If you are better off now than you were 4 years ago

My life has improved with every president. And they had zero to do with it. You have to be a real idiot to hang your hat on the president in power to help your station in life.

And an even bigger idiot to pretend to know that someone else’s personal degree of better or worse is incorrect…because of nonsense data you found somewhere on the internet.
I make more, and bought a house @ 6%. Bought down points

My brothers house is…measurable larger and nicer, and his payment is less than mine. Timing and all.

My trips to Kroger cost more and net less.

Otherwise, I’m older.

I don’t think Biden or trump or Kamala impact my day to day life.

I feel apathetic about it all, and sometimes worry about posters here and their daily infatuation with politics
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The dems would just as soon wallow in their own shit than admit that an overwhelming majority of Americans are worse off.

They'll NEVER be honest about it because Rhonda needs her fifth abortion.
What goods and services can you no longer afford?
Who is Rhonda?
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I’m way better off Financially now. I don’t know anybody that isn’t. If you’re not better off it’s likely your own fault. Republicans and their alternate reality. I see why they do it works on some people.
I’m better off than I was four years ago. Need a Harris win to ensure my kids and grandkids are better off as well four years from now. A Trump win, with his economic plan to benefit only the rich, will put our country in even more debt than he did in his last administration, and inflation will take off due to his exorbitant tariffs.
And I'll echo several of the above posts in that, especially given the demographic on this board (pretty much all middle-aged white men), anyone who depends on the result of a presidential election to help with his financial status has done a really sh*tty job in life.
I was talking to a co-worker on Friday who was supposed to be retiring at the end of the month. Turns out he's working through November, now. He and his wife had an unexpected $15,000 bill, and he said he can't retire now? It seems like he really wasn't ready to retire. He's always bitching about Obama and Biden, by the way.
He is 60, and his wife is going to keep working for a few years, and he's counting on farm rent for income. But, given how often he and his wife travel, and some of the stuff he talks about buying, he didn't think this out very clearly.
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I was talking to a co-worker on Friday who was supposed to be retiring at the end of the month. Turns out he's working through November, now. He and his wife had an unexpected $15,000 bill, and he said he can't retire now? It seems like he really wasn't ready to retire. He's always bitching about Obama and Biden, by the way.
He is 60, and his wife is going to keep working for a few years, and he's counting on farm rent for income. But, given how often he and his wife travel, and some of the stuff he talks about buying, he didn't think this out very clearly.
He sounds like a dipshit and financially illiterate.
Four years ago we were in a pandemic our worthless leader had zero idea how to handle beyond telling people to inject bleach. Easily better off.
Is that the best response you got, a pandemic that had nothing to do with Trump? Sounds like you can't be honest, doesn't it? You know you are worse off so start grabbing at you excuse straws.😀😄😁😆😅😂🤣
There are lots of things that the actions by the POTUS has a direct and meaningful impact on our lives. Other things simply happen while the POTUS was on the job. So, you can look at how the President reacts to them.

The pandemic is obviously one of the latter. Trump didn't cause it, but his reaction to it was terrible. He denied it was even a problem.

Inflation is another one. Biden policies didn't cause inflation. It was caused by worldwide post-pandemic demand surpassing a worldwide supply of goods and a supply chain mess. Not a lot the government can do to solve it, but US inflation was lower and dropped faster than the rest of the world, so maybe something worked.

The global economy is 8 billion people and millions of businesses, large and small, and what they do has a bigger impact on the economy than any government policy.

There is no reason IMO that a Harris Presidency will create more inflation, any more than a Trump Presidency will cause another pandemic.
Four years ago, I had friends dying from COVID. My health is better than four years ago and I'm better off financially. My investment accounts are far better off in spite of taking RMD.

I didn't cross a Southern border, but my grandparents did cross a Northern border.
The dems would just as soon wallow in their own shit than admit that an overwhelming majority of Americans are worse off.

They'll NEVER be honest about it because Rhonda needs her fifth abortion.
Hi. I noticed you are active this morning. Perhaps you didn't have a chance to respond to my questions, or perhaps you didn't see them.
What goods and services are you unable to afford right now? Who is Rhonda?
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The dems would just as soon wallow in their own shit than admit that an overwhelming majority of Americans are worse off.

They'll NEVER be honest about it because Rhonda needs her fifth abortion.
Sorry to bother you, I know you are probably busy with your career and rewarding social life, but are there any goods and services you are struggling to purchase since Biden became president? Who is Rhonda?
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Saw this on another site. "Four years ago, refrigerated trucks were being used as morgues and we were using coffee filters to wipe our butt."

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