Found this on page 5 of the 2025 Project concerning porn

It will get implemented because the people who want it implemented now dominate the power structure in the Republican Party. The far right is really close to being able to get everything they want. They are closer to that accomplishment than MODERATE democrats, which make up the vast majority of the Democratic Party. The government is moving far right and away from the majority of what the American people want. IMHO.

I think parts of it will. The stuff they can do with an executive order. The whole thing?? I really doubt it.

The social conservative stuff, Trump isn't going to shut off Newsmax for that shit. Most he will do is sign a piece of paper.

Now all bets are off if we have the enabling acts passed.
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I don’t think many MAGAs have actually read 2025, I think many might get upset when they found out about this. I’ve been in a state that restricts porn, not a good place to be when you’re alone at night in a Garden Hilton in Mississippi.
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How much did the far right implement from Jan 20, 2017 to Jan 19, 2019 when they also had majorities?

I think you are panicking princess. Go for a walk, read a book, or enshrine the freedom of pron you want to keep and have a mighty fap to whatever makes you squirt.
Project 2025. Keep up. Not to mention filibuster in Senate. Same reason Democrats couldn’t pass voting laws. It’s like you guys flush basic politics whenever you need to push a narrative. We have to teach you the same things over and over.
I don’t disagree one bit and I personally am in favor of limits and restrictions where necessary. We have lots of limits and restrictions on the books for alcohol, drugs, gambling, guns, etc but I think the pron industry needs to catch up. That’s all.
No. You’re in favor of banning freedoms you don’t like just like we keep telling you. I think there’s one thing I want to get rid of…assault rifles that are designed to KILL vast majority of humans, so maybe we don’t have to do active shooter drills with little kids. Huge difference in those and everything else you want to “limit”.
Disabled, killed. gays or lesbians killed, someone of an ethnicity not white, killed. Political enemies killed.

Read a GOD DAMN HISTORY BOOK!!. Or just read Trump and his minion's own words.
Well, that would be a way to control population growth. 😉
Project 2025. Keep up. Not to mention filibuster in Senate. Same reason Democrats couldn’t pass voting laws. It’s like you guys flush basic politics whenever you need to push a narrative. We have to teach you the same things over and over.
Bro, chill.

I know Trump is the boogey-man to you but that stuff ain’t going to happen. Stop falling for the panic-porn.

Lest we forget we have already survived 4 years of Trump featuring 2 years of a red Congress…..and Democracy lives on.

Go for a walk, read a book, have a beer.

It’s gonna be OK. If your happiness depends on who is in the White House then I feel bad for you.
Trump keeps throwing out mass deportations of 20 million people. At most there might be 11 million undocumented people in the US, which is a lot, but could be addressed more efficiently if Congress had acted.
What are the details of the mass deportations? Who is going to round up the illegals? Call up the national guard? Who is going to pay for the program? Where will they go? Their original country, or just bus them to the Mexican border and hope they are welcomed with open arms? What about a child born in the US to an illegal? Deport the mom and do what with the kid? What about those waiting for legal proceedings? Will you use camps for them? You want to see inflation, wait until this program goes into effect. Especially in a state like Iowa where the GQP fear porns us over illegals, but you just need to walk into a dairy barn in NE Iowa and find undocumented workers. Who is replacing that labor all across the country where undocumented workers provide labor? The GQP has made no plans to increase legal immigration or boost guest worker programs.
These aren’t humans you’re talking about…to the evangelical right.
Bro, chill.

I know Trump is the boogey-man to you but that stuff ain’t going to happen. Stop falling for the panic-porn.

Lest we forget we have already survived 4 years of Trump featuring 2 years of a red Congress…..and Democracy lives on.

Go for a walk, read a book, have a beer.

It’s gonna be OK. If your happiness depends on who is in the White House then I feel bad for you.
Projection. Stop gaslighting. None of us are falling for Republican BS. I see how they vote and what they announce that they want. Project 2025 tells us. You don’t care because you agree with it. Again, it’s anti-American.
Projection. Clearly you’re the uptight one…trying to take things away you don’t like.
Fine, just go for the full enema. You’ll thank me later!

