How to Load a Boat onto a Trailer

Wife and I had a great system when we had a boat. We could launch or load inside 5 minutes. I'd do the backing, she would pull the trailer forward and park or pull us out with the loaded boat. Secure the bow, slap on the straps and we were outta there.

The dude in the video hauled ass in that truck. No chance it was gonna stay on. He'd have to back the trailer way into the water so the boat would float all the way up to the winch, then lock it down and pull out slowly. That would probably have worked. The human bow line had no chance.
That’s what I was thinking too. Pull out slowly like OP’s Mom likes it as to not be in a hurry to dump it off her rails.
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That’s what I was thinking too. Pull out slowly like OP’s Mom likes it as to not be in a hurry to dump it off her rails.