Hunter Biden testimony - there is no laptop?.

Statements under oath that include words like "that I remember" or "if I recall" can be changed to the opposite answer to what they're trying to to give.

Pretty common in congressional hearings.
If there is one thing that this story proves, there are some hard core Biden boot lickers on HROT. As bad as the Trump bootlickers
He just posted that the FBI never had it and then quotes a story talking about the FBI reviewing it.

Posted about the FBI having "a" laptop, and not confirmed it formally belonged to Hunter or was ever "dropped off" by him.

Along with the random claims coming from "what was on the laptop", when that information is also clearly in question.
Rather have Congress hold hearings over the mishandling or theft of classified documents by the current and former POTUS. Than some famous crackheads HD data. O well enjoy the circus.
Exactly what evidence are you asking for here? The things that we know to be 100% true are bad enough. That’s my point.

When Zlochevsky was Ukraine’s Minister of Ecology he illegally issued natural gas extraction licenses to his own company. He stole tens of millions of dollars and laundered it through London banks.

When the Maidan People’s Union successfully overthrew the pro-Russian government in February 2014, Zlochevsky and other members were forced to flee the country and live in exile. He was wanted for corruption, embezzlement, money laundering, and tax evasion.

Shortly after Euromaidan, President Obama assigned Joe Biden as our point man in Ukraine, tasked primarily with distributing aid to help stabilize the interim government as well as rooting out corruption.

In April 2014, Zlochevsky hired Hunter Biden to serve on the board of Burisma and he unsuccessfully tried to hire Christopher Heinz, the stepson of Secretary of State John Kerry.

Were Biden and and Heinz qualified for those positions based strictly on their CV bullet points? Probably. But out of millions of people in the world who also were qualified for the positions, Zlochevsky specifically chose to pursue the son of the Vice President of the United States and the stepson of the Secretary of State of the United States. That was either a strategic move by Zlochevsky to purchase influence or the wildest coincidence in human history.

Which one do you think it was?
LOL, so many words just to avoid you don’t have any evidence.
Never change, TJ.
LOL, so many words just to avoid you don’t have any evidence.
Never change, TJ.
You didn’t answer my question. Out of the millions of people around the world who were just as qualified, Zlochevsky hired the son of the Vice President of the United States and tried to hired the stepson of the Secretary of State.

Should I mark you down for “that’s the craziest fvckin’ coincidence ever” or should I mark you down for “Zlochevsky was clearly trying to purchase influence, but I don’t care because Trump”?
You didn’t answer my question. Out of the millions of people around the world who were just as qualified, Zlochevsky hired the son of the Vice President of the United States and tried to hired the stepson of the Secretary of State.

Should I mark you down for “that’s the craziest fvckin’ coincidence ever” or should I mark you down for “Zlochevsky was clearly trying to purchase influence, but I don’t care because Trump”?
Oh, TJ, never change. Never answer any question, just get red faced demanding an answer as to why nobody will talk about the orange you are holding in a thread about apples.
You have zero proof that Hunter and Joe had a financial relationship that affected any decision Joe ever made. Zero.
Here’s my suspicion on the whole matter: Republican operatives hacked Hunter’s phone or computer and downloaded salacious images, then uploaded them along with potentially falsified documents to a laptop and dropped it off at the repair shop.
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Oh, TJ, never change. Never answer any question, just get red faced demanding an answer as to why nobody will talk about the orange you are holding in a thread about apples.
You have zero proof that Hunter and Joe had a financial relationship that affected any decision Joe ever made. Zero.
You love to use that phrase and yet you have no idea how to apply it properly. Me talking about Hunter Biden working for Burisma in a thread about Hunter Biden working for Burisma is the exact opposite of what the phrase “apples and oranges” conveys.

Since you seem determined to do your best Riley impression and refuse to answer a simple question, I’ll just go ahead and deduce that you’re perfectly fine with the Vice President’s son working for one of the most corrupt criminals in the world at the same time that Dad was supposed to be bringing him to justice.
You didn’t answer my question. Out of the millions of people around the world who were just as qualified, Zlochevsky hired the son of the Vice President of the United States and tried to hired the stepson of the Secretary of State.

Should I mark you down for “that’s the craziest fvckin’ coincidence ever” or should I mark you down for “Zlochevsky was clearly trying to purchase influence, but I don’t care because Trump”?

And, despite those attempts, Joe Biden and others DID NOT run "interference" for them, and continued to follow US and Euro policy in rooting out a corrupt Ukrainian prosecutor and other oligarchs from Ukraine's government.

So, maybe the intent in hiring Hunter et al WAS to have an "In". But it did not work that way, because Joe Biden did not interfere with, and upheld overall US policy at the time.
You love to use that phrase and yet you have no idea how to apply it properly. Me talking about Hunter Biden working for Burisma in a thread about Hunter Biden working for Burisma is the exact opposite of what the phrase “apples and oranges” conveys.

