Iowa No Longer a Swing State

So your Father-In-Law is a devout Catholic and is supporting Biden? Biden is a full fledged advocate of legalized baby killing. I do not think he is as devout as you say. I do not like Trump either but he is 1,000 times better than the Democrat alternative.

There is no way Biden can make it through another term. He is a bumbling, stumbling idiot now. That means if elected, Kamala Harris would become President in the very near future. Talk about a nightmare scenario. We had 4 years of Trump and his presidency went well until the China virus arrived. The economy was great, no wars, and gas and groceries were much more affordable. Not sure why so many are afraid of 4 more years of Trump.
Not sure where you got that I said my FIL would vote Biden? I just said he is unlikely to cast a vote for POTUS in this years election. I believe that is what he did last election.

I'm also curious why you think if Biden can't make it through another term, you think Trump could. The guy lives on fast food, his stress levels have to be off the charts with all his ongoing legal issues. His health sucks and his mental decline is just as obvious as Biden's. The fact he would make another term a revenge tour, is easily a reason to vote for Biden/Harris. The economy under Biden is doing well compared to the rest of the world. Unemployment down, stock market up. Inflation is coming down slowly and is less than half it was from its peak. Interest rates will hopefully follow. The US is not at war with anyone nor do we have troops on the ground. Gas is high, but also the gas companies are recording record profits? Think maybe some greed has a part in all this?

Is Biden who I would choose in an ideal world? Hell no! Is he better than Trump? Hell yes!
I would like to get @Finance85 opinion on this. He claims to be an expert and is very confident in his diagnosis of Biden. Have you looked at Trumps symptoms of his cognitive ability? Do you know that his father had Alzheimers?
I'm not an expert. I have enough knowledge and experience to recognize very definitive symptoms, and my point was that it doesn't take an MD to do that.

There are different forms of dementia, and different stages of each form. Trump has some memory loss issues, as do most people over 50. Trump hasn't shown an physical symptoms that we know about. It's difficult to tell if he has behavioral differences such as anger because he's always been an asshole. Could Trump have some form of dementia? Yes. If he does, it's plain that he's not close to being at the same stage of dementia as Biden.

Did that answer your gotcha question?
Net farm income had the 3 biggest years in history in 2021,2022,2023.

The rural economy in Iowa is dependent on farm income.

Makes no sense that rural Iowans would support the guy promising to start another trade war by slapping higher tariffs on all imports which will do great damage to Iowa's farm economy.
I'm not an expert. I have enough knowledge and experience to recognize very definitive symptoms, and my point was that it doesn't take an MD to do that.

There are different forms of dementia, and different stages of each form. Trump has some memory loss issues, as do most people over 50. Trump hasn't shown an physical symptoms that we know about. It's difficult to tell if he has behavioral differences such as anger because he's always been an asshole. Could Trump have some form of dementia? Yes. If he does, it's plain that he's not close to being at the same stage of dementia as Biden.

Did that answer your gotcha question?

You literally pretend you know things.
Yes, exactly. That’s my point. It would seem polite company has gotten smaller and smaller in Iowa.

Look at this board. Quite a few don’t even hide their racism or homophobia anymore, especially when the WNBA gets brought up. (Women’s basketball triggering so many middle-aged white guys is an entirely separate topic and a total ****ing mystery).

A few weeks ago, when I was in the midst of a pissing match with the mods, I pretty much copied verbatim the racist and homophobic tropes idiots like @RicoSuave102954 and HawkeyeHitman frequently use (I finally got HawkeyeHitman permanently banned I think). I got quite a few likes for those posts.

In short, it’s become en vogue over the last eight years to flaunt being racist and homophobic. That is a drastic change from when I came of age in Iowa. Sad to see.
What you and Huey fail to realize is that these same people you call bigots and racist will talk shit about white catholic straight people as well. It’s just that they speak the truth. Something that’s too scary for some people. Everyone has to be sheltered today, can’t hurt any feelings.
That’s the real issue. The pussification of America.
What you and Huey fail to realize is that these same people you call bigots and racist will talk shit about white catholic straight people as well. It’s just that they speak the truth. Something that’s too scary for some people. Everyone has to be sheltered today, can’t hurt any feelings.
That’s the real issue. The pussification of America.
“Speak the truth”? Whose truth? Not everyone needs to be “sheltered” from the truth IA…… but everyone deserves to be sheltered from intimidation. Other than MAGAts, others dint need protection from the truth.
“Speak the truth”? Whose truth? Not everyone needs to be “sheltered” from the truth IA…… but everyone deserves to be sheltered from intimidation. Other than MAGAts, others dint need protection from the truth.
I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say. I think you just had to throw out the term MAGAts and didn’t even stop to think about what it had to do with my comment.
That’s what I call an obsession.

