Hurricane season has arrived....

This is pathetic.

It is also an irrational response.

Claiming "we are already past the tipping point":

  • Acknowledges we are the cause, and are responsible for it
  • Acknowledges that the Republican Party and oil companies lied to us about it for at least 3 decades
  • Acknowledges we are leaving a broken system to our descendants - children and grandchildren to deal with
  • Ignores the simple fact that continue to pollute as we are already doing, will only make it worse for them
  • Ignores the simple reality that he should be seriously pissed off at the GOP and oil companies for allowing it to happen, and should probably not trust them on the topic, ever again

Remember what Trump did to North Carolina a couple of years ago after they got hit by a different hurricane? Roy Cooper (D) was governor then. Trump withheld federal funding for about 2 weeks on purpose while people were flooded out of their homes around the coast & further inland.
Good thing trump is personally in Georgia bringing supplies. Real leadership while biden is confusing the Yemen strike for a trade labor dispute
Yes; what they described was plainly fraud. Intentional fraud

And FL's AG has not lifted a finger to go after them.

Lots of folks had 50% to >90% reductions in what was paid to them. Original adjuster might have had $450k 'total loss' and it was changed to 'patch the roof, here's $16k'

They understand the calculus here- AG and Ron Desaster have been paid off, so in order for owners to try to get the money, they have to sue to get it; they cannot even afford to repair their homes, so few have the resources to sue them.

And Floridans are too focused on "communism and trannies" to understand they are getting screwed by the people they've elected, who are supposed to be representing their interests. Truly sad, but you get the governance you vote for, so if you put grifters in office, they'll take the payouts from those insurance companies and leave you hung out to dry.

It's called MAGA land
That evil Donald trump! Bringing supplies to the needy! Doesn't he realize how much this makes the left hate him!?

@The Tradition sees nothing..... NOTHING!!!

That evil Donald trump! Bringing supplies to the needy! Doesn't he realize how much this makes the left hate him!?
but donald trump doesn't need to be there...he's not personally doing anything that requires him to be on site

him being there requires support personnel and first responders to stop actively helping those needy people

this isn't anything new...we routinely see leaders of disaster ravaged areas request that visits from people who require that kind of attention and security be delayed