So, you and 18 other Hawk fans have a memory shorter than your dicks. I realize that you are just trying to be smart ass, but you don't have the tools. Every time we have tried to replace our coach you idiots dream about the great successful name coaches who are fighting to come to Iowa. We ran off Lute whose main issue with Iowa was the fan's unrealistic expectations. We got Tom Davis who was lousy at Stanford and basically lousy at Iowa after Raveling's recruits had gone through the program. We got Alford who was young and still wet behind the ears and just as he was getting his feet set, he was ran off. That got us Licklighter who just may have been our only option and he hired lousy coaches to back up his lousy coaching. We had to more then double Lick's previous salary to get him to come. He knew that he wouldn't last long and he needed the big pay days to make up for it. The players ran him off while we still had idiot fans wanting to give him another year ,or so, because they were in denial about their role in bringing Licklighter to Iowa. And, finally we got Fran, a well respected coach who is one of about a dozen coaches to have taken 4 different teams to the NCAA Tournament. Now we have fools who think coaches are lining up to coach Iowa who reputation is the fans have unrealistic expectations. Yea, right, Gregg Marshall and others are ordering new freezers right now to avoid the rush. The truth is that coaches have listened to other coaches like Bob Knight and they really don't want anything to do with us and, personally, I don't blame them.