HWC $146,785 Raised! Goal- 100K

<<Mike Zierath, post: 4284516, member: 2350"]My wife is an Amazon nut! Prime, the whole nine yards. If we sign up for smile, does it affect the prime membership>>

Mike.. it does not effect Prime membership at all..And prices are the same. The only "hitch" is you have to bookmark or remember to go to the Amazon smile site.

I use chrome and they have an extension.. Always Smile.. so automatically it opens the smile site when I go to Amazon.

To make sure that I open Amazon Smile, I replaced Amazon, com in my bookmarks with It opens my old amazon account with the HWC automatic donation feature as well as all of my old information.
micah hyde just got paid by the Buffalo Bills, Bryan Bulaga, Riley Reiff, Bob Sanders
Riley is actually a very good thought. Phenomenal heavyweight in high school and a wrestling fan.

The more the merrier, but former wrestlers and wrestling fans are probably more likely to engage.
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Kutcher, Arnold, Zach Johnson, Dallas Clark, Tim Dwight, Landon Cassill, Nate Kaeding, Mike Daniels, Chad Greenway, Marshall Yanda, Matt Roth... Who else am I missing??

Someone thats good at Twitter get on there and see what happens!

Robert Gallery made a few bucks (holy shit, just looked up his career earnings) in the NFL. You don't have to be a wrestler to understand the importance of wrestling at the University of Iowa.
Robert Gallery made a few bucks (holy shit, just looked up his career earnings) in the NFL. You don't have to be a wrestler to understand the importance of wrestling at the University of Iowa.

Robert Gallery was a basketball player. His brother John (punted at Iowa) was a state runner-up back in '01.
Man, this is f***!

My fellow Hawk fans, it's my distinct pleasure to announce that Mr. Nicolls has been MATCHED!

Yes, my friends, another $1 million has been pledged for the greatest wrestling facility in the world!

Let's keep this thing rolling, Hawk fans!!!

EDIT: Just to clarify, as much as I wish I had $1 million to pledge, this one isn't coming from me. It's coming from an amazing Hawk fan who prefers to remain anonymous.

Wait.....what??? Anonymous..............doesn't he even get a T-Shirt? :)
Robert Gallery was a basketball player. His brother John (punted at Iowa) was a state runner-up back in '01.
Not a big deal, but I think his point was that Robert wasn't a wrestler but might still be interested in supporting the program.
Riley is actually a very good thought. Phenomenal heavyweight in high school and a wrestling fan.

The more the merrier, but former wrestlers and wrestling fans are probably more likely to engage.
Some of the names that are being mentioned have already been contacted. Might be best if you have a personal connection with any of them to talk with Randy. We don't want any one individual to be inundated by us...we can be rather ZEALOUS at times. But then we are ALL IOWA WRESTLING FANS. So of course we get a little fanatical!
Someone get on BJ Armstrong, Hayden Fry and tell Kirk Ferentz to throw some personal cash at it too

Joke about this but Kirk & his family are big wrestling fans. It would be rather circuitous for him to do so however, maybe not even legal from a tax perspective.
This is a receipt for your gracious donation to Hawkeye Wrestling Club.

Thank you for your donation. This will serve as your 501C3 receipt.

Organization: Hawkeye Wrestling Club
Campaign: Hawkeye Wrestling Club
Amount: $100
Receipt #: 189331
Donated at: 04/20/17 20:38:26

Thank you,
Hawkeye Wrestling Club
I just made my first purchase using Amazon Smile ... HWC got a whopping 6 cents! Better than nothing and won't be the last!

It adds up...this is what it shows when i look:

I just made my first purchase using Amazon Smile ... HWC got a whopping 6 cents! Better than nothing and won't be the last!
The product I purchased was listed as smiles eligible but doesn't show that I donated anything. Maybe it has to ship first?
Question about the monthly auto-pay. At the end of the year do you get the donation "package" that all your monthly contributions add up to?
<<Question about the monthly auto-pay. At the end of the year do you get the donation "package" that all your monthly contributions add up to?>>

No, I made the decision to send the appreciation gift based on a 12 month donation. . I believe most will do that-- no doubt there will be some attrition but I am hoping that is not the case.
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Reactions: wasdt21
<<Question about the monthly auto-pay. At the end of the year do you get the donation "package" that all your monthly contributions add up to?>>

No, I made the decision to send the appreciation gift based on a 12 month donation. . I believe most will do that-- no doubt there will be some attrition but I am hoping that is not the case.
should never have said that. You know those Iowa fans, total cheapskates, will do anything for a free t-shirt :cool:
How does the monthly work with getting a t-shirt etc.? Once you have paid in up to that level would you get an item?