Gender Warz—-boxing edition

I’ll bet you will totally abandon this issue when all the women are protected.
What a cluster of misinformation this has become.

It started that way. It didn't become anything.

Nobody probably remembers, but there was a youth track meet in Canada where some @sshole and his wife started harassing an athlete because she "looked" trans(beat the socks off their precious). All of the same people that can't just admit they have no idea what they're talking about here couldn't help themselves then either.
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Does Imane Khelif have XY chromosomes?​

IBA Russian president, Umar Kremlev, claimed that DNA test results showed the two athletes have XY chromosomes, citing it as the reason they were disqualified in the world championships. The IBA also cited high levels of testosterone in Khelif's system.

However, the test results were never published and Khelif has never disclosed her biological markers, calling the decision a "big conspiracy." The disqualification came after Khelif defeated Russian boxer Azalia Amineva in the 2023 tournament. IBA said it stripped Lin of a bronze medal because it claimed she failed to meet unspecified eligibility requirements in a biochemical test.

The IOC has long criticized the IBA and its governance of the sport and eventually banned the Russian-run organization in 2019. In a statement Friday, the IOC said it stands by the athletes and their eligibility to compete, noting that the boxing association's own documents say the decision was made unilaterally by the IBA's secretary general.

Those documents also say the IBA went on to resolve at a meeting that it should “establish a clear procedure on gender testing” after it had already disqualified the two fighters.

What is DSD and Swyer syndrome?​

DSD stands for differences in sexual development. It can involve genes, hormones and reproductive organs, but it has nothing to do with gender identity. It's false to conflate transgender people with people who were born with DSD, said GLAAD, the world’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer media advocacy organization.

Some people with DSDs are raised as female but may have sex chromosomes other than XX, or elevated testosterone levels, according to the NIH.

People with Swyer syndrome, according to the National Library of Medicine, have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome in each cell (typically found in boys and men), but they have female reproductive structures. Again, it's not known whether either of the boxers has these genetic variations.

They have both been competing as women from the start.

Because those advantages disappear after transitioning. Or at least that's what the limited data we have says. Again, don't tell me what you think. What you think is biased. Show me with data. No one can do that because either nobody is running experiments or there isn't data that supports the trans-women have an advantage. If it's the first thing, then this really isn't that big of an issue because nobody actually cares about the truth.

The thing is, I get where this perception is coming from. I agree that if there is an inherent advantage then rules need to be set up to prevent it. But until there is data to support it, you can't make the rules.
I literally just told you they don’t disappear. Skeletal shape(q angles of femurs) multinucleated muscle cells, don’t just go away.
Because those advantages disappear after transitioning. Or at least that's what the limited data we have says. Again, don't tell me what you think. What you think is biased. Show me with data. No one can do that because either nobody is running experiments or there isn't data that supports the trans-women have an advantage. If it's the first thing, then this really isn't that big of an issue because nobody actually cares about the truth.

The thing is, I get where this perception is coming from. I agree that if there is an inherent advantage then rules need to be set up to prevent it. But until there is data to support it, you can't make the rules.
So first of all, I am not biased against trans people per se. The right wing constantly getting all lathered up by this topic with all of their faux outrage about protecting women is beyond irritating.

With that said, we will agree to disagree. I believe this is one area of life where the decision to transition will have to be made with the full knowledge that competitive sports within your chosen gender are off the table. Sacrifices are a part of life and 90% of the population gets along fine without it beyond the age of 18. I believe that they should be free and legally protected to follow their dreams in every other facet of life. That's the fairest situation for all involved IMO.
So first of all, I am not biased against trans people per se. The right wing constantly getting all lathered up by this topic with all of their faux outrage about protecting women is beyond irritating.

With that said, we will agree to disagree. I believe this is one area of life where the decision to transition will have to be made with the full knowledge that competitive sports within your chosen gender are off the table. Sacrifices are a part of life and 90% of the population gets along fine without it beyond the age of 18. I believe that they should be free and legally protected to follow their dreams in every other facet of life. That's the fairest situation for all involved IMO.
Exactly this
This has nothing to do with the Algerian boxer.

Still "0"
You don’t know that. If she has xy with testosterone producing sexual organs, it applies. I feel bad for her, terrible condition to have if it’s the case. Also, @BioHawk was asking for evidence that trans had an advantage. There is one. Femoral angles is another
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So first of all, I am not biased against trans people per se. The right wing constantly getting all lathered up by this topic with all of their faux outrage about protecting women is beyond irritating.

