Iowa has a better football program than ISU, if ISU fans cannot admit it, then they are foolish.
(F***in right they are...
) Why would I want to go back from something that is true for everyone to see.
(So you're saying you've become an Iowa fan?.....Interesting.) Basketball I would say ISU is the better program, but football its Iowa.
(And wrestling and baseball go to Iowa as exists.) The only question I have ever had
(For this being the only question you've ever had....there sure are a lot of question marks below. Just sayin...............................
), Is how can the program with a better history, more money, better instate recruiting, not win more against ISU?
(Because God said Iowa needs to let Iowa State win more so we can pretend to have a competitive football rivalry that isn't mocked by the rest of the country......because you always fail to hold up your end of the bargain almost immediately following the Iowa game, win or lose. That's why. It is Iowa's lesson in humility, even if it comes at the expense of bringing false hope to ISU fans.) Lot of people here say ISU gets up for the game
(The players admitted as much.), its their super bowl
(Exaggeration of a truth. It's more like the Pinstripe Bowl for ISU, which is still a highlight of their season...................). That is silly
(try-hards are silly.), Iowa has just as many if not more Iowa kids are on the roster, they do not go play an instate rival?
(Is that the only other question you've ever had?.....) The coaches have to read and see how much the game means to the fans, and they can not get up for it?
(Nope, guess not.) Why does your current coach struggle beating ISU?
(And a 3rd question on top of the only question you've ever had........that's a lot of questions to answer.) That is the question you should be asking yourselves.
(Well, which one is that? The only one you said you had, or was it one of the three after that?.............Just askin'.