I would like to hear from Republicans or Centrists

Even with all the positivity around Harris over the past month, polls still have her barely ahead nationally and behind in most battleground states.

RFK Jr. selling out to Trump may effectively cancel out any convention bounce for Harris.

I guess she may have a slight advantage with voter enthusiasm. Even though she is the incumbent, she seems "new" to most voters. Trump won in 2016 by motivating people who don't normally vote. I'm not sure if Trump supporters are still as enthusiastic about him as they were.
Another thing I would add, we all discuss Trump having a high floor low ceiling, the people that are going to vote for him are going to vote for him and not much else, RFK just added several million to that range.
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They just have absolutely memory holed the shit out of Trump being shot and the coup of Biden to the point where no one talks about either or just doesn't care anymore.
And everything Trump says or does - everything - gets “memory holed”. Describe Donald Trump to a supporter without his name attached and they would be disgusted by him.
So, essentially people can just buy the presidency?
Are you unaware how campaign fundraising works?
I think that just like in 2016, the media is underestimating how unpopular the Democratic candidate is. Harris will not bring out the voters like Obama did. I think people will just stay home again.
There will be a lot of “vote blue no matter who” types, but it won’t be like it was for Biden. With him, people were indifferent. With Harris, they actually dislike her.
Trump can win this election by huge margins if he stays on message. And that message is that Harris is the insider and he’s the outsider who is going to return the government to the will of the people. But we all know he is incapable of doing that.
In 2016, polls consistently showed both Hillary and Trump as the two most disliked candidates in polling history.

There’s zero chance Trump wins by huge margins. First because he’s simply incapable of staying on message. Second because of demographics.
Is this sarcasm, or do you genuinely believe that most Americans are pro-DEI, pro-Trans Rights, pro "Woke", and pro-Climate Change Agenda?
Yes to the last. The first 3 I think have been distorted badly by how they’ve been painted but are basically for. At worst they don’t move the needle for many Americans. Certainly not what the election will hinge on.
She hasnt really done any campaigning. I’m not bitching, just stating the facts because I think that is working to her benefit in a major way.

In a campaign, you go around talking off the cuff, a lot, and you say dumb shit, a lot, and that is part of the Darwinian survival of the fittest nature of the election. All that has been bypassed here so there is little in the way of relevant material to use against her, especially soundbyte meme worthy stuff. They won’t be able to keep her in this cocoon though.
Hasn’t done any campaigning? You lost so much credibility here. Have you been paying zero attention, she’s easily been doing AT LEAST 2-3 rallies per week, I believe she’s been in each of the battleground states at least twice.
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I think the Republicans are in a great spot and I think we have a legit shot at winning the popular vote.

Gen Z isn't as committed to Kamala as the dems would like and fortunately Black Americans are starting to see through the bullshit of the dem party, I think we will have more black males vote Republicans than ever before.

At some point, Kamala is going to have to answer questions, no dem is confident in that.

I will say Vance seems to be far less likable than I would have thought. I thought he would be a neutral with a great chance to be a 2 term president, I don't know that he can ever be the head of our ticket. I would be shocked if Tulsi isn't on the 2028 ticket, as things look today.

Walz, was he the only one that would say yes or was he the one they wanted and they really just didn't do any research?
Trump might win the election, but there’s zero chance he wins the popular vote.
That Trump has convinced tens of millions of people he is for the average Joe and that he is not deeply woven into very fabric of the “inside” is sadly hilarious. I understand other people have other reasons motivating a vote for Trump, but that is the dumbest shit in the world.
Really? You think Trumpers believe he s an average guy?
Even with all the positivity around Harris over the past month, polls still have her barely ahead nationally and behind in most battleground states.

RFK Jr. selling out to Trump may effectively cancel out any convention bounce for Harris.

