Highly Rated Movies That You Think Are Overrated


While a good movie, I'd MUCH rather watch Goodfellas, Casino, Once Upon a Time in America, A Bronx Tale or The Untouchables if I'm in the mood for a gangster/mob/mafia movie.

People misunderstand these threads and think a vote means you think the movie sucks. It’s a good movie, I just don’t think in the top 3 or 5 of all time like where most lists place it.
Goodfellas. It is a decent movie, but overrated.

People misunderstand these threads and think a vote means you think the movie sucks. It’s a good movie, I just don’t think in the top 3 or 5 of all time like where most lists place it.u
Personally, I’ve always had trouble with movies where the main character is a villain/anti-hero. So mob movies in particular I’ve had harder times connecting with.
I don't think I've ever met someone that didn't like The Goonies.

I'm assuming you are not a kid from the 80's.
Born in 86. I had never heard of it until I moved to Iowa in 1st grade. All the kids in the neighborhood LOVED it, and told me it was amazing. Then we all watched it and I'm fairly certain I reached a new level of boredom during that movie.
Personally, I’ve always had trouble with movies where the main character is a villain/anti-hero. So mob movies in particular I’ve had harder times connecting with.
That's interesting, I'm the opposite. I love movies where the bad characters are the main plot line. I like it even better when the bad guys come out on top and get away with it. (Whatever it is)
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I actually tried watching The Goonies for the first time last summer and quit about 45 minutes in.
I couldn't watch it as a child, there's noooooo way I'd attempt it as an adult haha. We're in the minority but I just don't understand what people like about the movie. It's just not funny, not exciting, nothing.
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1. all fast & furious movies ( not sure who the audience is for these ) probably dudes named Kyle with monster energy cans & neck tats
2. star wars
3. mission impossible
4. 007
5. spider man
6. boondock saints
7. good will hunting
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I don't know how people feel about JJ Abrams as a film/TV maker, but his trademark lens flare shit to signify important moments is one of the absolute worst things ever.

I'm a big fan of Fringe, but having to endure that annoying & useless lens flare multiple times an episode just pisses me off. He does it with all his movies, too.

If you need blinded to be clued in to know something impactful is happening or being imparted, you're probably kinda mentally impaired.
One of the longest days of my life: Daughter and I watched the first two Lord of the Rings movies at home, then went and saw the third on in the theater. All on the same day. Brutal.

Daughter was happy tho.
I wouldn’t call it one of the all-time best movies but it was outstanding, especially for its time. There are a handful of scenes that I could watch over and over. My favorite was when the young Bulgarian bride came to Rick for advice. When she asks Rick if Capt Renault will keep his word, the look of pure contempt on Rick’s face as he said “he always has” was perfection.

It is cool that many of the actors were refugees from Europe. Marlene Dietrich and Billy Wilder were two of those helping them out.
In the late 1930s, Dietrich created a fund with Billy Wilder and several other exiles to help Jews and dissidents escape from Germany. In 1937, her entire salary for Knight Without Armor ($450,000) was put into escrow to help the refugees. In 1939, she became an American citizen and renounced her German citizenship.

Marlene Dietrich - Wikipedia​


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