Iowa No Longer a Swing State

I disagree, but for other reasons that I have personally witnessed.

My father is a lifelong republican, gun enthusiast and generally skeptical of government. He has always pulled the lever for the GOP, but he hates Trump, doesn't understand why people would vote for him. I don't know how he'll vote in Nov, I suspect he just won't vote for POTUS.

My father-in-law, a devout catholic, serves on the board of a pro-life charity and socially conservative also can't stand Trump, doesn't understand the evangelical support behind him and I am fairly sure will not vote for him or POTUS this November.

While helping at a local American Legion event I had to work next 2 guys I am sure are very GOP and go to a local church together. They were talking about immigrants and the problems they caused, but what surprised me is that neither of them like Trump either. They said that he will take us to war and didn't like a lot of his views. With them I am less if sure how that translates when they go to vote in November.

All that said, this 20 point lead by Trump in Iowa confuses me, because if he was a normal conservative candidate, these people I mentioned above would give him their vote without question.
Trump will take us to war? Did he ever take us to war in his 4 years? How has Biden handled war the past 4 years? And the Afghanistan pull out? I'm confused about that statement.
I'm not the one trying to blame Democrats for voting for a convicted felon, rapist, racist for President. You can take your projection elsewhere.
It's ironic that people call Trump racist when Biden has been on record numerous times talking about race, crime, and targeting the blacks...which is racist. This makes you look uninformed.
With the latest poll numbers showing blacks under the age of 50 moving towards Trump I can guarantee the Democrats are going to start cooking up some racial tension over the summer.
Not sure where you got that I said my FIL would vote Biden? I just said he is unlikely to cast a vote for POTUS in this years election. I believe that is what he did last election.

I'm also curious why you think if Biden can't make it through another term, you think Trump could. The guy lives on fast food, his stress levels have to be off the charts with all his ongoing legal issues. His health sucks and his mental decline is just as obvious as Biden's. The fact he would make another term a revenge tour, is easily a reason to vote for Biden/Harris. The economy under Biden is doing well compared to the rest of the world. Unemployment down, stock market up. Inflation is coming down slowly and is less than half it was from its peak. Interest rates will hopefully follow. The US is not at war with anyone nor do we have troops on the ground. Gas is high, but also the gas companies are recording record profits? Think maybe some greed has a part in all this?

Is Biden who I would choose in an ideal world? Hell no! Is he better than Trump? Hell yes!
Don’t believe the “revenge tour” Democrat fear-mongering. The only “revenge” that Trump has spoken of is having “success” in his next term.
It's ironic that people call Trump racist when Biden has been on record numerous times talking about race, crime, and targeting the blacks...which is racist. This makes you look uninformed.
You forgot the part about Trump also being a convicted felon and rapist too. Biden also supports policies that aren't racist so there's that too.
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And you literally pretend you have the expertise to contradict him.
You’re an angry person in a constant state of unhappiness and it seems to have impaired your sense of self.
Who is unhappy here? You and yours are making the (constant) and unsubstantiated charges against someone you or I don’t know one bit. You’re a retired school teacher/car wxecutive…and mother…. So you’re a bona fide neurologist/psychologist too? You certainly have had a busy and productive live, doc!
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First, I am sorry about your father. I can’t imagine having to endure that for so many years.

I was honestly curious if you had medical qualifications because you seemed to be calling out Tom Paris for the lack of his. I would have liked to have read what you thought.

Yes, I agree Biden is old and is not sharp. I have no idea if he can be diagnosed as having dementia. I’m a just a lowly middle school teacher with no medical background whatsoever. Lol.

To my untrained eye, I see Trump having a lot of the same cognitive issues as Biden. Not necessarily as advanced as Biden’s, but Trump is not as coherent as he seemed when he was first running for president in 2016.

I’m still voting Biden. I just think Trump is too dangerous, especially if he is going to be out for vengeance and not focused on running the country.
Plus Trump has something Biden doesn’t have….Court papers proving he is a convicted felon!
Have you ever been to Keokuk?
Never been to Keokuk. There are others also.

Cedar Rapids and basically every town within an hour is full of people that are nice and would help if a stranger needed something. Anamosa, Monticello, and Vinton are all nice places.

The one area that is a real shit hole is the Quad Cities. The people there are assholes similar to Jersey and Boston. Also, their pizza is dumb.
  • Wow
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Look at all these people slamming rural Iowa.

You won't find a better place to raise a family.

Friendly, hard working people is what you will find.

Sorry if you are afraid of that.
Except for the closed schools, poisoning of the waters by farmers, and dying towns.
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In my family…it’s the Dems that run their mouths at family gatherings while the Republicans generally sit stone-faced. It’s not worth the effort to try to speak common sense with some of them.

I agree. The “Dems” in your family should consider it a lost cause to try to share “common sense” with the MAGAs in your family.

It’s like pounding your head against a brick wall.
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Don’t believe the “revenge tour” Democrat fear-mongering. The only “revenge” that Trump has spoken of is having “success” in his next term.

Um, he said he'll be a dictator on the first day, said he will prosecute all those who prosecuted him. Last campaign he apparently wanted to "lock her up" without any due process. If you listen to his buddy Bannon there is already a list of targets to go after and Trump hasn't denied it. So yeah, its a revenge tour. He has no plans to make America great but what he does plan to do is use his office to enrich himself and his rich friends at the expense of our democracy.
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Trump will take us to war? Did he ever take us to war in his 4 years? How has Biden handled war the past 4 years? And the Afghanistan pull out? I'm confused about that statement.
Just repeating what these life long GOP'ers said. I didn't say it, they said "he'll get us into a war".

The US isn't directly involved in any wars under Biden. We're supporting them around the world with money and supplies. I am fine with this level of involvement if it means keeping American boots off the ground. I'll take your criticism of the Afghan pull out and the lost of lives when it happened to mean you have no tolerance for loss of American soldiers. If that is the case, the pull out, however flawed, meant that the 22 soldiers (on average) that died there per year have been spared since we left.
A black woman or a convicted felon?
Have you been following the saga of Caitlin Clark in the WNBA?

When the email lady wrote a check to Paula Jones to go away, she did so out of her personal account. Smart.
When Trump wrote a check 1/5 that size to Stormy, it was out of his business account. Felony.

I won’t be voting for Trump either but throwing around the felony word isn’t the reason. Clinton’s just a little crafter…
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  • Haha
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Anybody can make a ridiculous statement like that, but typically like many in the MAGA camp, they present no substantial evidence to back it up. Is it the infrastructure bill you don't like? How about his Medicare improvement actions where drug prices can now be negotiated and Medicare recipients can obtain insulin for $35 a month? Or how about the Chips Act that is bringing off-shore computer chip production back to the US? Or perhaps you don't like the fact that the US economy has performed better (GDP increase, lowest inflation, greatest increase in job creation) compared to any other western democracy since the pandemic of 2020. Or maybe you don't like the fact that through his efforts, NATO is the most unified and responsive since its formation after WW2. This is your definition of incompetence? Stunning indeed!
How about he is a global joke. Your eyes should be enough evidence.
You forgot the part about Trump also being a convicted felon and rapist too. Biden also supports policies that aren't racist so there's that too.
That's the brother Barack Hussein Obama pulling strings in the background.