I guess she may have a slight advantage with voter enthusiasm. Even though she is the incumbent, she seems "new" to most voters. Trump won in 2016 by motivating people who don't normally vote. I'm not sure if Trump supporters are still as enthusiastic about him as they were.
Shes been the candidate for a month. The fact that she’s ahead considering where Trump was in the polls a month ago is remarkable.
Another thing I would add, we all discuss Trump having a high floor low ceiling, the people that are going to vote for him are going to vote for him and not much else, RFK just added several million to that range.
Maybe? Other thing to consider is if RFK puts a firmer limit on what Trump can get from the political center - Kennedy wasn’t getting much from there either.

Will have to see, but I’m not positive this moves the needle very much.
Are you unaware how campaign fundraising works?

In 2016, polls consistently showed both Hillary and Trump as the two most disliked candidates in polling history.

There’s zero chance Trump wins by huge margins. First because he’s simply incapable of staying on message. Second because of demographics.

Yes to the last. The first 3 I think have been distorted badly by how they’ve been painted but are basically for. At worst they don’t move the needle for many Americans. Certainly not what the election will hinge on.

Hasn’t done any campaigning? You lost so much credibility here. Have you been paying zero attention, she’s easily been doing AT LEAST 2-3 rallies per week, I believe she’s been in each of the battleground states at least twice.
Holding a rally where you show up, deliver a prepared keynote off a prompter, shake a few hands, and take 2-3 softball questions from friendlies is not campaigning.

Nobody has ever had to provide so little to get so far, and it is a huge benefit to her to not have to face the gauntlet of months and months of dumb people and dumb questions and uncomfortable positions. This process universally provides your opponent with unlimited attack material and she has provided absolutely none by way of not participating in it.
Ahhhh…got it. It only matters when the memory hole benefits the Dems?
Uh no. OP asked a question and I answered it. I didn't even bash Kamala in my post. I paid Dems compliments for what they are doing through media and the momentum they have. In an election year you'd want to memory hole anything positive for your opponent so you have the best chance to win. Again it was a compliment, they seem to be more of a cohesive unit than R's.

JFC some of you are insufferable. Can't even tell someone good job without an attack.
I’m being optimistic coming off the DNC. I would like to hear from Republicans, but the ones on here just spam trash, so I don’t really care.

I would really like to hear from Republicans or Centrists, on what they think about the election.

If the usual trash could stay out of the thread, that would be great, but I’m not expecting it.
I’m a moderate Republican. Have voted that way my whole life. 2016 was the first election I voted for a Democrat. I mean, when I first heard that Donald Trump was throwing his hat in the ring, I thought it was just one big joke. The fact other Republicans were taking his candidacy seriously just floored me.

Then Donald Trump got more stupid and belligerent, saying the shit about McCain and mimicking the handicapped reporter, and his popularity increased. Made me absolutely sick.

Long story shirt, this election is about the soul of America, not policy. The southern border is an absolute disaster and I am still voting Harris. That’s how terrible and dangerous Trump is.
Horrible election cycle. Not a fan of Trump and the people who screamed about saving democracy, completely did the opposite and appointed someone that never recieved a single vote. Hard to take anyone serious and take their word they are looking out for me.
They're such weirdos. MAGA and MAGA adjacent (if this guy really isn't another of the MAGA "centrist moderates" running around here) pretending that they care about how the Democratic party chose its candidate this year.

Just admit it, what you're pissed off about is that you're not running against Biden. It has absolutely nothing to do with how Harris became the nominee.

Just such a full of shit party and full of shit people.
I think Harris probably wins but it’s gonna be extremely close. Main reason it’s gonna be close is Harris is still a very weak candidate.

D’s and friendly media have done an amazing job rehabilitating her though. Have to admit that…
Trump is still Trump.

Garbage v hot garbage election.
Other than being super liberal, what makes her garbage?
I’m GOP. I despise Trump. But Harris is awful too. A Marxist.

I think Trump squeaks in.
You are really terrible with these hot takes.
Uh no. OP asked a question and I answered it. I didn't even bash Kamala in my post. I paid Dems compliments for what they are doing through media and the momentum they have. In an election year you'd want to memory hole anything positive for your opponent so you have the best chance to win. Again it was a compliment, they seem to be more of a cohesive unit than R's.