I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say. I think you just had to throw out the term MAGAts and didn’t even stop to think about what it had to do with my comment.
That’s what I call an obsession.

No one deserves to be intimidated based on their core beliefs. This is America. The land where compromise and accommodation is how things are designed to work….as opposed to “my way or the highway.”
Not sure where you got that I said my FIL would vote Biden? I just said he is unlikely to cast a vote for POTUS in this years election. I believe that is what he did last election.

I'm also curious why you think if Biden can't make it through another term, you think Trump could. The guy lives on fast food, his stress levels have to be off the charts with all his ongoing legal issues. His health sucks and his mental decline is just as obvious as Biden's. The fact he would make another term a revenge tour, is easily a reason to vote for Biden/Harris. The economy under Biden is doing well compared to the rest of the world. Unemployment down, stock market up. Inflation is coming down slowly and is less than half it was from its peak. Interest rates will hopefully follow. The US is not at war with anyone nor do we have troops on the ground. Gas is high, but also the gas companies are recording record profits? Think maybe some greed has a part in all this?

Is Biden who I would choose in an ideal world? Hell no! Is he better than Trump? Hell yes!

So, I hope to be wrong, but all signs IMHO point to a landslide victory by Trump in November. And it is for sure gross and disturbing, but nonetheless, true. Cheeto Jesus got found guilty of 34 felonies and it did nothing to dent the poll numbers.

The truth is, as horrible and misinformed as MAGA are, they are a cult and passionate. To overcome you have to have a Democrat candidate who can connect and get some passion and excitement going to counter with and in Biden we simply don’t have it. Nobody aged 18-80 is passionate and excited to vote for Biden or inspired. Is what it is unless the Democrats can have him exit stage right and get a much more relatable candidate. The MAGA cult will trounce the meh Democrats. And down ballots will be crappy too due to the lack of excitement.

Sidebar, we are 4.5 months away from election and it is amazing how few cars and yards I see adorned with presidential stuff. Both sides.
It’s just that they speak the truth

I’m about as blunt as they come. Ask @Huey Grey when the topic of biological males competing against women comes up.

There’s a difference between talking shit and just being flat out ignorant. I am totally in agreement with you about the pussification of America, but that extends well beyond liberals.

Regardless, constantly using homophobic and racist slurs isn’t about speaking the truth. It’s about being a bigoted dumbass.
I'm not an expert. I have enough knowledge and experience to recognize very definitive symptoms, and my point was that it doesn't take an MD to do that.

There are different forms of dementia, and different stages of each form. Trump has some memory loss issues, as do most people over 50. Trump hasn't shown an physical symptoms that we know about. It's difficult to tell if he has behavioral differences such as anger because he's always been an asshole. Could Trump have some form of dementia? Yes. If he does, it's plain that he's not close to being at the same stage of dementia as Biden.

Did that answer your gotcha question?
It answered it in proving how partisan you are I guess.
And who refuses to compromise above all... fvcking MAGA
It’s interesting you liberals talk about bigots and racists yet you throw the acronym MAGA around so freely. I get called one often and find it very offensive. I’m sure you don’t give a crap though because you only care about gays and people of other race.
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What has changed in Iowa to make Iowa solid “red” then?
Inflation is a national/international problem brought on by decades of free money and ill aimed tax cuts. Covid exaggerated the weaknesses in the supply chain and these weaknesses were quickly corrected under the Biden Administation. I believe too many Iowans recall “good old days” that seriously never existed and that memory has been encouraged by Trump, MAGAs and Iowa Republicanisn.
To answer your question, Biden imo.

