Iowa No Longer a Swing State

So you don’t see how it’s annoying/disrespectful to be called a maga when you are Republican but hate Trump. but you can see how it’s annoying/disrespectful to be called a fag when you are homosexual.
Is that really what you’re saying?
I’m a lifelong Republican voter like you who isn’t fond of Trump either. I don’t think the two words carry the same weight. Do you?

Yeah, it’s annoying to be lumped in with Trump supporters, but I don’t really think much of it. People have called others fags for a long time whether they were gay or not. The word is just intended to be a major insult and is often very hateful. I guess since real Trump supporters have embraced the MAGA slogan and label I don’t see it as being on the same level.

What do I know, though?
Joe Biden is among the worst presidents in U.S. history.

The incompetence is stunning.
Anybody can make a ridiculous statement like that, but typically like many in the MAGA camp, they present no substantial evidence to back it up. Is it the infrastructure bill you don't like? How about his Medicare improvement actions where drug prices can now be negotiated and Medicare recipients can obtain insulin for $35 a month? Or how about the Chips Act that is bringing off-shore computer chip production back to the US? Or perhaps you don't like the fact that the US economy has performed better (GDP increase, lowest inflation, greatest increase in job creation) compared to any other western democracy since the pandemic of 2020. Or maybe you don't like the fact that through his efforts, NATO is the most unified and responsive since its formation after WW2. This is your definition of incompetence? Stunning indeed!
Even the Hispanics I knew had to tow (toe?) The line. The town I grew up in laid into Hispanics even more than black people. Probably because our town only had a couple of black families.
That sounds awful. Would it had better to for you to live on the south side of Chicago? I'm not trying to be cute. Serious question
Anybody can make a ridiculous statement like that, but typically like many in the MAGA camp, they popresent no substantial evidence to back it up. Is it the infrastructure bill you don't like? How about his Medicare improvement actions where drug prices can now be negotiated and Medicare recipients can obtain insulin for $35 a month? Or how about the Chips Act that is bringing off-shore computer chip production back to the US? Or perhaps you don't like the fact that the US economy has performed better (GDP increase, lowest inflation, greatest increase in job creation) compared to any other western democracy since the pandemic of 2020. Or maybe you don't like the fact that through his efforts, NATO is the most unified and responsive since its formation after WW2. This is your definition of incompetence? Stunning indeed!
Open borders and inflation. Such a phoney. He says he is a catholic and favors 3rd term abortion.
I’m with you in that personally I don’t give two shits what name or names anyone calls me.

However, I am going to stand up for marginalized people who have been persecuted throughout history. It’s just the way I am. When you’re around like-minded people, say what the **** you want to say. But there all kinds of people who read this board, some of whom are gay, and they shouldn’t have to wade through shit like that.

Also, I will give you a personal example on here that reflects poorly on me. I was using the r-word toward someone on here and a poster pointed out his son had Down Syndrome and didn’t appreciate reading what I had wrote. You know what? I felt terrible and apologized to him right away. And I haven’t used that word since.

In short, I don’t think it’s about pussification. I think it’s about common decency and respect.
Some here might say using the “r” word here is a great example of the “pussification of America” Ragnar. You are to be congratulated for your contriteness.
Net farm income had the 3 biggest years in history in 2021,2022,2023.

The rural economy in Iowa is dependent on farm income.

Makes no sense that rural Iowans would support the guy promising to start another trade war by slapping higher tariffs on all imports which will do great damage to Iowa's farm economy.
Iowa farmers say, “Hold my beer!”
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He’s toast Joel …

Have you voted yet? You know anyone who has….and has changed their vote from 2020? 4 1/2 months to go…we shall see. Im thinking Biden wins the popular vote easily….the Electoral vote will be pretty closed. I look forward to a convicted felon governing the greatest nation on the face of the earth……the Russian exchange programs will be outstanding!
You are so full of shit.

And I only went to the mods after numerous times of you posting “fag” and other related slurs because it’s so ridiculous.

The fact you think it’s me who has the “name caller” issue just demonstrates how far out of touch with reality you are.

