How to destroy culture, traditions and America!

Sorry if I missed it, what culture is being destroyed?
Definitely not the culture on here. Logged in and immediately saw multiple threads about 2 hot teachers.

The culture here has never been better.

What on earth is that! AI?

Yeah it's flooding social media. MAGA types respond about how pictures like this offend the libs. Libs point out that it's russian propaganda or they just argue with the MAGAs about everything. Pretty much the intended outcome.
Yeah it's flooding social media. MAGA types respond about how pictures like this offend the libs. Libs point out that it's russian propaganda or they just argue with the MAGAs about everything. Pretty much the intended outcome.
Sweet Baby Jesus. How stoooooopid are people? Flags not moving, too many axles, etc. Seriously, are we to believe those are soldiers?

Facepalm GIF by MOODMAN
So we’ve got the social Justice warriors vs the racists. Got it. They both suck. My how this country has fallen.

Our grandfathers/great grandfathers would be rolling over in their graves if they saw what this country is turning into after fighting to free everyone from the tyranny and the dark side that attempted to take over the world in the 30’s and 40’s.
A couple of the greatest “socialist” programs in the history of tge world contributed greatly to America becoming the greatest economic force the world has ever witnessed. Social Security and the “GI Bill of Rights” are specifically two of the programs I have in mind here.
After reading that, I'd say tht The Progressive Promise aligns perty darn closely with democratic socialism, focusing on using government power to equalize opportunities and resources. Their principles appear to emphasize "shared well-being" and social justice. That charter or whatever it is clearly prioritizes extensive social safety nets, government intervention in the economy, and my personal favorite, wealth redistribution. So, not communism, but rather a blend of democratic socialism and social democracy, with a sprinkling of liberalism (to wake up the flavor of your favorite foods) that focuss on social reform and economic regulations.

So do we give the OP 1/2 point for being half right? Or is it like a blind squirrel? :cool:
Way less than that. Not communism, and only a sprinkling of socialistic policies - most of which conservatives disagree with only to an extent. And it is good policy, not something that needs to be destroyed. Plus, it’s mindless regurgitation of talking points.

So, no. No credit for a mindless post.
After reading that, I'd say tht The Progressive Promise aligns perty darn closely with democratic socialism, focusing on using government power to equalize opportunities and resources. Their principles appear to emphasize "shared well-being" and social justice. That charter or whatever it is clearly prioritizes extensive social safety nets, government intervention in the economy, and my personal favorite, wealth redistribution. So, not communism, but rather a blend of democratic socialism and social democracy, with a sprinkling of liberalism (to wake up the flavor of your favorite foods) that focuss on social reform and economic regulations.

So do we give the OP 1/2 point for being half right? Or is it like a blind squirrel? :cool:
Democrats dont want to equalize opportunity as we already have that. They want equal outcomes even though one works harder or takes more risk.
Trump cannot die soon enough.

Democrats dont want to equalize opportunity as we already have that. They want equal outcomes even though one works harder or takes more risk.
This what 75% of this board is.

Retired or close to retired that didn’t raise their kids right and made politics a subject versus raising the next generation right.

Now we’re stuck with politics versus simple things like hustling on the ball field or enjoying fireworks.

Shame on you.
This what 75% of this board is.

Retired or close to retired that didn’t raise their kids right and made politics a subject versus raising the next generation right.

Now we’re stuck with politics versus simple things like hustling on the ball field or enjoying fireworks.

Shame on you.

You’re an idiot, projecting where you lack knowledge.
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Awwww is he not progressive and LGBTQIA2S+ enough for you??

Yeah, I wish I was a crazy Gen Z’er too……


No, it's just amusing how easy it is to identify boomers from their text. Your try at humor screams boomer too, you tried a 'not' joke on the internet. Bravo!

Keep it up and your grandkids will block you on all the socials.
Gotta love the MAGA bots who support ending the war in Ukraine to Putin's advantage. "we hate communism!" but support policies that are advantageous to a criminal government led by ex KGB officials and Communists. Absolute lunacy
Lunacy is beating a drum as we approach a million dead over gas and oil and labeling opposition as Putin Bot. You must be an oil and military complex nut.