How to destroy culture, traditions and America!

Whatever, you fascist little prick. Now, go have your mommy change your diaper.
😅😅 Already incredibly sad and poopy b/c you know what’s coming.

Sorry to break it to you, but, my career has hardened me to a level where my feelings cannot be hurt. Try again though if it makes you feel good inside.
😅😅 Already incredibly sad and poopy b/c you know what’s coming.

Sorry to break it to you, but, my career has hardened me to a level where my feelings cannot be hurt. Try again though if it makes you feel good inside.
Who above the age of two uses the word poopy?
I rest my case.
Career? I would suspect you have made fries for a long time.
Lol truly something to brag about? "Well if you think I'm unfunny that's probably because I have no soul"
I’d rather be hardened than be a cry-baby pussy like much of today’s society.

And…it would happen to you as well if you were a first responder in a city where stupid sh*t happens on a frequent basis.

If you’re not “hardened,” you don’t make it long.
I’d rather be hardened than be a cry-baby pussy like much of today’s society.

And…it would happen to you as well if you were a first responder in a city where stupid sh*t happens on a frequent basis.

If you’re not “hardened,” you don’t make it long.
Personally, I like to cry while shooting my .45 while wearing pink crocs to AC/DC's Back in Black. I add in a MAGA and LQBTQ rainbow decal to my ammo box. It confuses the heck outta people while at the range, but makes for a really good time.
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But yet, you've completely missed the MAGA movement. Identity politics isn't just a leftist thing. Trump's MAGA movement also uses identity politics by appealing to nationalist and traditional values, often targeting the white working-class. It creates a strong group identity by positioning itself against "libtards" and their progressive movements.
What’s wrong with being proud of your country and liking traditional values? You, and many others, act like that’s a “bad” thing?
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What’s wrong with being proud of your country and liking traditional values?
Absolutely nothing, unless it gets weaponized. As a retired USAF veteran, I'm one of the below. Which one are you?
  1. Patriot:
    • Definition: A patriot is someone who loves and supports their country. Patriotism involves a sense of pride in one's country and a willingness to defend it, often emphasizing values like freedom, justice, and equality.
    • Focus: Patriots typically focus on positive aspects of their country and its potential for growth and improvement. They support the nation while also recognizing its flaws and advocating for change when necessary.
    • Examples: Celebrating national holidays, respecting national symbols, participating in civic duties, and engaging in constructive criticism to improve the nation.
  2. Nationalist:
    • Definition: A nationalist, on the other hand, places a strong emphasis on the superiority and interests of their nation above others. Nationalism often involves a sense of exclusion or hostility towards other nations or ethnic groups.
    • Focus: Nationalists tend to prioritize the interests of their nation, sometimes to the detriment of international cooperation and harmony. This can include aggressive foreign policies, strict immigration controls, and the promotion of a singular national identity.
    • Examples: Advocating for national sovereignty over international agreements, promoting policies that favor the dominant ethnic group, and emphasizing historical grievances or national pride in a way that can lead to xenophobia or intolerance.

Key Differences:​

  • Inclusivity vs. Exclusivity: Patriots embrace national pride but are generally inclusive and open to diverse perspectives and cultures within their country. Nationalists often adopt an exclusive approach, prioritizing their nation's interests and sometimes rejecting multiculturalism.
You, and many others, act like that’s a “bad” thing?
See above.
Good advice, although it's obvious you don't, and probably will not in the future, heed it.
Lol your explanation of fascism and it's relation to Donald Trump in the other thread is laugh-out-loud funny. And you're so sure of yourself too!

You're just another partisan cuck who will parrot whatever buzzwords your team tells you to spew.

Again, have a wonderful 4th with the family now that you've spent the first half of your holiday fearmongering on an internet message board.
Lol your explanation of fascism and it's relation to Donald Trump in the other thread is laugh-out-loud funny. And you're so sure of yourself too!