Hate to tell you this, but @BrianNole777 is right and has supplied ample evidence to show abuse happens by public school staff, at higher rates. Unfortunately, it can happen anywhere adults and children mix which is everywhere.

Hell, we have “Another horny teacher” thread updates almost every other day! Do you deny this?
Darn…I never encountered any horny female teachers back in my school days. 😜
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This is where I would be willing to go a level or two deeper with this specific issue.

If I were trying to write a piece of legislation I would focus heavily on the distribution of pornography.

Much like how we treat illegal narcotics, there are stiffer penalties for the distributor than the consumer.

Producing pornographic content is a 1st amendment issue. This would be tough to go after. Consuming it is not (IMHO).

Distribution however, I think is the legislative sweet-spot where states can & should enact stricter regulation when voters approve.

I personally think producers have a responsibility to ensure actors are of age and consent is well documented. Safeguards to protect against victims of human trafficking are necessary. But, since this is a 1st amendment issue, would be very tough to get something done. So I think regulating the distributors is the path of least resistance.

I mostly agree, although it is a first amendment issue at all 3 levels. But just because something is a first amendment issue doesn't mean it can't be regulated.

Distributors are the easiest to target since they are right in the middle. So you require distributors to have signed consent and a copy of a photo ID for everyone that appears in any content. The consent form attests not only to their consent but also attests that they were over 18 at the time of creation.

On top of that you create some sort of barrier that distributors have to implement in order to prove that consumers are of age. It's not going to be perfect but the idea is to make it a little harder for curious children. The rest is up to parents. Ideally we also want to address privacy concerns too. The government doesn't need to keep any logs of this.

As far as trafficking, I think any individual who is in a lot of content, could potentially visit with or talk to a government employee at least once a year in a private room where they can attest that everything they are doing and have been doing was done willingly and under no duress. That person or people have to be non judgemental but also make it very clear that they can and will help that person if they are under any duress. Doesn’t have to be a long meeting but it's a time where that person can be physically separated from everyone else and they can have the opportunity if they need it in a secure building to say that they need help or protection from someone.
No depends. If you had no porn, handguns, or semi-automatic weapons would your daily life be impacted in any significant way?
Me personally? Nope. But it’s not up to just me.

In your scenario, are you attempting to equate pron with all handguns and semi-automatics? Are single shot rifles exempt in this case? Shotguns OK?

I suppose if I am a hunter the case could be made that a material impact would be the result.
Me personally? Nope. But it’s not up to just me.

In your scenario, are you attempting to equate pron with all handguns and semi-automatics? Are single shot rifles exempt in this case? Shotguns OK?

I suppose if I am a hunter the case could be made that a material impact would be the result.
Im equating 1st and second amendment rights. Exactly like I said. Handguns and semiautomatics are only allowed in the hands of law enforcement and the military. Hunters, skeet shooters and target practice guys still have as many options as they need available to them. How is anyone except the s
purveyors of death impacted negatively?
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You serious with the crap, Republicans?

"Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should
be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed
as registered sex offenders."
This is like saying all Democrats are with Antifa. Gimme a break. Not once has Trump or Vance supported or talked about Project 2025.
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Im equating 1st and second amendment rights. Exactly like I said. Handguns and semiautomatics are only allowed in the hands of law enforcement and the military. Hunters, skeet shooters and target practice guys still have as many options as they need available to them. How is anyone except the surveyors of death impacted negatively?
Works for me. It will never pass but I personally could settle for it. Just gotta convince another 100 million or so Americans and you got a deal.
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Works for me. It will never pass but I personally could settle for it. Just gotta convince another 100 million or so Americans and you got a deal.
I think if we could keep the lobbyists and shills out of the discussion it would pass in a heartbeat. I'm certain there are already well over 100 million that agree in principle. We could call it the bill to save lives and souls. A national referendum to kick it off.

The problem today is our politics are completely broken.
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