Hunter Biden testimony - there is no laptop?.

Bottom line, After years of rhetoric and just plain bullshit the GOP has nothing, Spin all you want but when the rubber meets the road they have nothing. Everyone in the GOP should be embarrassed every time Comer steps in front of a microphone.
Comer is just one of the many stars of the Republican Shit Show in the US House of Representatives. They literally have a cast of hundreds….all fighting for their “15 minutes of fame”!
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Hunter Biden's Response to Attacks on his Resume:

“You guys have gone out and said I had no credibility, that there’s no way that I should’ve been serving on the board of Burisma. I just read you my resume." I’d put my resume up against any of you, in terms of my responsibility."

"I don’t know anybody that was, at that time, that was teaching the No. 1 rated course at Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service in the master’s program in terms of foreign policy and advocacy. I literally was on like 12 different boards. I only listed like, you know, 10 of them. And so I had an enormous amount of reasons to be on it.”

Here's Hunter Biden's Resume:

- Hunter Biden earned his law degree from Yale Law School.
- He worked as an attorney at Boies Schiller Flexner LLP, a renowned law firm in New York, where he was heavily involved in corporate law and governance.
- Republican President George W. Bush appointed him to the Amtrak Board of Directors, where he contributed to governance and transparency efforts, vital due to Amtrak's public service role and federal funding.
- He served as a consultant and lobbyist for MBNA, a significant banking and credit card entity, emphasizing the importance of corporate governance and transparency.
- He was a board member for the World Food Program USA.
- He co-founded a private equity firm and a lobbying firm, respectively.
- He has provided consultancy services for various companies.

Reminder that Jim Jordan, one of the top Republicans investigating Hunter has the following resume before politics:

- Ohio State wrestling assistant coach
Hunter's resume isn't the issue. Mykola Zlochevsky's resume is.
Hunter's resume isn't the issue. Mykola Zlochevsky's resume is.
Go for it. Put that dude on the stand, then, and tie him to Joe and any decision Joe made while in office.
I’ll patiently wait.
Not true. The FBI picked it up from the repair shop as indicated in the articles I attached.

Also, if it didn’t exist, why would Hunter sue the shop owner? Please explain that one
Over the release of DATA

Which was improper per Delaware (and other) law.
Go for it. Put that dude on the stand, then, and tie him to Joe and any decision Joe made while in office.
I’ll patiently wait.
Of course you’ll wait patiently. Just like all the other posters who can’t even bring themselves to acknowledge it was a really, really bad look to have the son of the Vice President of the United States working for one of the most corrupt oligarchs in the world at the very same time that the Vice President of the United States was supposed to be working to bring him to justice.

“But he had relevant work experience at MBNA and Amtrak that made him qualified for the position.”

That is so not the point.
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I posted the news articles stating what I said was true.

What you got?
I thought everyone knew the FBI said it was Hunter’s laptop. I guess some people have biased news sources they have zero idea what is happening in the world. The person you are replying to is one of those people. Just be thankful if you have kids they won’t be in the same school as him.
This article gives more .clarity on the chain of custody of the data In laptop.

In their examinations, Green and Williams found evidence that people other than Hunter Biden had accessed the drive and written files to it, both before and after the initial stories in the New York Post and long after the laptop itself had been turned over to the FBI.
Maxey had alerted The Washington Post to this issue in advance, saying that others had accessed the data to examine its contents and make copies of files. But the lack of what experts call a “clean chain of custody” undermined Green’s and Williams’s ability to determine the authenticity of most of the drive’s contents.
“The drive is a mess,” Green said.

He compared the portable drive he received from The Post to a crime scene in which detectives arrive to find Big Mac wrappers carelessly left behind by police officers who were there before them, contaminating the evidence.
That assessment was echoed by Williams.
“From a forensics standpoint, it’s a disaster,” Williams said. (The Post is paying Williams for the professional services he provided. Green declined payment.)
Some people are really brazen with the lies they will tell. Joe and Hunter supporters will loudly proclaim this to the truth, and tell us again it was Russian disinformation. Jeesh.
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You don’t have to be a Biden fan to see that they fixed this laptop.
Independent experts, as well as the FBI, have indicated that the information on the laptop was suspect from the beginning - mostly due to the chain of custody being in question. It is confirmed that SOME of the info on the mirrored drive was put there later.