You're just another partisan cuck who will parrot whatever buzzwords your team tells you to spew.

Again, have a wonderful 4th with the family now that you've spent the first half of your holiday fearmongering on an internet message board.

Make sure to report the same to your family. Mention that you called an anon a "partisan cuck" on the internet. See if you can catch them rolling their eyes.
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Lol your explanation of fascism and it's relation to Donald Trump in the other thread is laugh-out-loud funny. And you're so sure of yourself too!

You're just another partisan cuck who will parrot whatever buzzwords your team tells you to spew.

Again, have a wonderful 4th with the family now that you've spent the first half of your holiday fearmongering on an internet message board.
I hope you have a happy Independence Day as well. I just hope the people, if there are any, are a little brighter than you.
Cuck? That's really rich coming from you.
Again, have a wonderful 4th with the family now that you've spent the first half of your holiday fearmongering on an internet message board.
Excuse Me What GIF by Bounce
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Absolutely nothing, unless it gets weaponized. As a retired USAF veteran, I'm one of the below. Which one are you?
  1. Patriot:
    • Definition: A patriot is someone who loves and supports their country. Patriotism involves a sense of pride in one's country and a willingness to defend it, often emphasizing values like freedom, justice, and equality.
    • Focus: Patriots typically focus on positive aspects of their country and its potential for growth and improvement. They support the nation while also recognizing its flaws and advocating for change when necessary.
    • Examples: Celebrating national holidays, respecting national symbols, participating in civic duties, and engaging in constructive criticism to improve the nation.
  2. Nationalist:
    • Definition: A nationalist, on the other hand, places a strong emphasis on the superiority and interests of their nation above others. Nationalism often involves a sense of exclusion or hostility towards other nations or ethnic groups.
    • Focus: Nationalists tend to prioritize the interests of their nation, sometimes to the detriment of international cooperation and harmony. This can include aggressive foreign policies, strict immigration controls, and the promotion of a singular national identity.
    • Examples: Advocating for national sovereignty over international agreements, promoting policies that favor the dominant ethnic group, and emphasizing historical grievances or national pride in a way that can lead to xenophobia or intolerance.

Key Differences:​

  • Inclusivity vs. Exclusivity: Patriots embrace national pride but are generally inclusive and open to diverse perspectives and cultures within their country. Nationalists often adopt an exclusive approach, prioritizing their nation's interests and sometimes rejecting multiculturalism.

See above.
I’m a patriot based on your above definition.
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What's confusing? For the last week, we have people here who have been spewing bullshit about fascism and how our country is doomed if Biden doesn't win. If that is not fearmongering, I don't know what is.
How do you know he's been posting on a message board on the 4th of July?
Lunacy is beating a drum as we approach a million dead over gas and oil and labeling opposition as Putin Bot. You must be an oil and military complex nut.

You believe our vested interest in the Ukraine conflict is over gas/oil? Jesus, you’re dumber than I thought, and I already considered you rather unsophisticated in your thinking to begin with.
I'm proud of my country. That's why I'm against trump criminal cult.
So, what do you consider traditional values?
Family comes first, hard work to get to where you are at in life, freedom of religion, and some semblance of a border, so that people who become Americans legally can assimilate and take part in the American dream.
It’s a reminder. Trump has already told us what he plans to do if he wins.
Just like the reminder we got from the right about how Obama and Biden would ruin the country? It's almost like each side exaggerates the other's flaws to make things seem worse than they actually are.
How do you know he's been posting on a message board on the 4th of July?
I assume you're talking about Carolina, as that's who I was responding to. I know he's been fearmongering on a message board on the 4th of July because I can see he's posted dozens of times this morning. And it's the 4th of July.

I am editing to clarify that I wasn't criticizing his act of posting; I was criticizing the content of his posts. Sorry, I misunderstood your earlier question and "gotcha" attempt, because that's not what I was referring to.
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