Like stated earlier, Iowa is about as even as you can get with affiliation between parties. The GOP holds a 1% lead in registered voters from the latest info that I can find. Now, the poll could be useless as 20 points seems a bit much. I do think Trump will win Iowa without much problem however.

Just my opinion
I’m about as blunt as they come. Ask @Huey Grey when the topic of biological males competing against women comes up.

There’s a difference between talking shit and just being flat out ignorant. I am totally in agreement with you about the pussification of America, but that extends well beyond liberals.

Regardless, constantly using homophobic and racist slurs isn’t about speaking the truth. It’s about being a bigoted dumbass.
Or they’re just words some say to flip someone some shit. Kinda like nicknames. The problem is so many people take offense to crap that doesn’t even pertain to them. The pussification we agree on. I have called my friends dipshits, douchers, fat ass, f*g’s or other names for as long as I can remember, it has no actual meaning to the word. But if some little crybaby hears it, they’ll make a big stink out of it.
Everybody will no doubt have their own opinion confirming their own beliefs, but IMO the DNC has written Iowa off. And, as much as it might hurt my feelings it's probably the right move. Our population is relatively small and stagnant. Six electoral votes just isn't worth the squeeze with places like Arizona, Georgia and potentially Texas being "swing states".
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I'm not an expert. I have enough knowledge and experience to recognize very definitive symptoms, and my point was that it doesn't take an MD to do that.

There are different forms of dementia, and different stages of each form. Trump has some memory loss issues, as do most people over 50. Trump hasn't shown an physical symptoms that we know about. It's difficult to tell if he has behavioral differences such as anger because he's always been an asshole. Could Trump have some form of dementia? Yes. If he does, it's plain that he's not close to being at the same stage of dementia as Biden.

Did that answer your gotcha question?
That's not normal.
To answer your question, Biden imo.

Like stated earlier, Iowa is about as even as you can get with affiliation between parties. The GOP holds a 1% lead in registered voters from the latest info that I can find. Now, the poll could be useless as 20 points seems a bit much. I do think Trump will win Iowa without much problem however.

Just my opinion
Registered R-D voters in Iowa account for about 65% of its voters. Iowa, like most other states, elections are decided by Independents. I’m betting in Seltzer’s knowledge and experience more than yours. There will be an inevitable movement of polls before Election Day and Seltzer\The Register will poll in late September early Ictiber and release the results of their “final poll” 2 weeks before Election Day…is the norm.
Seltzer’s special sauce is she uses “probable/likely voters” in her polls..and has been uncannily accurate using whatever method it is….she doesn’t share.
Or they’re just words some say to flip someone some shit. Kinda like nicknames. The problem is so many people take offense to crap that doesn’t even pertain to them. The pussification we agree on. I have called my friends dipshits, douchers, fat ass, f*g’s or other names for as long as I can remember, it has no actual meaning to the word. But if some little crybaby hears it, they’ll make a big stink out of it.
I’m with you in that personally I don’t give two shits what name or names anyone calls me.

However, I am going to stand up for marginalized people who have been persecuted throughout history. It’s just the way I am. When you’re around like-minded people, say what the **** you want to say. But there all kinds of people who read this board, some of whom are gay, and they shouldn’t have to wade through shit like that.

Also, I will give you a personal example on here that reflects poorly on me. I was using the r-word toward someone on here and a poster pointed out his son had Down Syndrome and didn’t appreciate reading what I had wrote. You know what? I felt terrible and apologized to him right away. And I haven’t used that word since.

In short, I don’t think it’s about pussification. I think it’s about common decency and respect.
I’m with you in that personally I don’t give two shits what name or names anyone calls me.

However, I am going to stand up for marginalized people who have been persecuted throughout history. It’s just the way I am. When you’re around like-minded people, say what the **** you want to say. But there all kinds of people who read this board, some of whom are gay, and they shouldn’t have to wade through shit like that.

Also, I will give you a personal example on here that reflects poorly on me. I was using the r-word toward someone on here and a poster pointed out his son had Down Syndrome and didn’t appreciate reading what I had wrote. You know what? I felt terrible and apologized to him right away. And I haven’t used that word since.

