Jericho- Has anyone rewatched it. Curious if it still holds up.
Revolution- I really enjoyed this show similarly to Jericho. Ended too soon. Had similar political intrigue of warring factions.
Into the Badlands- The show ended at an OK place but alluded to a new enemy. Unfortunately if I remember they kept messing with the night it was on and it got jacked up with the Chris Hardwicks Talking Dead about the time it was on to follow the Walking Dead.
Jericho- Has anyone rewatched it. Curious if it still holds up.
Revolution- I really enjoyed this show similarly to Jericho. Ended too soon. Had similar political intrigue of warring factions.
Into the Badlands- The show ended at an OK place but alluded to a new enemy. Unfortunately if I remember they kept messing with the night it was on and it got jacked up with the Chris Hardwicks Talking Dead about the time it was on to follow the Walking Dead.