Since you seem determined to do your best Riley impression and refuse to answer a simple question, I’ll just go ahead and deduce that you’re perfectly fine with the Vice President’s son working for one of the most corrupt criminals in the world at the same time that Dad was supposed to be bringing him to justice.
Got it. You have no proof except what a drunken old sod in Rudy Giuliani and a Russian agent provided.
And, despite those attempts, Joe Biden and others DID NOT run "interference" for them, and continued to follow US and Euro policy in rooting out a corrupt Ukrainian prosecutor and other oligarchs from Ukraine's government.

So, maybe the intent in hiring Hunter et al WAS to have an "In". But it did not work that way, because Joe Biden did not interfere with, and upheld overall US policy at the time.
Lol. The prosecutor we installed (the one who had zero experience as a prosecutor and didn’t even have a law degree) proceeded to drop the charges against Zlochevsky.

Way to go, us!
Got it. You have no proof except what a drunken old sod in Rudy Giuliani and a Russian agent provided.
Proof of what? The things I’ve listed are 100% factual, and were even before Rudy got involved in the case.

Name one thing I’ve said in this thread that isn’t true.
Lol. The prosecutor we installed (the one who had zero experience as a prosecutor and didn’t even have a law degree) proceeded to drop the charges against Zlochevsky.

Had nothing to do with either Joe Biden or Hunter Biden, Cletus.
Had nothing to do with either Joe Biden or Hunter Biden, Cletus.
Of course it doesn’t, Sunshine. Joe bragged on camera about ordering Ukraine to fire Shokin, but he certainly can’t be held responsible for the fact that the unqualified guy he chose to replace him subsequently dropped all charges against one of the world’s most wanted criminals.

What color is the sky in your little world?
Of course it doesn’t, Sunshine. Joe bragged on camera about ordering Ukraine to fire Shokin

AGAIN: Joe Biden was the spokesperson who delivered formal US policy on Ukraine. He did not dictate US policy on Ukraine

He did NOTHING to protect his son, or anyone his son worked for. Period.
AGAIN: Joe Biden was the spokesperson who delivered formal US policy on Ukraine. He did not dictate US policy on Ukraine
Sure. Joe didn’t have any authority at all. He was just talking out his ass when he threatened to withhold a billion dollars in aid if they didn’t fire Shokin.
He did NOTHING to protect his son, or anyone his son worked for. Period.
And you know this definitively…how?
He was following US and EU policy at the time

Re-read that, until it sinks in for you.
So United States and European Union policy at the time was to fire Shokin as Prosecutor General and replace him with a guy who had zero experience as a prosecutor and no
law degree?

That seems like a counterintuitive policy. But if you say so….
Actually, last time I was in Vegas playing blackjack, I was teaching one of our company lawyers how to do it.

I ended up +$400; he was +$200 or so. To this day, he thinks I'm a genius.

I would not trust a lawyer that you have to teach how to count to 21, stand at 17, stand on a dealers bust card, split Aces and tens....seems like a short lesson.
So United States and European Union policy at the time was to fire Shokin as Prosecutor General

AGAIN: Biden followed what US and EU policy was, regarding Ukraine.

Re-read that, until it sinks in for you.
AGAIN: Biden followed what US and EU policy was, regarding Ukraine.
Lol. So officials from both the United States and the European Union concluded that the best way to bring Mykola Zlochevsky to justice was to install a Prosecutor General who had zero experience as a prosecutor and didn’t even have a law degree.

Looking back now, that seems like a bit of a miscalculation. But I suppose hindsight is always 20/20.
Lol. So officials from both the United States and the European Union concluded that the best way to bring Mykola Zlochevsky to justice was to install a Prosecutor General who had zero experience as a prosecutor


Biden did not dictate policy at the time. You seem to have trouble recognizing this simple FACT.
So if you look at the OP, someone committed perjury.

Either Hunter, or this person.

JUST IN: FBI witness tells Hunter Biden's jury that NO TAMPERING occurred with his laptop

“No,” she replied when the prosecution asked on redirect if she had seen any evidence of tampering with the laptop data

Completely different things.

Your top claim would refer to someone forensically analyzing data and providing expertise as to why nothing was altered.

Also, irrelevant regarding an Apple Cloud account that had been hacked into
JUST IN: FBI witness tells Hunter Biden's jury that NO TAMPERING occurred with his laptop

“No,” she replied when the prosecution asked on redirect if she had seen any evidence of tampering with the laptop data

Completely different things.

Your top claim would refer to someone forensically analyzing data and providing expertise as to why nothing was altered.

Also, irrelevant regarding an Apple Cloud account that had been hacked into
Do it bro, shoot the moon, im here for it.