House of the Dragon

The fact that you can even ask the question shows the job that the show runners are doing with this season. It would be too easy to make a show where the viewers all agree with one side of the argument. I think it is probably 60/40 in favor of the blacks over the greens with the fanbase(and the slight unevenness is likely because of the actors more than the story), but that is pretty darn good in terms of letting the audience decide for themselves who they like. That is a tough line to walk as a writer/storyteller.
Agreed. At first I liked Rhaenyra and disliked Alicent mostly because she ruined a friendship and snuck into the royal family to pursue her fathers (and likely her) glory. But, Rhaenyras behavior makes her hard to like. Throw in the incest and it’s all just weird. That said, her boys are far more likable than Alicents kids.
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I'm hanging in there on this show because its good, but its not great like I'd hoped. Not so far. Its just missing something that GOT had (for at least 5 seasons), but its hard to put my finger on what exactly that is. I've settled on that its just not as grand as GOT. It doesn't have nearly as many meaningful characters and the world of Westeros seems so limited so far. The "game" is only being played by a few characters. GOT was just bigger. There were characters that we all considered main characters whom wouldn't even make it into some episodes because so much was going on. This show is so focused on just a few characters by contrast.

I really don't know if that is "it" or its something else (or maybe its multiple things), but so far its just kind of blah to me. I could take it or leave it. But I'm going to stick with it and hope once all of the backstory and set up is done, it starts to take off.
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I'm hanging in there on this show because its good, but its not great like I'd hoped. Not so far. Its just missing something that GOT had (for at least 5 seasons), but its hard to put my finger on what exactly that is. I've settled on that its just not as grand as GOT. It doesn't have nearly as many meaningful characters and the world of Westeros seems so limited so far. The "game" is only being played by a few characters. GOT was just bigger. There were characters that we all considered main characters whom wouldn't even make it into some episodes because so much was going on. This show is so focused on just a few characters by contrast.

I really don't know if that is "it" or its something else (or maybe its multiple things), but so far its just kind of blah to me. I could take it or leave it. But I'm going to stick with it and hope once all of the backstory and set up is done, it starts to take off.
I agree. I'm still loving it. It's probably better than GOT seasons 7-8 but not 1-6. They are staying very close to the book (which I think is the right decision) and the history book is a lot narrower in scope than the other novels. With that said, there are more players that will enter the picture. Next episode looks like the last time jump, then I think time slows way down and things get a little back to normal pace-wise going forward.
I haven't gone back since E3 I don't think...was just ducking in here to try to see if it looks like I'm missing anything urgent. Doesn't sound like it. Seems to be mainly a handful of superfans engaged on this show.

At some point I'll catch up at least through the time jump to see if it gets entertaining once more pieces are in place.

Main problem is the lack of giving a shit. GOT was overflowing with colorful, magnetic characters. You could love them, or love to hate them. And sometimes go from one to the other over the course of the show. Couldn't wait to find out what they did or what happened to them next.

I get why it could be exciting to see it brought to life if you are a lover of the books, but for just a regular old GOT viewer, I'm really struggling with enthusiasm to turn in. I'm not sure why I'm supposed to care about any of this?

I mean, I had the same struggle a bit with Succession in terms of why you should care. But that show is relentlessly entertaining in spite of it, with humor, striking characters, snappy dialogue etc.

But this indicates for me that I should stick through the time change. The idea that the adult actors were cast first is interesting, so maybe they will be a little more compelling.
I'd say last night's episode delivered the goods. Long incest sex scene, deranged psycho kids stabbing each other, lots of flying dragon shots.

I find it entertaining anyway.
I had assumed Aemond would be "good" as good as people can be on that show. Interesting how much it means to own this dragon vs the next. Like owning nuclear weapons with some being far more powerful than others.
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I'd say last night's episode delivered the goods. Long incest sex scene, deranged psycho kids stabbing each other, lots of flying dragon shots.

