Florida woman....

Seems like we should have pics

WOW thats a whole lot of anger there. I think anger management therapy is in order..
It’s like the brainwashing program is starting to cause mental breakdowns of these people.
Reminds me of the Walmart lady a few months back... “mother effer, I’m trying to help you”
Just a guess, but I'm betting it was a combination of noise, time of day, skin color...and flat out no doubt about it Crazy Florida Woman going all mushroom cloud layin' defcon 1.

Now...I'd also guess that the phrase she kept uttering was probably said to her at some point or maybe said by one worker to another and she happened to hear it (sheesh Joe...what a f'n bitch) - she heard it, and that set her off. Who knows really...we're obviously missing the beginning.

But still. I can't think of anything in my entire life that would have set me off like that.
Racists can be so cute when they're young.....problem is, they eventually grow up...

She has dementia, you morons. The only reason she's not locked up in a nursing home is because of the COVID.
Mental illness is a terrible thing. Clearly off her meds. Guys were laughing her off which only enraged her more. That hurricane/ts must have Karen on edge.
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If I were one of the workers, I'd have likely kept the motor running on either the weedeater or the blower, just to drown out that nutjob.
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I might have stayed and let her take a swing at me so should could go to jail and get her meds after being involuntarily committed.