How to destroy culture, traditions and America!

Family comes first, hard work to get to where you are at in life, freedom of religion, and some semblance of a border, so that people who become Americans legally can assimilate and take part in the American dream.
If there are ever two characteristics that describe Donald Trump it is “hard working” and @a family man”! A lot of folks here think that grifting and fraud are criminal activities and not indications of hard work. Hans, you are one insightful sumbitch!
You believe our vested interest in the Ukraine conflict is over gas/oil? Jesus, you’re dumber than I thought, and I already considered you rather unsophisticated in your thinking to begin with.
It is exactly over gas and oil and you are stupid to not see it or ignoring it. for rah rah Dem reasons. Russian economy is 1/4 gas and oil. 1/3 military weapons.

Any stupid unbiased ignoramous can see that putting the son of a sitting VP on a board in a very politically sensitive area would be a dumb idea.

You are stupid and I'm not Jesus. Keep supporting Biden's war to take down Russia which has been the plan all along.
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It is exactly over gas and oil and you are stupid to not see it or ignoring it. for rah rah Dem reasons. Russian economy is 1/4 gas and oil. 1/3 military weapons.

Any stupid unbiased ignoramous can see that putting the son of a sitting VP on a board in a very politically sensitive area would be a dumb idea.

You are stupid and I'm not Jesus.

Can you identify oil patches with a metal hanger?
It is exactly over gas and oil and you are stupid to not see it or ignoring it. for rah rah Dem reasons. Russian economy is 1/4 gas and oil. 1/3 military weapons.

Any stupid unbiased ignoramous can see that putting the son of a sitting VP on a board in a very politically sensitive area would be a dumb idea.

You are stupid and I'm not Jesus. Keep supporting Biden's war to take down Russia which has been the plan all along.
😂 You have to be trolling, no one is that ignorant but then again, you’re uneducated as they come. You’re simply not capable of complex thinking at all.
I'm proud of my country. That's why I'm against trump criminal cult.
So, what do you consider traditional values?
Drinking out of your neighbors garden hoses.
Playing sports all day where you choose sides, make your own rules, fight and cuss if need be, with no parents watching. As a matter of fact they don’t know where you are.
Riding your bicycle so you don’t have to depend on your parents to drive you.
Building forts, tree houses, climbing trees, building go carts from lawn mower engines.
After dinner playing neighborhood tag until the street lights come on.
Listening to music with friends where you actually discuss the guitar and drum solos while being cool and calm, loud obnoxious kids were not cool and couldn’t hang.
Innocently and respectfully discovering girls.
Showing courtesy and respect toward elders, teachers and police.
My dad grew up barely speaking English in a row house on Dago Hill in the city of St Louis, he had two pairs of jeans and a suit for church, the most clothes he’d ever owned at one time was the NAVY issued uniforms he received in basic training before he took part in the first wave at Normandy.
My mom was raised in the Ozark Mountains with no electricity and no indoor plumbing.
They both grew up doing the same things.
Family, church, friends and didn’t except handouts😊
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Awwww is he not progressive and LGBTQIA2S+ enough for you??

Yeah, I wish I was a crazy Gen Z’er too……


So we’ve got the social Justice warriors vs the racists. Got it. They both suck. My how this country has fallen.

Our grandfathers/great grandfathers would be rolling over in their graves if they saw what this country is turning into after fighting to free everyone from the tyranny and the dark side that attempted to take over the world in the 30’s and 40’s.

Probably a lot of them are rolling over in their graves imagining interracial marriage.

They did a lot of great things but there was a lot to improve on then as there is now.
There are a bunch of therm that aren’t upset about interracial marriage, too.

Well sure.

The point is every society has things that can be improved. They had some pretty big ones. Took another generation to get rid of Jim Crow for example.

Nobody is perfect, there is a lot people can be proud of in every generation. But there is work to be done too.