I find it entertaining anyway.
I agree. This episode finally had me saying No f’ing Way’. More than once.
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I agree. I'm still loving it. It's probably better than GOT seasons 7-8 but not 1-6. They are staying very close to the book (which I think is the right decision) and the history book is a lot narrower in scope than the other novels. With that said, there are more players that will enter the picture. Next episode looks like the last time jump, then I think time slows way down and things get a little back to normal pace-wise going forward.
You seem like an avid book reader who knows what is going on. I am not a book reader and wanted to see the family tree. Holy shit it is even more complicated than I thought. If you start with Dany on the bottom right and work your way up, by my count, Daemon and Rhaenyra are her great great great great great great grandparents. Also, a lot of the family tree dies on the vine.

You seem like an avid book reader who knows what is going on. I am not a book reader and wanted to see the family tree. Holy shit it is even more complicated than I thought. If you start with Dany on the bottom right and work your way up, by my count, Daemon and Rhaenyra are her great great great great great great grandparents. Also, a lot of the family tree dies on the vine.

Yeah, I'm a completionist for ASOIAF and I find I am constantly checking the Westeros Wiki to remember who was who and when. That tree has some spoilers in it. I imagine there are a few people in the series finale that haven't even been born yet.

If you look at the eras: The Conquest/The Faith Uprising, Dance of Dragons (HOTD), Blackfyre Rebellions, The Seven Kingdoms Unification, Roberts Rebellion, could all have their own series with multiple seasons to them.
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Yeah, I'm a completionist for ASOIAF. That tree has some spoilers in it. I imagine there are a few people in the series finally that haven't even been born yet.

If you look at the eras: The Conquest/The Faith Uprising, Dance of Dragons (HOTD), Blackfyre Rebellions, The Seven Kingdoms Unification, Roberts Rebellion, could all have their own series with multiple seasons to them.
I would add that the Rhaenyra/Daemon niece/uncle marriage is the least creepy incestuous marriage on the family tree.
I had assumed Aemond would be "good" as good as people can be on that show. Interesting how much it means to own this dragon vs the next. Like owning nuclear weapons with some being far more powerful than others.

LOL, in reality he is as close to being the main bad guy as you will find in this bunch of gray characters.
I agree. I'm still loving it. It's probably better than GOT seasons 7-8 but not 1-6. They are staying very close to the book (which I think is the right decision) and the history book is a lot narrower in scope than the other novels. With that said, there are more players that will enter the picture. Next episode looks like the last time jump, then I think time slows way down and things get a little back to normal pace-wise going forward.
I like the narrow scope of this show. Keeps things tight, on point, and moving along. GoT had some story lines that just wandered. I mean, you do all remember Dorne, right? Or all the time we spent waiting wondering when exactly Dany was going to finally head to Westeros.
Saw some complaints of the last few episodes being too dark, (brightness wise). I did notice that when watching on HBO Max, but when I switched over to HBO cable it was much better.
Saw some complaints of the last few episodes being too dark, (brightness wise). I did notice that when watching on HBO Max, but when I switched over to HBO cable it was much better.

I've noticed it on all 6 episodes that I watched so far. Especially on my phone, its pretty dark.
My biggest gripe is the lack of truly likable characters. In GoT I liked Jamie, Jon Snow, the Hound, Tyrionne, Varys, Daenerys, Brienne, Arya, Robb Stark, etc. In this series I liked Rhaenrya when she was young but now not so much, Thought I was going to like Sir Criston, but that didn’t pan out either. Sorta like Daemon but not that much. Just lacks a few characters I really want to care about. Story is interesting enough and there’s certainly entertaining things, but to me the characters are the hole.
My biggest gripe is the lack of truly likable characters. In GoT I liked Jamie, Jon Snow, the Hound, Tyrionne, Varys, Daenerys, Brienne, Arya, Robb Stark, etc. In this series I liked Rhaenrya when she was young but now not so much, Thought I was going to like Sir Criston, but that didn’t pan out either. Sorta like Daemon but not that much. Just lacks a few characters I really want to care about. Story is interesting enough and there’s certainly entertaining things, but to me the characters are the hole.
The character development is lacking compared to GoT for sure. Probably the lack of deeper source material
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My biggest gripe is the lack of truly likable characters. In GoT I liked Jamie, Jon Snow, the Hound, Tyrionne, Varys, Daenerys, Brienne, Arya, Robb Stark, etc. In this series I liked Rhaenrya when she was young but now not so much, Thought I was going to like Sir Criston, but that didn’t pan out either. Sorta like Daemon but not that much. Just lacks a few characters I really want to care about. Story is interesting enough and there’s certainly entertaining things, but to me the characters are the hole.
At this point in GoT, 7 episodes in, who did you like? Ned, Jon, that's about it. Jamie was a POS. Tyrion hadn't really fleshed out yet.

