made to take the other Ferarris for a Vaca to Disney world so they land Angelo.

What I'm getting at is when people fall off the cliff that far it is hard to climb back up, so hard that they usually end up falling further. If they do stick around I hope you all are right and they do change but not very likley.
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Except that the Republicans preach fiscal responsibility until they come into power. Then they spend like drunken sailors. The documentation is quite clear on the effects of Republican vs Democrat administrations on the deficit.
Anyone who listens to what a politician says and is surprised when they do something different, is a rookie in the political arena.

Obama care is a great example of that. The GOP did not support it with a single vote. Trump gets in and tries to repeal it and the GOP would not back him up. The GOP "moral and fiscal stand" leading up to the passing of Obabm care was all for show. I could give examples of the same thing on the Dem side, but I do not want to.

My advice is, use actions and results and not words to determine who to vote for.
Sorry to jump into the political arena but I just wanted to put this out there. IMO, a vote for Biden is really a vote for Harris. I don't believe Biden will complete his term (for obvious reasons) so Harris will be the President if he wins. Think about that for a moment or two.

Here is a list of the Bills she sponsored while in Congress.

Thing is the markets love divided government and the president can't sponsor or pass a bill. Rather they can only sign or veto.

So yeah, I've thought about it.
Nice, now you're being both naive and obtuse at the same time. By your statement, the President has no influence and merely says yes or no. I know you know that's not how things actually work but being eristic is your thing.

Since you've thought about it, would you like to see Kamala in the White House? If so, do you think she'd do a good job? If not, why not?

I've never voted for Trump, nor did I believe I ever would vote for him, but I just may in the upcoming election.
Sorry to jump into the political arena but I just wanted to put this out there. IMO, a vote for Biden is really a vote for Harris. I don't believe Biden will complete his term (for obvious reasons) so Harris will be the President if he wins. Think about that for a moment or two.

Here is a list of the Bills she sponsored while in Congress.

Which bills do you take issue with? There seems to be quite a few bipartisan ones in there. Skimming through without clicking on any particular one seems like she cares for the environment and as an outdoorsman I like to see that. Especially when it comes to our waterways.
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Sorry to jump into the political arena but I just wanted to put this out there. IMO, a vote for Biden is really a vote for Harris. I don't believe Biden will complete his term (for obvious reasons) so Harris will be the President if he wins. Think about that for a moment or two.

Here is a list of the Bills she sponsored while in Congress.

Wow… the exact same thing that was said 4 years ago. 🙄
I think Trump was the most divisive president in history and actively worked to pit the left vs the right. As a woman, I found his comments about women frightening. And then, he is the first president in history to not value the democratic process and the peaceful transfer of power. I think this article does a good job of looking at how many people viewed his presidency.
Aside from the rants about his tweets, which along with his open comments were often stupid, i don’t see many negatives in this article. So if this article was supposed to prevent me from voting Trump it failed miserably. I despise both candidates ands think they’re both poor choices, but if these are the choices it’s not even close. Biden has proven time and time again that he’s unfit to be president so if these are the two options then there is really only one option.
I don't believe Biden will complete his term

Quite the opposite of eristic in appearance, true?

I mean, who logically bases life decisions on a made up belief in a personnally held worse case hypothetical scenario?

IMHO, that's no way to rationally live.

Maybe you were projecting when you asserted I was eristic without any supporting evidence.
hmmm don't like the length. Is Marjorie Taylor Green in the portal? She looks like she bites people, but we can work with that.
I'd guess that she's about 160–170lbs, and mean as dirt. Having her on the Hawk squad would take her out of Congress and give the women's team another scrapper. Unfortunately, there is an age limit, so this won't be happening. I would like to see her go head to head with Kylie Welker though. Put my money on Welker for a first-period tech fall.
Quite the opposite of eristic in appearance, true?

I mean, who logically bases life decisions on a made up belief in a personnally held worse case hypothetical scenario?

IMHO, that's no way to rationally live.

Maybe you were projecting when you asserted I was eristic without any supporting evidence.
This entire response is the supporting evidence which is also true of most of your responses on any forum I've seen you post.

Having said this, I suspect you would rather deliberate than to debate and argue. I think we could get along quite well together.
Aside from the rants about his tweets, which along with his open comments were often stupid, i don’t see many negatives in this article. So if this article was supposed to prevent me from voting Trump it failed miserably. I despise both candidates ands think they’re both poor choices, but if these are the choices it’s not even close. Biden has proven time and time again that he’s unfit to be president so if these are the two options then there is really only one option.
I don’t think either one are fit to be president. Both are deeply flawed, too old and too egotistical to give way to better options within their own parties. Sorry to the boomers out there but it is time for your generation to step aside and give up the monopoly you have created. Let the younger generations lead our country.
Anyone who listens to what a politician says and is surprised when they do something different, is a rookie in the political arena.

Obama care is a great example of that. The GOP did not support it with a single vote. Trump gets in and tries to repeal it and the GOP would not back him up. The GOP "moral and fiscal stand" leading up to the passing of Obabm care was all for show. I could give examples of the same thing on the Dem side, but I do not want to.

