In Minnesota, it simply won't stop raining

From the Executive Summary of Chapter 3 of IPCC’s 2012 Special Report on Extreme Events (SREX): “Many weather and climate extremes are the result of natural [i.e., not man-made] climate variability (including phenomena such as El Niño), and natural decadal or multi-decadal variations in the climate provide the backdrop for anthropogenic [human-caused] climate changes. Even if there were no anthropogenic change in climate, a wide variety of natural weather and climate extremes would still occur.”
No one claims otherwise.

What you've been told, and re-insurers are seeing in their own data, is that these occurrences are increasing in frequency, and severity.
I am shocked @ICWestfan hasn’t returned to this thread to thank me for not only getting him one link he requested but a full half-dozen and a strong pull-quote 🙂
What am replying to, 6 links that says heat domes are caused by man made climate change? I appreciate them all and it's compelling, but in reality we've always had them.
What am replying to, 6 links that says heat domes are caused by man made climate change? I appreciate them all and it's compelling, but in reality we've always had them.
the fact we’ve always had them is irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

It is their increased frequency and severity that is a threat to health and life of humans.

Here is another bonus link on ANOTHER predicted outcome that data is showing to be accurate:

Extreme Wildfires Have Doubled in 2 Decades, Study Finds​

In a changing climate, extreme wildfire events are becoming far more common and more intense, according to a new analysis.

We're quickly approaching insurance carriers all going bankrupt and some property owners will still deny there's an issue.
What exactly do those that don’t deny there is a problem so different than the others ?

You think they travel less? Have smaller homes? Don’t buy boats? Do the big liberal states have more nuclear reactors being built?

You can’t go a week on this board without some giant lib bragging about their world travels, big boat, or vacation home.

My ass.

Roflmao. Just say it. “We care more but burn more”.

You might get one or two libs saying they live a minimalist lifestyle. Which just so happens to be how every poor lives that doesn’t have a lot to piss in.
What exactly do those that don’t deny there is a problem so different than the others ?

You think they travel less? Have smaller homes? Don’t buy boats? Do the big liberal states have more nuclear reactors being built?

My ass.

Roflmao. Just say it. “We care more but burn more”.
Why do you insist on making this irrelevant and specious argument over and over?

Only a complete moron would not realize that in order to address global climate change problems it is going to take massive cooperation between governments and political leaders.

Harping on who does what as an individual is silly - although of course it behooves individuals to also curtail their carbon footprint. This is something I've worked on the past several years, getting an e-bike for commuting, and our new vehicle will be a plug-in hybrid. We have also downsized our living space and increased the amount of native/wild plants on our property as well.

Deniers simply sound stupid and give cover to politicians reluctant to enact the needed changes to address what is obvious to most as an emerging and intensfiying crisis.
What exactly do those that don’t deny there is a problem so different than the others ?

You think they travel less? Have smaller homes? Don’t buy boats? Do the big liberal states have more nuclear reactors being built?

You can’t go a week on this board without some giant lib bragging about their world travels, big boat, or vacation home.

My ass.

Roflmao. Just say it. “We care more but burn more”.
What exactly am I bragging about, you moran?
Why do you insist on making this irrelevant and specious argument over and over?

Only a complete moron would not realize that in order to address global climate change problems it is going to take massive cooperation between governments and political leaders.

Harping on who does what as an individual is silly - although of course it behooves individuals to also curtail their carbon footprint. This is something I've worked on the past several years, getting an e-bike for commuting, and our new vehicle will be a plug-in hybrid. We have also downsized our living space and increased the amount of native/wild plants on our property as well.

Deniers simply sound stupid and give cover to politicians reluctant to enact the needed changes to address what is obvious to most as an emerging and intensfiying crisis.
Then who making fun of? Sure seems like Cons but why?

The Libs not only destroy the environment but make fun of others while doing it.
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What exactly do those that don’t deny there is a problem so different than the others ?

