*****-fficial I-wa vs Nevada Game Thread*****

I know you can’t take them with you, but why the hell take two time outs with just seconds to spare in the 2nd quarter and take a knee to end the half?
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Very little about this game changes my opinion for the rest of the season. Defense and Special Teams are Elite..... Offense is good enough to look serviceable against Nevada.

Matt Millen is dumb as **** and only announces shitty games. I'm a lifelong Bengals fan and have had to listen to his dipshittery more than most. Luckily the Bengals aren't trash anymore so I don't have to listen to his NFL takes.
Jesus Christ, you’re a terrible analyst of football. A squeaker agains SDSU, a shit show against ISU, and this game….. it’s not just me saying this, Petras isn’t the answer
Did I say he was? A good O line and more reliable run game could be.
The boo birds at the end of the half is BS… I mean things are going 360 better than the last 2 weeks.. kids bust their collective asses to play for Iowa - I can see it with the last few weeks and the shit QB play and I am as guilty as sin but it’s been a rather fun half! Enjoy this while we can! GOOOOOOOOOOO HAWKS!
Why time out if you only take a knee

There were 4 seconds. The better question was why wasn't Bruce instrtucted to move up and fair catch? Shoot, do that from the 50 and try a free kick. We would have also tried to run a play since we would have had closer to 8 or 9 seconds.

Crowd is quickly departing. Don't know if it is concessions or leaving.

Crap. Bolt of lightning.
The boo birds at the end of the half is BS… I mean things are going 360 better than the last 2 weeks.. kids bust their collective asses to play for Iowa - I can see it with the last few weeks and the shit QB play and I am as guilty as sin but it’s been a rather fun half! Enjoy this while we can! GOOOOOOOOOOO HAWKS!

Being at the game. This is not a sober crowd.
I know you can’t take them with you, but why the hell take two time outs with just seconds to spare in the 2nd quarter and take a knee to end the half?
Because they wanted to go after the punt. Once Bruce let it roll, there was no doubt they would take a knee and go to halftime.
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You defend him every chance you get ... but then again, he's family.
Last week I trashed him the whole game. I don’t like him at QB. What I dislike more is the ****tards on this board who actively root against Iowa because of him, or think the season is gone because of the start and being up 17-0 at half.

This board is filled with a bunch of dipshits who have never played a sport in their life and fill up on mt dew and Doritos screaming at their children upstairs. Seriously I don’t remember this board ever being this ****ing toxic towards a team. Makes you realize how much Kirk actually has done for Iowa football.
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The boo birds at the end of the half is BS… I mean things are going 360 better than the last 2 weeks.. kids bust their collective asses to play for Iowa - I can see it with the last few weeks and the shit QB play and I am as guilty as sin but it’s been a rather fun half! Enjoy this while we can! GOOOOOOOOOOO HAWKS!
I agree that things went 360 degrees
This offense is still horrid. This many possessions and only 17 points is putrid. This defense is too good not to be able to score points.
I also think Kaleb Johnson is our best back at this point - should keep feeding him.
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Should be pretty obvious to anyone the fans are booing the coaches and their decisions.
Very little about this game changes my opinion for the rest of the season. Defense and Special Teams are Elite..... Offense is good enough to look serviceable against Nevada.

Matt Millen is dumb as **** and only announces shitty games. I'm a lifelong Bengals fan and have had to listen to his dipshittery more than most. Luckily the Bengals aren't trash anymore so I don't have to listen to his NFL takes.
Ya SP missing and same old shit. No life. I can see the potential though if serviceable QB
The boo birds at the end of the half is BS… I mean things are going 360 better than the last 2 weeks.. kids bust their collective asses to play for Iowa - I can see it with the last few weeks and the shit QB play and I am as guilty as sin but it’s been a rather fun half! Enjoy this while we can! GOOOOOOOOOOO HAWKS!
People know when they are seeing crappy football ... they paid for their tickets and can express their displeasure if they want to. You must be drinking - that's the only way it's been a "fun" half. If finally scoring a TD is your measuring stick for fun, then you should go follow Northwestern or Nebraska or some other shit program. I am still hoping we have higher standards at Iowa, but maybe be don't anymore.
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