With that said, we will agree to disagree. I believe this is one area of life where the decision to transition will have to be made with the full knowledge that competitive sports within your chosen gender are off the table. Sacrifices are a part of life and 90% of the population gets along fine without it beyond the age of 18. I believe that they should be free and legally protected to follow their dreams in every other facet of life. That's the fairest situation for all involved IMO.
You are making a choice without evidence. It doesn't matter what you believe. Show the evidence. It shouldn't be this difficult.
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We get it, you are the type of person who is OK with watching a XY beat thr shit out of an XX. You are a piece of shit.

You have such tiny balls you can't tell someone boen with a clear advantage that they don't get to play so instead your going to watch them beat woman.

People who have actually touched a woman

The elephant

The parasite that shifts through the elephants shit

The dung beetle that sufts through the remaining shit

The parasite inside the dung beetle sifting through that 3rd level of shit.

People who molest collies

You don’t know that. If she has xy with testosterone producing sexual organs, it applies. I feel bad for her, terrible condition to have if it’s the case. Also, @BioHawk was asking for evidence that trans had an advantage. There is one. Femoral angles is another
The point is we don't know if she has Swyer Syndrome. The whole thing could have been a political disqualification especially since she was only disqualified after she beat the Russian boxer. If she failed the test why was she even allowed to compete at all by the IBA? The IBA refuses to release exactly what test disqualified the 2 boxers.

Does Imane Khelif have XY chromosomes?​

IBA Russian president, Umar Kremlev, claimed that DNA test results showed the two athletes have XY chromosomes, citing it as the reason they were disqualified in the world championships. The IBA also cited high levels of testosterone in Khelif's system.

However, the test results were never published and Khelif has never disclosed her biological markers, calling the decision a "big conspiracy." The disqualification came after Khelif defeated Russian boxer Azalia Amineva in the 2023 tournament. IBA said it stripped Lin of a bronze medal because it claimed she failed to meet unspecified eligibility requirements in a biochemical test.

The IOC has long criticized the IBA and its governance of the sport and eventually banned the Russian-run organization in 2019. In a statement Friday, the IOC said it stands by the athletes and their eligibility to compete, noting that the boxing association's own documents say the decision was made unilaterally by the IBA's secretary general.

Those documents also say the IBA went on to resolve at a meeting that it should “establish a clear procedure on gender testing” after it had already disqualified the two fighters.

What is DSD and Swyer syndrome?​

DSD stands for differences in sexual development. It can involve genes, hormones and reproductive organs, but it has nothing to do with gender identity. It's false to conflate transgender people with people who were born with DSD, said GLAAD, the world’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer media advocacy organization.

Some people with DSDs are raised as female but may have sex chromosomes other than XX, or elevated testosterone levels, according to the NIH.

People with Swyer syndrome, according to the National Library of Medicine, have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome in each cell (typically found in boys and men), but they have female reproductive structures. Again, it's not known whether either of the boxers has these genetic variations.

They have both been competing as women from the start.

“If it is, as suspected, 5ARD, this means:

The baby starts developing as a healthy male (XY, testes, testosterone, all the internal plumbing).

But the baby lacks a protein needed to make a penis grow. This means that baby’s external genitals can develop as female-looking. Hence, baby might be registered at birth as female.

During puberty, the male internal bits start kicking out huge amounts of testosterone (as per male) and their external genitals start to become more masculine. It’s a kind of “catch up”.

Not only that, but testosterone at puberty - produced by all that internal male biology - does all the regular stuff it does to muscles blah blah.

So their body - the thing they run, jump and punch with - has developed like any other male.

That’s why they shouldn’t be in female categories. It’s got precisely nothing to do with their external genitalia and what their paperwork says.”
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Still not seeing apologies.

You can offer yours any time now.

“If it is, as suspected, 5ARD, this means:

The baby starts developing as a healthy male (XY, testes, testosterone, all the internal plumbing).

But the baby lacks a protein needed to make a penis grow. This means that baby’s external genitals can develop as female-looking. Hence, baby might be registered at birth as female.

During puberty, the male internal bits start kicking out huge amounts of testosterone (as per male) and their external genitals start to become more masculine. It’s a kind of “catch up”.

Not only that, but testosterone at puberty - produced by all that internal male biology - does all the regular stuff it does to muscles blah blah.

So their body - the thing they run, jump and punch with - has developed like any other male.