You think they travel less? Have smaller homes? Don’t buy boats? Do the big liberal states have more nuclear reactors being built?

You can’t go a week on this board without some giant lib bragging about their world travels, big boat, or vacation home.

My ass.

Roflmao. Just say it. “We care more but burn more”.

You might get one or two libs saying they live a minimalist lifestyle. Which just so happens to be how every poor lives that doesn’t have a lot to piss in.
Is that the only solution you can fathom?
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in order to address global climate change problems it is going to take massive cooperation between governments and political leaders.

No, what it's going to take is closer to half the global human population becoming cave dwellers, and the other half offing themselves,.. Won't happen.
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No, what it's going to take is closer to half the global human population becoming cave dwellers, and the other half offing themselves,.. Won't happen.
Absolutely untrue and again, you are just throwing shit against the wall because of your FEELINGS.

Is it too late to prevent climate change?​

Humans have caused major climate changes to happen already, and we have set in motion more changes still. However, if we stopped emitting greenhouse gases today, the rise in global temperatures would begin to flatten within a few years. Temperatures would then plateau but remain well-elevated for many, many centuries. There is a time lag between what we do and when we feel it, but that lag is less than a decade.
Silver alarm clock with two bells on the top and a black background.

While the effects of human activities on Earth's climate to date are irreversible on the timescale of humans alive today, every little bit of avoided future temperature increases results in less warming that would otherwise persist for essentially forever. The benefits of reduced greenhouse gas emissions occur on the same timescale as the political decisions that lead to those reductions.
Without major action to reduce emissions, global temperature is on track to rise by 2.5°C to 4.5°C (4.5°F to 8°F) by 2100, according to the latest estimates.
But it may not be too late to avoid or limit some of the worst effects of climate change. Responding to climate change will involve a two-tier approach:
Thwaites Glacier

Thwaites Glacier.
  • “Mitigation” – reducing the flow of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere
  • “Adaptation” – learning to live with, and adapt to, the climate change that has already been set in motion. The key question is, what will our emissions of carbon dioxide and other pollutants be in the years to come?
Read more about NASA's efforts to address climate change at
I don't have any "feelings" about it,.. I just don't believe we have the actual gumption to solve it.
I wonder as well. We have the capability but with the number of deniers and those who don't want to be bothered it's difficult to get enough traction.
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It's become a first world issue,.. Average people have far too many problems in their daily life to waste time worrying about climate change...
I believe in climate change but I'm more concerned about gas prices, grocery prices, mortgage prices, or if my two sons are gonna be drafted at the age of 18. So yeah when I have peace of mind over those I'll get to running around and spray painting monuments in the name of climate change.
What is the republican platform to tackle the climate change issue?
What’s the Democrat ?

Say you care but live like you don’t?

I don’t see Democrat states building anymore nuclear plants than Republican states ?

I don’t see Democratic states limiting the size of new homes.

I don’t see democrats traveling less.

But by god they sure want that social ribbon pinned to their ass that they care more.
What’s the Democrat ?

Say you care but live like you don’t?

I don’t see Democrat states building anymore nuclear plants than Republican states ?

I don’t see Democratic states limiting the size of new homes.

I don’t see democrats traveling less.

But by god they sure want that social ribbon pinned to their ass that they care more.
Who do you think has been buying more EVs and solar panels - republicans or Democrats?

No one is pushing for nuclear plants with any vigor. I think they should.

What authority would anyone have to limit the size of one's home? That's just dumb.

Everyone is traveling more which is why this needs to be addressed at a higher level than the individual.

BTW - here is a summary of the Democratic climate change platform. What do you disagree with?

The Democratic platform on climate change emphasizes urgent action to address the climate crisis through comprehensive policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to clean energy, and ensuring environmental justice. Key elements of the platform include:

1. Ambitious Emission Reduction Targets

  • Net-Zero Emissions by 2050: Democrats aim for the United States to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, with interim targets to ensure progress.
  • Rejoining the Paris Agreement: Recommitment to international climate agreements and leadership in global efforts to combat climate change.