Maybe give this show some time?

Not popular but I kind of like Alicent. She has widely been labeled a count but she's easy on the eyes and fiercely fighting for her children.
At this point in GoT, 7 episodes in, who did you like? Ned, Jon, that's about it. Jamie was a POS. Tyrion hadn't really fleshed out yet.

Maybe give this show some time?

Not popular but I kind of like Alicent. She has widely been labeled a count but she's easy on the eyes and fiercely fighting for her children.
Easily the hottest one on the show thus far so that goes a long way. As for GOT, 7 episodes in, tyrion, Jon , Ned, didn’t hate cersei at that point, and Bron.
I'd say last night's episode delivered the goods. Long incest sex scene, deranged psycho kids stabbing each other, lots of flying dragon shots.

I find it entertaining anyway.
No boobies, though. We've seen more gross wounds being sewn up, and pus filled wounds on the king's back then boobies.
So is the Seasnake dead or just ailing? I know they mentioned him getting hurt in battle but they didn't show him when he was supposedly returning home.
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So is the Seasnake dead or just ailing? I know they mentioned him getting hurt in battle but they didn't show him when he was supposedly returning home.
Yeah, dead, or coming back sometime? Seems weird if he ever came back. I guess all of this was just a practice run for when Viserys dies?
Nice touch Bro have the pig dropped off on the table in front of Aegon, lest he forget the taunting all the kids gave him in the dragon’s pit.
So, Viserys thought he was talking to Rhaenery at the end, but I forgot about the whole vision thing. Was there greater meaning to the vision and the story behind the book I’ll never read?
So, Viserys thought he was talking to Rhaenery at the end, but I forgot about the whole vision thing. Was there greater meaning to the vision and the story behind the book I’ll never read?


You mean the vision of the PTWP? If so, then yeah, it's the whole basis and genesis for the entire GOT tv show and associated world. Aegon is the Prince that was promised, who is Jon Snow and the reason its called A Song of Ice and Fire since he's half Stark and Targ. Duh.
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So, Viserys thought he was talking to Rhaenery at the end, but I forgot about the whole vision thing. Was there greater meaning to the vision and the story behind the book I’ll never read?
The Vision is entirely a show construction.
Having not read the books, a part of this series I find extremely beneficial is, at the conclusion of each episode, when the writers, actors, directors, etc. explain what just happened. This is going so much faster than GOT in terms of timeline, and similar or same names (Aegon), that it helps me understand things I might have missed.

I didn’t “get” the final death bed scene when I first saw it.
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Having not read the books, a part of this series I find extremely beneficial is, at the conclusion of each episode, when the writers, actors, directors, etc. explain what just happened. This is going so much faster than GOT in terms of timeline, and similar or same names (Aegon), that it helps me understand things I might have missed.

I didn’t “get” the final death bed scene when I first saw it.

I still don’t? Can you explain like I’m 5?
Having not read the books, a part of this series I find extremely beneficial is, at the conclusion of each episode, when the writers, actors, directors, etc. explain what just happened. This is going so much faster than GOT in terms of timeline, and similar or same names (Aegon), that it helps me understand things I might have missed.