JFC some of you are insufferable. Can't even tell someone good job without an attack.
Welcome to America’s grievance and victimhood culture, where intelligent adults can no longer have nuanced conversation because everything is a personal attack in a binary war between good and evil in which each side has the view from higher ground.
I disagree. I will vote for Trump because what he stands for aligns more closely with my beliefs.
Sexual assault, narcissism, adultery, grifting, lying, cheating, self-obsession, xenophobia, bigotry, authoritarianism, misuse of office for financial gain, rejecting of democracy, gas lighting stupid people to attack the Capitol and waste years of their life in jail, getting impeached twice, and self-aggrandizement align most closely with your beliefs?

Glad I don’t know you. You sound like a real piece of shit.
I’m a moderate Republican. Have voted that way my whole life. 2016 was the first election I voted for a Democrat. I mean, when I first heard that Donald Trump was throwing his hat in the ring, I thought it was just one big joke. The fact other Republicans were taking his candidacy seriously just floored me.

Then Donald Trump got more stupid and belligerent, saying the shit about McCain and mimicking the handicapped reporter, and his popularity increased. Made me absolutely sick.

Long story shirt, this election is about the soul of America, not policy. The southern border is an absolute disaster and I am still voting Harris. That’s how terrible and dangerous Trump is.
My ass! You are a lying, deceitful, comrade marxist!!
I’m being optimistic coming off the DNC. I would like to hear from Republicans, but the ones on here just spam trash, so I don’t really care.

I would really like to hear from Republicans or Centrists, on what they think about the election.

If the usual trash could stay out of the thread, that would be great, but I’m not expecting it.
Please change wording to "Conservative or Centrist."

"Republicans" are fake conservatives who are entrenched within our broken, out-of-control, corrupt government.
I didn't watch either convention but have been impressed by Dems with their media savvy. They just have absolutely memory holed the shit out of Trump being shot and the coup of Biden to the point where no one talks about either or just doesn't care anymore.
They have great message discipline to the point where 99.9% of them in a survey would use "threat to democracy" and "weird" to describe Trump/Vance. Dems IMO are more throwing a party than they are a campaign but it's definitely. working a la Trump16.

It will be a close one in Nov but I'll mostly be in a food coma or half popped with it being football season but keep me updated on how it goes. Hope this message finds you well and remember both sides suck ass.
Look up the definition of a coup and try again thanks.
I think the Republicans are in a great spot and I think we have a legit shot at winning the popular vote.

Gen Z isn't as committed to Kamala as the dems would like and fortunately Black Americans are starting to see through the bullshit of the dem party, I think we will have more black males vote Republicans than ever before.

At some point, Kamala is going to have to answer questions, no dem is confident in that.

I will say Vance seems to be far less likable than I would have thought. I thought he would be a neutral with a great chance to be a 2 term president, I don't know that he can ever be the head of our ticket. I would be shocked if Tulsi isn't on the 2028 ticket, as things look today.

Walz, was he the only one that would say yes or was he the one they wanted and they really just didn't do any research?
Abortion is on the ballot in many key swing states. Trump ain’t winning.
Holding a rally where you show up, deliver a prepared keynote off a prompter, shake a few hands, and take 2-3 softball questions from friendlies is not campaigning.

Nobody has ever had to provide so little to get so far, and it is a huge benefit to her to not have to face the gauntlet of months and months of dumb people and dumb questions and uncomfortable positions. This process universally provides your opponent with unlimited attack material and she has provided absolutely none by way of not participating in it.
That is all trump has ever done at rallies. And he adds in nonsense about sharks and Hannibal Lecter and how good looking he is.
Is this sarcasm, or do you genuinely believe that most Americans are pro-DEI, pro-Trans Rights, pro "Woke", and pro-Climate Change Agenda?

Plurality might be more accurate.