2. Clean Energy Transition

  • Investment in Renewable Energy: Significant investments in renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and geothermal to replace fossil fuels.
  • Clean Energy Standards: Implementation of clean energy standards to ensure a majority of electricity comes from renewable sources within a specified timeframe.

3. Infrastructure and Innovation

  • Green Infrastructure: Investing in modernizing infrastructure to be more resilient to climate impacts and to support clean energy technologies.
  • Research and Development: Promoting innovation through increased funding for research and development in clean energy technologies and climate solutions.

4. Environmental Justice

  • Addressing Inequities: Ensuring that vulnerable and marginalized communities, who are disproportionately affected by climate change, receive support and resources.
  • Clean Water and Air: Strengthening regulations to ensure clean air and water for all communities.

5. Economic Transition

  • Green Jobs: Creating millions of good-paying jobs in the clean energy sector and ensuring a just transition for workers affected by the shift away from fossil fuels.
  • Support for Affected Workers: Providing training, education, and support for workers transitioning from fossil fuel industries to new, sustainable industries.

6. International Leadership

  • Global Climate Diplomacy: Strengthening U.S. leadership in international climate efforts, collaborating with other nations to tackle global climate challenges.

7. Sustainable Agriculture and Conservation

  • Promoting Sustainable Practices: Encouraging sustainable agricultural practices that reduce emissions and enhance resilience to climate impacts.
  • Conservation Efforts: Protecting public lands, oceans, and wildlife through conservation initiatives and policies.


  • Democratic National Committee: The 2020 Democratic Party Platform outlines the party’s stance on various issues, including climate change (Project Des Moines).
  • Joe Biden’s Presidential Campaign: The Biden-Harris campaign detailed their climate plan, which aligns closely with the broader Democratic platform (Project Des Moines).
  • Congressional Actions: Recent legislative efforts by Democratic lawmakers provide further insight into the party’s climate priorities (Project Des Moines).
For more detailed information, you can review the 2020 Democratic Party Platform and Joe Biden’s Climate Plan.
With the Big Sioux River overflowing, some tough decisions needed to be made. In order to protect North Sioux City and the billions in industrial park investment there, levees were built directing the water towards McCook Lake where it is pumped into the Missouri River. Homes in McCook Lake were put right in the way of the waters coming. These homes were sacrificed to save a city, they need to be compensated and made whole.

KTIV Story

With the Big Sioux River overflowing, some tough decisions needed to be made. In order to protect North Sioux City and the billions in industrial park investment there, levees were built directing the water towards McCook Lake where it is pumped into the Missouri River. Homes in McCook Lake were put right in the way of the waters coming. These homes were sacrificed to save a city, they need to be compensated and made whole.

My mother is still close to a Dr she worked for and half of his backyard is under. Doing what he can but he thinks it's a matter of time
What exactly do those that don’t deny there is a problem so different than the others ?

You think they travel less? Have smaller homes? Don’t buy boats? Do the big liberal states have more nuclear reactors being built?

You can’t go a week on this board without some giant lib bragging about their world travels, big boat, or vacation home.

My ass.

Roflmao. Just say it. “We care more but burn more”.

You might get one or two libs saying they live a minimalist lifestyle. Which just so happens to be how every poor lives that doesn’t have a lot to piss in.
I for one enjoyed my European vacation, and continue to enjoy my SUVs and pool. Not a “lib” though, but probably am in your eyes.
My mother is still close to a Dr she worked for and half of his backyard is under. Doing what he can but he thinks it's a matter of time
They've closed I-29 at Exit 26 in Vermillion, SD and are rerouting I-29 traffic through Vermillion over to Newcastle, NE down through Ponca to Hwy 20 and South Sioux City.

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