Found this on page 5 of the 2025 Project concerning porn

No; you tried to claim Boeing was safe. I asked you to compare to their primary competitor.
You refuse to do that - probably looked it up and what you found contradicted your point.
No Joe.

Hoosier wanted to liken the pron industry policing itself to Boeing policing itself. Through history, Boeing has been a very safe company. Overall, statistically speaking, Boeing is still incredibly safe. Recently, Boeing is under a microscope and no one is disputing that here.

You’re looking for an argument where there isn’t one.
I’m white and middle class so I’ll be okay. I’ll do what I can for the targets of the authoritarian movement. Eventually they will come for you and I. That’s what happens in these movements. Purity tests.

Do you realize how crazy you're sounding?
This is like saying all Democrats are with Antifa. Gimme a break. Not once has Trump or Vance supported or talked about Project 2025.
Not true. Trump lied about not knowing anything about it though a bunch of his last administration helped create it. Don’t lie to yourself.
The MAX was not.
It's why a few hundred people are dead, and others came damn close due to quality/oversight shortcuts there.

What Boeing did in regard to the MAX software was criminal. It was very disappointing to see. With that said, how many passengers have flown and landed on 737 MAX planes and landed safely vs. those that died in the accidents? The media has latched onto the "trouble at Boeing" push and it's utterly unfair.
Then YOU made a claim on how "safe" Boeing was, and now refuse to compare that with their primary competitor.
Boeing is safe even with recent events.

You asked me to compare to Airbus. It’s not that I refuse, I just simply don’t give two shites. Everyone knows Airbus is safe. If you need validation that bad then maybe it’s time to see a therapist.

Geez, you need a laxative too!
Ever read any books or seen any popular movies about how authoritarian/totalitarian governments take and hold power?
We're fine. Everything is fine.
Not once has Trump or Vance supported or talked about Project 2025.
WTAF are you talking about?

Both of them are up to their ears in it.
Trump's own campaign people hold positions w/ Heritage.

Shit....Heritage Foundation is a primary sponsor of the Republican Convention, and had giant signs hanging up at the entrance.

You're wildly delusional on this point.
No Joe.

Hoosier wanted to liken the pron industry policing itself to Boeing policing itself.

And Boeing clearly is NOT "policing itself" based upon it's latest safety track records.

And they just admitted to it in court.

Then, you tried to claim they were "safe", and I asked you to compare to their competitor, which you refuse to do.
What Boeing did in regard to the MAX software was criminal. It was very disappointing to see. With that said, how many passengers have flown and landed on 737 MAX planes and landed safely vs. those that died in the accidents?

Again: compare it to the industry.

The point was that they did not 'police' themselves, which is fully accurate
You’re just fear-mongering…the bulk of people, including Republicans, have never heard of Project 25…it’s not going to be widely implemented. If Dems are so worried about it…then whoever turns out to be the Dem presidential candidate should simply ask Trump about Project 25 at a future debate?
Projection. Stop gaslighting. None of us are falling for Republican BS. I see how they vote and what they announce that they want. Project 2025 tells us. You don’t care because you agree with it. Again, it’s anti-American.
It's that you refuse.

If you didn't care, you wouldn't have tried defending them in the first place
Uh, you seriously need to drink some cranberry juice and take a laxative Joe.

You’re getting pretty worked up over this silly Boeing argument which does not really pertain to this thread.

We are all aware of Boeing’s issues. No one on HBOT is defending Boeing. Cool your jets (pun intended). I’m not sure why you feel the need to debate this. No one is disagreeing. Boeing has some issues right now.

If safe = perfect in your view then no plane, let alone the Max is safe. But, no Max’s crashed today. No Max’s crashed yesterday, no Max’s crashed the day before, and so on so forth. I flew on one a couple weeks ago. My wife is flying on one this fall according to the current itinerary.

It’s Friday. Stop arguing for the sake of arguing. Go for a walk, drink a beer, take a laxative, fap to Biden, get an enema and enjoy yourself please.