That’s why they shouldn’t be in female categories. It’s got precisely nothing to do with their external genitalia and what their paperwork says.”
The point is we don't know if she has Swyer Syndrome. The whole thing could have been a political disqualification especially since she was only disqualified after she beat the Russian boxer. If she failed the test why was she even allowed to compete at all by the IBA? The IBA refuses to release exactly what test disqualified the 2 boxers.
I don’t disagree
This whole thing has the whiff of an FSB operation to it. They definitely wanted to stir things up in Paris, and they have been shown to be behind a large amount of trans issues because they know they can easily activate people
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Isn't it sad that she could be a victim of a crooked organization and has now become one of the most hated women in the world due to misinformation? She fought at the Olympics in the past and no one cared, but now we are being manipulated by social media into making this into something it isn't.
Or more info needs to be made available, to end the discussion one way or another. Though, I’m not sure it would end it, based on the Caster guy/girl getting to compete.
Or more info needs to be made available, to end the discussion one way or another. Though, I’m not sure it would end it, based on the Caster guy/girl getting to compete.
People have already made up their minds. Whiskey keeps insisting she has XY chromosomes even though it has been posted that there is no proof of that fact. People see what they want to see. She looks more masculine, but that doesn't mean anything, so do Britney Griner, Abby Wambach, Serena Williams, and many other successful female athletes. If your goal is to protect women's sports then that should include all women even those that don't pass the eye test of what is considered a typical female.
People have already made up their minds. Whiskey keeps insisting she has XY chromosomes even though it has been posted that there is no proof of that fact. People see what they want to see. She looks more masculine, but that doesn't mean anything, so do Britney Griner, Abby Wambach, Serena Williams, and many other successful female athletes. If your goal is to protect women's sports then that should include all women even those that don't pass the eye test of what is considered a typical female.
I don’t disagree. I think a chromosome test being made known would end the conversation if she was xx. I think people took the Russian test at face value and ran with it.

PS. Has Griner had a chromosome test? I believe there are 1/100000 people who are born intersex
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I don’t disagree. I think a chromosome test being made known would end the conversation if she was xx. I think people took the Russian test at face value and ran with it.
I wouldn't trust the test results from the Russian organization. If the test disqualified her from the tournament why was she allowed to box until she was slated to fight for the championship? Wouldn't you think the test results would be needed before the tournament started? What's the point of testing if the results don't come back until the end of the competition? That's like weighing wrestlers and not releasing the weight classes until the final match.
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You are making a choice without evidence. It doesn't matter what you believe. Show the evidence. It shouldn't be this difficult.
Fine. It's my choice. I don't need more evidence to support my position that men are more physically adept than women and that transitioning isn't an absolute end game but a continuum on a journey that runs the gamut between starting hormone therapy to surgical modification. From a practical perspective there is no way possible to draw a line of demarcation and declare that this person no longer possesses the innate physical advantages that came from being born male. Anybody that argues otherwise is simply ignoring the reality of the situation.
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Fine. It's my choice. I don't need more evidence to support my position that men are more physically adept than women and that transitioning isn't an absolute end game but a continuum on a journey that runs the gamut between starting hormone therapy to surgical modification. From a practical perspective there is no way possible to draw a line of demarcation and declare that this person no longer possesses the innate physical advantages that came from being born male. Anybody that argues otherwise is simply ignoring the reality of the situation.
You just don't understand what evidence is or how science works, evidently.
People have already made up their minds. Whiskey keeps insisting she has XY chromosomes even though it has been posted that there is no proof of that fact. People see what they want to see. She looks more masculine, but that doesn't mean anything, so do Britney Griner, Abby Wambach, Serena Williams, and many other successful female athletes. If your goal is to protect women's sports then that should include all women even those that don't pass the eye test of what is considered a typical female.

No, but I wasn't addressing anything you said. I'm not sure what I think of your proposals but at least you are asking for a science based solution.
Yeah, some combination of chromosomal and hormonal component.. ovaries versus testicles
Yeah, some combination of chromosomal and hormonal component.. ovaries versus testicles


You and your buddies were all claiming how "easy" this all was. Balls vs No Balls. XX vs XY

Are you suddenly coming to the realization that sexual development is not as "binary" as you've been previously led to believe???

Still "0"

You and your buddies were all claiming how "easy" this all was. Balls vs No Balls. XX vs XY

Are you suddenly coming to the realization that sexual development is not as "binary" as you've been previously led to believe???

Still "0"
I’ve only been on the side of fairness in sports, bio males shouldn’t compete against women. XY and testicles producing testosterone would make one bio male, even if their penis didn’t develop due to a medical condition. As an example, the lady in the article with tested and testosterone, The distance runner, shouldn’t compete against females