I didn’t “get” the final death bed scene when I first saw it.
I'd expect the pace to "normalize" here now that the king has finally passed. Everything has been a buildup to this moment, most of the main characters are present. Everything has been a prologue to this moment.
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You mean the vision of the PTWP? If so, then yeah, it's the whole basis and genesis for the entire GOT tv show and associated world. Aegon is the Prince that was promised, who is Jon Snow and the reason its called A Song of Ice and Fire since he's half Stark and Targ. Duh.
What’s a PTWP? Sorry if I’m just watching the show and wasn’t obsessive enough to read all 18,000 pages of the books, twice, then draw a flow chart on my bedroom wall of all the characters. :rolleyes:
So ‘Ol Viserys was dreaming of Jon Snow all along, huh?
What’s a PTWP? Sorry if I’m just watching the show and wasn’t obsessive enough to read all 18,000 pages of the books, twice, then draw a flow chart on my bedroom wall of all the characters. :rolleyes:
So ‘Ol Viserys was dreaming of Jon Snow all along, huh?
The prince that was promised is a prophesied leader or savior. The prince may be part of an ancient prophecy which foretells the coming of a hero to deliver the world from darkness. A "bleeding star" is supposed to herald the coming of the prince.[1] The prince is said to have "a song", the song of ice and fire.[2]
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What’s a PTWP? Sorry if I’m just watching the show and wasn’t obsessive enough to read all 18,000 pages of the books, twice, then draw a flow chart on my bedroom wall of all the characters. :rolleyes:
So ‘Ol Viserys was dreaming of Jon Snow all along, huh?
Lol yeah. I haven't read the Fire and Blood novel, which is what this series is based off, but the Prince that was Promised (PTWP) is heavily alluded to be Jon Snow. Rhaegar Targaryan, Jon's Dad initially thought himself to be the ptwp, but after diving deep into some old history books, later thought that his son with a Stark (Ice and Fire) would be. I'm not sure if this is in the Fire and Blood novel, but the show dove into it a little deeper when Viserys told Rhanerya about the secret propecy when he named her as heir in an earlier episode. And at the end of last nights show, he thought he was still talking to his daughter before dying, but it was Alicent, who thought he was talking about her Aegon (the window masturbator), not the future Aegon (Jon Snow). Too many Aegons (i think there have been 3 in HOtD so far, and 5 mentioned.
What’s a PTWP? Sorry if I’m just watching the show and wasn’t obsessive enough to read all 18,000 pages of the books, twice, then draw a flow chart on my bedroom wall of all the characters. :rolleyes:
So ‘Ol Viserys was dreaming of Jon Snow all along, huh?
The Prince that was promised is a prophecy about a future warrior that will end defeat the white walkers. He is supposed to be a child born of fire and ice. Rhaegar believed at first that he was that prince. Then later he changed his mind and believed that he would father that prince. He was married to a Martell, from the south of the continent, and had a few kids with her. But later "kidnapped" Lyanna Stark to have babies with her. Because he kidnapped her it led to Robert's rebellion and the eventual events of the GoT show/books ~15 years later. Jon Snow is the child of Lyanna and Rhaegar. The Targaryan blood representing fire and the Stark blood representing ice.

The prophecy talks about the prince that was promised being born among salt and smoke and beneath a bleeding star. The books reference a comet overhead when Rhaegar's first son was born. Jon Snow was born shortly after, likely meaning that the comet was still overhead and fulfilling the bleeding star part of the prophecy. Here's a whole wiki article that talks about the background of it from the book perspective.

The Prince that was promised is a prophecy about a future warrior that will end defeat the white walkers. He is supposed to be a child born of fire and ice. Rhaegar believed at first that he was that prince. Then later he changed his mind and believed that he would father that prince. He was married to a Martell, from the south of the continent, and had a few kids with her. But later "kidnapped" Lyanna Stark to have babies with her. Because he kidnapped her it led to Robert's rebellion and the eventual events of the GoT show/books ~15 years later. Jon Snow is the child of Lyanna and Rhaegar. The Targaryan blood representing fire and the Stark blood representing ice.

The prophecy talks about the prince that was promised being born among salt and smoke and beneath a bleeding star. The books reference a comet overhead when Rhaegar's first son was born. Jon Snow was born shortly after, likely meaning that the comet was still overhead and fulfilling the bleeding star part of the prophecy. Here's a whole wiki article that talks about the background of it from the book perspective.

Yep...just clarifying that Lyanna married Rhaegar and they were most definitely in love. Robert Baratheon loved her and expected to marry her, and believed she was kidnapped and raped by Rhaegar.
Yep...just clarifying that Lyanna married Rhaegar and they were most definitely in love. Robert Baratheon loved her and expected to marry her, and believed she was kidnapped and raped by Rhaegar.
In the books we don't know that Rhaegar married Lyanna or that she loved him. I think the fanbase generally assumes that to be true though. This stuff wasn't shown in the show until after it started going off the rails though. That's why I put kidnapped in quotes. GRRM may decide to make changes if he ever finishes the book series, which he won't.
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