France becomes first country to explicitly enshrine abortion rights in constitution

So is a "fetus" a blob? A stick? A rock? What is it? Does it have brain activity?
Not until it has a brain.

Very few people want legal abortions for late-term pregnancies.
They want 20-24 weeks (which is when most complications have already occurred, prior to viability).

Not 6 weeks.
Not 15 weeks.
Not until it has a brain.

Very few people want legal abortions for late-term pregnancies.
They want 20-24 weeks (which is when most complications have already occurred, prior to viability).

Not 6 weeks.
Not 15 weeks.
the part of the population that wants abortion wants it for the whole 9 months. You called it an it. What is it? A rock? A never again to be alive being with a unique genetic code?
They won't read it.
Riddle me this Joe...what organization is the biggest abortion provider?

They...Joe won't read it.
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Riddle me this Joe...what organization is the biggest abortion provider?

They...Joe won't read it.
Who should provide abortions? Edit: Also, do you have the same information from a non-biased source?

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No; a heartbeat is a sound you hear thru your stethoscope, which is created by valves closing.

The "fetal heartbeat" you refer to has no sound at all. It is an electrical signal, which becomes the pacing function for a fully formed heart.

You could Google this, if you wanted to learn something.

You are just flat wrong. I guess that's the short of it. And looking foolish in doing so.

If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it was did it actually fall?

You don't have any expertise in this area Joe. What you believe is simply not true. Cardiac flow and function can be heard by doppler by transvaginal ultrasound around 5-6 weeks and by external ultrasound around 9-10 as stated prior.

In simple terms, Doppler is a device that converts the blood flow motion into sound. If it makes sound it is detecting motion. In this case blood is flowing. If the SA node firing is all that is happening, how do you account for the fact the fetal circulation is moving?

Because the myocardium is responding to the SA node signals and contracting making blood flow. Otherwise know a heartbeat.

The medical professionals on here are laughing at you Bud.

@What Would Jesus Do? Told you....
It's a group of cells that pulse rhythmically, not a heartbeat.

The heartbeat "sound" is added by ultrasound companies so people can get a warm, fuzzy feeling from the electrical activity that is not a heartbeat.

Your heartbeat is created by valves closing during your heart pumping; fetal hearts do not pump blood until after birth.
It's a group of cells that pulse rhythmically, contract and force blood to flow. Yep. Heartbeat.

Doppler Ultrasound detects movement not electrical signals Bud.
You are just flat wrong. I guess that's the short of it. And looking foolish in doing so.

If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it was did it actually fall?

You don't have any expertise in this area Joe. What you believe is simply not true. Cardiac flow and function can be heard by doppler by transvaginal ultrasound around 5-6 weeks and by external ultrasound around 9-10 as stated prior.

In simple terms, Doppler is a device that converts the blood flow motion into sound. If it makes sound it is detecting motion. In this case blood is flowing. If the SA node firing is all that is happening, how do you account for the fact the fetal circulation is moving?

Because the myocardium is responding to the SA node signals and contracting making blood flow. Otherwise know a heartbeat.

The medical professionals on here are laughing at you Bud.

@What Would Jesus Do? Told you....
It's just so difficult to hold actual discussions. To justify abortion one has to dehumanize the unborn child. Some of the most ardent supporters are people who have been victimized by the industry and it is an industry. To look at the unborn as human straight in the eye creates a crisis point for the woman or man.
the part of the population that wants abortion wants it for the whole 9 months.

No; they do not.
This is the Straw Man you and your ilk make up to pass vague laws that impact people with real health issues during pregnancy who then cannot obtain basic Standard of Care.
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He counters what he calls hypotheticals with hypotheticals.
No; there are specific examples, already covered in the news.

One woman in TX had to have a hysterectomy performed, because no one at the hospital could perform an emergency D&E on her - because they had to "wait until her life was threatened". Then, they had to surgically remove her uterus to save her life.

That is an outcome permanently preventing someone who wanted to be pregnant from ever becoming pregnant, again. And entirely preventable.

Google that if you want the details.
No; they do not.
This is the Straw Man you and your ilk make up to pass vague laws that impact people with real health issues during pregnancy who then cannot obtain basic Standard of Care.
Note what I said. It's not the majority. Its what the lobbying interests want. My ilk? Our medical system is a wreck heading over the cliff. I completely agree. The republicans had a chance to fix things and didn't so we got what we got which is even more corruption. Right now I got to find my ilks...! You seen em? I did see Elks in Glacier.
It's a group of cells that pulse rhythmically, contract and force blood to flow.

No; not at 6 weeks. There is no heart. There is only a group of cells that pulse.
Which an ultrasound sensor "sees" and a computer programmer turns that motion into sound.

There is no sound.
It converts the muscle contraction motion into sound.
Because there is no sound.

Because there is no "heartbeat".
Soumd is not the definition of heartbeat joe. Thats where you are wrong.

But Ill play along for fun. So the heartbeat is the sound of the valves closing? In an adult?
I didn't know that, but it checks out. Interesting. Thanks.

I didn't either. Amazing how reading can expand your knowledge!

"In fact, the sound pregnant people hear during ultrasounds at six weeks is entirely manufactured by the ultrasound machine, Verma said. “It’s an electrical pulse that’s translated into the sound we’re hearing from the ultrasound machine.” "

I didn't either. Amazing how reading can expand your knowledge!

"In fact, the sound pregnant people hear during ultrasounds at six weeks is entirely manufactured by the ultrasound machine, Verma said. “It’s an electrical pulse that’s translated into the sound we’re hearing from the ultrasound machine.” "

Weird, Gus.

Not until it has a brain.

Very few people want legal abortions for late-term pregnancies.
They want 20-24 weeks (which is when most complications have already occurred, prior to viability).

Not 6 weeks.
Not 15 weeks.
Which statement most accurately reflects your view?

A - I would support zero restrictions up and to including birth, even post birth over a well defined abortion law which limits abortions to rape/incest victims, miscarriages, & ectopic pregnancy.

B - I don't have a uterus, so I'm not qualified to have an opinion (Cop out)

C - If a woman wants to terminate, just give her the covid vaccine

D - I have reasonable compromises in mind which may include an elective-abortion ban after 16 weeks (I chose that because it's 4 months and a nice round number) but would still protect the life of the mother for any medically necessary reason as determined by a state certified doctor.