In short, I don’t think it’s about pussification. I think it’s about common decency and respect.
So as someone that leans republican and hates trump. I’d appreciate not being called a MAGA but it happens all the time. Often from people that like to think I’m a bigot as well.
Now tell me why is one acronym acceptable to use but I’m not supposed to use certain words?
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So, I hope to be wrong, but all signs IMHO point to a landslide victory by Trump in November. And it is for sure gross and disturbing, but nonetheless, true. Cheeto Jesus got found guilty of 34 felonies and it did nothing to dent the poll numbers.

The truth is, as horrible and misinformed as MAGA are, they are a cult and passionate. To overcome you have to have a Democrat candidate who can connect and get some passion and excitement going to counter with and in Biden we simply don’t have it. Nobody aged 18-80 is passionate and excited to vote for Biden or inspired. Is what it is unless the Democrats can have him exit stage right and get a much more relatable candidate. The MAGA cult will trounce the meh Democrats. And down ballots will be crappy too due to the lack of excitement.

Sidebar, we are 4.5 months away from election and it is amazing how few cars and yards I see adorned with presidential stuff. Both sides.
Eh...the "signs" all point to the exact opposite actually. Polling is not giving an accurate picture of the field right now (and I'm not sure it ever will) but Republicans have been getting decimated in special election after special election. The worst thing that could have happened to Republican power is overturning Roe v. Wade. The only way Republicans win in November is if people decide to stay home. There just aren't enough MAGA's to outvote everyone else.
So as someone that leans republican and hates trump. I’d appreciate not being called a MAGA but it happens all the time. Often from people that like to think I’m a bigot as well.
Now tell me why is one acronym acceptable to use but I’m not supposed to use certain words?
I’m not following. Are you comparing the use of MAGA to homosexual slurs and the like?

MAGA is something Trump supporters identify with—Make America Great Again. I didn’t realize it was offensive.

I would just say you aren’t a Trump supporter and don’t belong to MAGA.
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I’m not following. Are you comparing the use of MAGA to homosexual slurs and the like?

MAGA is something Trump supporters identify with—Make America Great Again. I didn’t realize it was offensive.

I would just say you aren’t a Trump supporter and don’t belong to MAGA.
So you don’t see how it’s annoying/disrespectful to be called a maga when you are Republican but hate Trump. but you can see how it’s annoying/disrespectful to be called a fag when you are homosexual.
Is that really what you’re saying?
People don’t like what Biden has done in his four years and the policy he has created with certain things. His admin is way to left of center for a lot of people. I’m just telling you why you are seeing what you are seeing, didn’t say you had to like it.
I am gonna say not really. Biden won in 2020 and 2024 will be a national dog fight as well. Don't underestimate Jan 6.
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So you don’t see how it’s annoying/disrespectful to be called a maga when you are Republican but hate Trump. but you can see how it’s annoying/disrespectful to be called a fag when you are homosexual.
Is that really what you’re saying?
Or being called a commie if you're left of center? Mischarecterizations abound on both sides of the aisle.
So as someone that leans republican and hates trump. I’d appreciate not being called a MAGA but it happens all the time. Often from people that like to think I’m a bigot as well.
Now tell me why is one acronym acceptable to use but I’m not supposed to use certain words?

Did I quote you? if you saw it that way, I must have touched a nerve
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I’m just trying to balance out your shit posting religiously defending Trump despite not liking Trump. 😝

I have been consistent in not mincing words about my disdain for Trump. He has completely ruined the party I once aligned with.

Regardless, c’mon, Scrud Man. There’s letting ‘er rip about Trump when the itch needs to be scratched and then there’s Chishawk’s crusade. I am nowhere near the latter.
I only defend him at points where he deserves it. The lawfare crusade against him is obvious nonsense. Tear him apart for his other 10,000 transgressions. It's not hard to do.
Oh, bc, you already know how it is:

Hunter Biden gets convicted by a jury of his peers: the system works.

Donald Trump gets convicted by a jury of his peers: the system is rigged.
Hunter biden took pictures and videos of him breaking the law lol it was the most open and shut case ever. In trump's circumstance you had bad actors changing the law specifically to prosecute Trump. The star witness for the prosecution claimed trump knew where all the money was going but also admitted to stealing money from that same account and trump not knowing. Amazing that anyone with a brain would buy any of that as legitimate tbh