My advice is, use actions and results and not words to determine who to vote for.
You must be exhausted from moving the goalposts.
Why waste time on prez politics? The guy with the policies that helped and might again help Americans most can’t keep his mouth from spewing diarrhea. The other guy, senile and demented, and far more corrupt (yes lemmings, you keep ignoring the FBI-vetted Navy veteran’s documented proof of Cartel Joey’s involvement in ALL of his infant’s foreign deals with China, Ukraine, and Russia) is a lock for reelection. Not due to small ball fraud (mail-in voting), but the ongoing fraud masterstroke, the one that kept Bobulinski’s first-hand corroboration of all “the Big Guy’s” sleazy foreign corruption offstage: Coordinated media censorship of the addict son’s laptop and anything else harming the left’s precious, feeble-minded puppet. I repeat, why waste time (and why the hell did I?) on these rich, corrupt geezers? November’s fix is already in. Four more years of Pinocchio Joe. Accept it and get back to more interesting mat talk. Like how our guys will rock Paris!
Take the last word (I won’t rebut). If about politics though, know that it’s as worthless as mine above. ;)
You must be exhausted from moving the goalposts.
I am not sure what goal posts you are referring to. I never said the GOP was fiscally responsible. What I have said all along is that Trump did not try to get us into WW3. That is a big deal to me.
Are you referring to what I said about how Trump speaks for hours from notecards and he believes what he says? Is that what you are referring to as moving goal posts?
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Aside from the rants about his tweets, which along with his open comments were often stupid, i don’t see many negatives in this article. So if this article was supposed to prevent me from voting Trump it failed miserably. I despise both candidates ands think they’re both poor choices, but if these are the choices it’s not even close. Biden has proven time and time again that he’s unfit to be president so if these are the two options then there is really only one option.
What? Biden has governed similarly to most every president who came before him. Only one president has threatened to end our democracy and start an authoritarian regime. Only one has been impeached multiple times. Only one faces dozens of felony charges after leaving office. I can’t believe we’ve been watching the same flick play out this past decade or so. Incredible…
What? Biden has governed similarly to most every president who came before him. Only one president has threatened to end our democracy and start an authoritarian regime. Only one has been impeached multiple times. Only one faces dozens of felony charges after leaving office. I can’t believe we’ve been watching the same flick play out this past decade or so. Incredible…
I guess bad news for you, but great news for the majority of the country, Trump will win the election In November and be the 47th President of The United States of America.
I don't know if you need to start mentally preparing yourself for that now, but it seems like maybe you should.
I guess bad news for you, but great news for the majority of the country, Trump will win the election In November and be the 47th President of The United States of America.
I don't know if you need to start mentally preparing yourself for that now, but it seems like maybe you should.
I hope you are right, but I believe they cheated the last time out and they will do that again.

The status quo in DC does not want an outsider like him around. If he does win, we are going to have to endure 4 years of the sky is falling and it is all his fault. Mentally prepare yourself for that.
I am not sure what goal posts you are referring to. I never said the GOP was fiscally responsible. What I have said all along is that Trump did not try to get us into WW3. That is a big deal to me.
Are you referring to what I said about how Trump speaks for hours from notecards and he believes what he says? Is that what you are referring to as moving goal posts?
WW3 is going to be a Russian creation. Trump is Putin's puppet. Not only would Trump move us closer to WW3, he'd have us on the wrong side of it.

If you voted for Trump in the primary, then you basically voted for Biden. If the republicans nominate any other human, the race would be over.
I hope you are right, but I believe they cheated the last time out and they will do that again.

The status quo in DC does not want an outsider like him around. If he does win, we are going to have to endure 4 years of the sky is falling and it is all his fault. Mentally prepare yourself for that.
Absolutely they will attempt to cheat again. It's not going to work this time.

I am very mentally prepared for the shenanigans the left will attempt to pull. They are actually kind of predictable. I'm also expecting the liberal left Marxist to start riots and attempt to burn parts of the country again when he is elected.
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Absolutely they will attempt to cheat again. It's not going to work this time.

I am very mentally prepared for the shenanigans the left will attempt to pull. They are actually kind of predictable. I'm also expecting the liberal left Marxist to start riots and attempt to burn parts of the country again when he is elected.
Yet not a single major case has been proven in court. I guess it’s possible that even Trump appointed judges are in on the conspiracy but this seems a little far fetched. I will be very happy when we move past both of these sad candidates.
I guess bad news for you, but great news for the majority of the country, Trump will win the election In November and be the 47th President of The United States of America.
I don't know if you need to start mentally preparing yourself for that now, but it seems like maybe you should.
Seriously? You really think he’s been picking up votes after all his bad behavior coming to light this past year? You really must not be following along outside of your MAGA echo chamber.

I would have never put Biden on the Dem ticket four years back. Anyone with a pulse could have beaten Trump after his four year fiasco of hate/threats and attempts at dividing the country. I was disgusted when Biden was nominated. But at least he’s not trying to end democracy as we know it or threatening his political opponents with violence/retribution.

Do you realize how many establishment Republicans have denounced Trump since his hostile coup attempt ? He can’t even unite republicans. How will he possibly get enough votes to actually win an election with 88 felony counts soon to be adjudicated?

You are living in a fantasyland echo chamber. Hopefully, God will have mercy on your soul for the damage you are attempting to put our country through. But I won’t forget.
Yet not a single major case has been proven in court. I guess it’s possible that even Trump appointed judges are in on the conspiracy but this seems a little far fetched. I will be very happy when we move past both of these sad candidates.
Trump appointed judges ARE in on the conspiracy. That’s plain as day with some recent decisions.
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I think Trump was the most divisive president in history and actively worked to pit the left vs the right. As a woman, I found his comments about women frightening. And then, he is the first president in history to not value the democratic process and the peaceful transfer of power. I think this article does a good job of looking at how many people viewed his presidency.

I think Trump was the most divisive president in history and actively worked to pit the left vs the right. As a woman, I found his comments about women frightening. And then, he is the first president in history to not value the democratic process and the peaceful transfer of power. I think this article does a good job of looking at how many people viewed his presidency.
Is this a serious post, WOW
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