Ergo: pretty much none of the "evidence" on it is admissible even IF any crime were identified. @Finance85 and his buddies cannot seem to comprehend this basic element of Rule of Law here...
Of course you’ll wait patiently. Just like all the other posters who can’t even bring themselves to acknowledge it was a really, really bad look to have the son of the Vice President of the United States working for one of the most corrupt oligarchs in the world at the very same time that the Vice President of the United States was supposed to be working to bring him to justice.

“But he had relevant work experience at MBNA and Amtrak that made him qualified for the position.”

That is so not the point.
So, no, you don’t have any evidence whatsoever? Just say that.
Be interesting to find out who doctored and planted the laptop. Didn’t they hack his cloud drive. Who would hack a politicians sons personal info.
No; they did not.
They may have identified "a" laptop. But there was never any confirmation it belonged to Hunter or came from him.

The chain of custody was in question the entire time.
You are hilarious. Doubling down again on being wrong. I hope you don't play blackjack in Vegas.
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Independent experts, as well as the FBI, have indicated that the information on the laptop was suspect from the beginning - mostly due to the chain of custody being in question. It is confirmed that SOME of the info on the mirrored drive was put there later.

Ergo: pretty much none of the "evidence" on it is admissible even IF any crime were identified. @Finance85 and his buddies cannot seem to comprehend this basic element of Rule of Law here...
Dude, When will you ever learn?
You are hilarious. Doubling down again on being wrong.
Go look up the entire 'chain of custody' element here, as well as the FACT that files were written to the drive AFTER it was turned over.

Then, recognize that the information would be inadmissible in court over any alleged "evidence of crimes" found on the device.

You're precious.
And stupid.
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I hope you don't play blackjack in Vegas.
Actually, last time I was in Vegas playing blackjack, I was teaching one of our company lawyers how to do it.

I ended up +$400; he was +$200 or so. To this day, he thinks I'm a genius.
Go look up the entire 'chain of custody' element here, as well as the FACT that files were written to the drive AFTER it was turned over.

Then, recognize that the information would be inadmissible in court over any alleged "evidence of crimes" found on the device.

You're precious.
And stupid.
Here's a link . There are many more just like it. The DoJ confirmed the laptop is real and belonged to Hunter.
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So, no, you don’t have any evidence whatsoever? Just say that.
Exactly what evidence are you asking for here? The things that we know to be 100% true are bad enough. That’s my point.

When Zlochevsky was Ukraine’s Minister of Ecology he illegally issued natural gas extraction licenses to his own company. He stole tens of millions of dollars and laundered it through London banks.

When the Maidan People’s Union successfully overthrew the pro-Russian government in February 2014, Zlochevsky and other members were forced to flee the country and live in exile. He was wanted for corruption, embezzlement, money laundering, and tax evasion.

Shortly after Euromaidan, President Obama assigned Joe Biden as our point man in Ukraine, tasked primarily with distributing aid to help stabilize the interim government as well as rooting out corruption.

In April 2014, Zlochevsky hired Hunter Biden to serve on the board of Burisma and he unsuccessfully tried to hire Christopher Heinz, the stepson of Secretary of State John Kerry.

Were Biden and and Heinz qualified for those positions based strictly on their CV bullet points? Probably. But out of millions of people in the world who also were qualified for the positions, Zlochevsky specifically chose to pursue the son of the Vice President of the United States and the stepson of the Secretary of State of the United States. That was either a strategic move by Zlochevsky to purchase influence or the wildest coincidence in human history.

Which one do you think it was?
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Here's a link . There are may more just like it. The DoJ confirmed the laptop is real and belonged to Hunter.
read your links

that article links to an axios article that includes the following:
"Yes, but: Hunter Biden has never claimed the laptop was his, and the lawsuit also does not say he dropped the laptop off at Mac Isaac's store."

this is the extent of the DOJ confirming the laptop is hunters
(with apologies to Donovan)

"First there is a laptop,
Then there is no laptop,
Then there is."
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Be interesting to find out who doctored and planted the laptop. Didn’t they hack his cloud drive. Who would hack a politicians sons personal info.
Remember the frapping. Politics is now squarely in the entertainment/fame field.
We will never know who did it. They are sure to be up to something again this election cycle.
Seems to me you guys are arguing different things. Joe isn't arguing so much that the laptop is real, but that Hunter didn't deliver it to the the repair shop and that it was altered after leaving his possession.
So, provide a scenario where it got to the FBI from Hunter's Apple Store?
Here's a link . There are many more just like it. The DoJ confirmed the laptop is real and belonged to Hunter.

And you still do not seem to understand that the information ON the computer is what is under discussion.