Most people have favorable opinions on those topics, a decent portion are probably indifferent or don't know about them either way. And there's probably 25-30% of the country that is vehemently opposed to them. However that 25-30% has an outside effect on public policy.
In just one month she has had to call up delegates, shore up the nomination, create an entire campaign, raise hundreds of millions of dollars, pick a running mate, plan for the convention, and do endless rallies to create support. And you bitch that she hasn't done a CNN interview. It's dishonest.
Also extremely stupid when you take all that in and she has also said she is going to do one by the end of the month. And no one says a peep about the fact Trump has been in politics for 9 years now and rarely does interviews and when he does he never answers the question just vomits out all his same old lies that aren't even on topic. They clearly aren't centrists and are being disingenuous. The both sides schtick so many have is beyond played out. Just go be with the MAGAts at this point we all know you are you are just too embarrassed to do so.
That is all trump has ever done at rallies. And he adds in nonsense about sharks and Hannibal Lecter and how good looking he is.
Are you really going to pretend Trump hasn’t been anywhere and everywhere since 2015? This asshole would talk to a light pole if the camera was on and people would watch. He’s put plenty of his brain on film for mass consumption, probably more than anyone in history, for better or worse.
I am a moderate who has voted for both sides. although at the current time I am probably as anti democrat as anyone on this board.

I listened to some of the speeches at the DNC. I was not impressed. I think dems know that the real democrat message will not win the election for them. They are pro war, pro trans, pro racial division, pro climate change agenda, pro price controls, pro government control, pro censorship, pro dei, etc. This message is not one that will win over the majority of the country. So instead they are trying to create more hatred toward trump while just presenting Kamala as a positive image.

I despise the fact that the whole democratic agenda is based on lies and deception. Dems tried to hide Biden's age and mental decline until it was proven beyond any shadow of belief. They have now implemented a new candidate late in the process without any input from the people, they are keeping her from interviews. They are not forthcoming with what her policies are. They It all just seems like a big lie and it makes me not trust them.

They denied her being appointed as the 'border czar' despite it being published that way for a long time. She said the economy is great under Biden and even came out with Kamalonics but then comes out saying that inflation is really hurting people. Democrats think they can just straight up lie to people and the stupid people will just believe whatever they say.
Moderate? And I have never let loose stinky farts or feces.
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Other than being super liberal, what makes her garbage?
That’s pretty much it. I don’t trust the direction she’ll go if D’s get a clean sweep and control the house and senate.

Best case scenario for me this election is she wins but the R’s control the senate. Wouldn’t mind seeing her win in a landslide if the R’s take the senate.
Resounding loss for Trump and turn the page on him.
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Lol he lives in a totally different realm than the rest of us in his world he is as centrist as it gets. Can you imagine a world where the policies he wants is middle of the road? What is the right wing in that scenario? Scary to think about.
Plurality might be more accurate.

Most people have favorable opinions on those topics, a decent portion are probably indifferent or don't know about them either way. And there's probably 25-30% of the country that is vehemently opposed to them. However that 25-30% has an outside effect on public policy.
Most people who have a favorable view of trans are basing this off the lies they have been told. The percent who are vehemently opposed are opposed because their life has been affected in some way or they have seen the truth.

I care because I know the truth about trans and I have seen the impact it has on these kids. This is not just another policy issues, this is ruining the lives of these kids and families. That is something worth standing up for.
Also extremely stupid when you take all that in and she has also said she is going to do one by the end of the month. And no one says a peep about the fact Trump has been in politics for 9 years now and rarely does interviews and when he does he never answers the question just vomits out all his same old lies that aren't even on topic. They clearly aren't centrists and are being disingenuous. The both sides schtick so many have is beyond played out. Just go be with the MAGAts at this point we all know you are you are just too embarrassed to do so.
My statement was not being critical of her, just a summary of facts that have led us to today. If you dispute any of what I said, please break it down for me. Shes been protected and they’ve built a marketing engine running a script. This is not debatable. I complimented the work they have done, just said she hasn’t had to face the music of a real campaign yet and I think that’s a big reason for the silence from trumps crowd, there is simply no ammo.

Maybe step out of the echo chambers a bit and realize not everything that gets discussed is meant to demean and degrade. I realize Trump has ingrained this mindset into American culture, but man it is exhausting. Discussing things like this doesn’t have to be a zero sum game.