And Ryan, I will put my manhood up against yours every day that ends in y.
Is orange man or orange turd a slur?
Open borders and inflation. Such a phoney. He says he is a catholic and favors 3rd term abortion.
You have the audacity to mention open borders, the solution to which was addressed in bipartisan legislation chaired by Republican senator Jim Langford a few months ago and was categorically
rejected by Republican senators at the request of Trump. Biden approved this legislation - the most comprehensive immigration legislation proposed since 2013. As for inflation, the US has experienced the lowest increase in inflation of any western democracy since the 2020 pandemic. And finally, Biden has never favored 3rd term abortion. This falsehood was debunked in a Newsweek article dated July of 2023.
Have you ever been to Keokuk?
You have the audacity to mention open borders, the solution to which was addressed in bipartisan legislation chaired by Republican senator Jim Langford a few months ago and was categorically
rejected by Republican senators at the request of Trump. Biden approved this legislation - the most comprehensive immigration legislation proposed since 2013. As for inflation, the US has experienced the lowest increase in inflation of any western democracy since the 2020 pandemic. And finally, Biden has never favored 3rd term abortion. This falsehood was debunked in a Newsweek article dated July of 2023.
Trump would immediately close the border like it was during his presidency
Egad biden undid his policies by executive decree. Not rocket science. Biden is for abortion on demand which includes 3rd trimester. It is what it is.
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Trump would immediately close the border like it was during his presidency
Egad biden undid his policies by executive decree. Not rocket science. Biden is for abortion on demand which includes 3rd trimester. It is what it is.
It certainly is what it is, and that's you're a f...... moron!!
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20? I don't believe that. If that were true, it would greatly change my current thinking of the general election. Iowa can't get to 20 without major segments of urban populations swinging to trump, and that would be shocking.
I saw another story where Trump was up by 16 points in Iowa. I guess it depends on which poll(s) you believe.
You really believe this? Give me your reasoning because a poll stated that your boy was the worst for so many reasons.
Have you actually looked at Biden lately…heard him speak, walk, etc? He’s like a cadaver.
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It's mind blowing how gullible people from rural areas are. FOX propaganda network has had their way with these folks
I can reverse that and say…it’s mind blowing how inner city people are so gullible with a history of unfulfilled Democrat promises, fueled by CNN and MSNBC propaganda. Yet a segment of this group will continue to vote for Democrats as crime, economic issues, etc persist in cities.
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Well. At least he’s not a convicted felon. So he’s got that going for him, which is nice.
You’re correct, Biden hasn’t been convicted…yet.
This is such bullshit and a total copout. It also demonstrates how brainwashed and stupid people in Iowa have become.

I left Iowa back in 2008 as a moderate Republican, so I won’t speak to Iowa Democrats. But I do know the Iowa I once knew would have never been duped by such an obvious lifelong grifter and absolute piece of shit like Trump.

So stop bullshitting yourself with this asinine belief that Iowans have to default to Trump because Biden is just so awful. Bullshit. I’m no fan of Biden and think he’s too old to run, but Trump is in the same age group and is a lying, cheating, grifting, raping, perverted, narcissistic, unhinged, insane, incompetent, total ****ing lunatic. And now a felon, and rightfully so.

So you can stick your moronic, self-righteous drivel about Trump being the lesser of two evils all the way up your dumb, redneck ass. Trump is up big in Iowa because decent, educated folks have left the state in droves while ignorant, unsophisticated white trash—also known as white evangelicals—have stuck around and apparently turned the state into a shithole that has even Mississippi blushing.

That’s the reality. Period.
What a worthless post. Yeah, since you haven’t lived in Iowa sunce 2008, you really know what’s going on in the state. 😉
I saw another story where Trump was up by 16 points in Iowa. I guess it depends on which poll(s) you believe.

Have you actually looked at Biden lately…heard him speak, walk, etc? He’s like a cadaver.
Have you looked at your convicted felon lately. Ronny Johnson says hello. Boats, electricity and sharks.
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You’re correct, Biden hasn’t been convicted…yet.

What a worthless post. Yeah, since you haven’t lived in Iowa sunce 2008, you really know what’s going on in the state. 😉

I mean: what are they gonna get Biden on? Jimmy Comer and Gym Jordan seem to be a pair of great legal minds and are working on that air-tight case.

I guess we’ll wait two weeks.

I like your fantastical thinking though. Most would call them delusions, but I like to think of you as a hopeful fellow
How many “boarders” are open?

Endless foreign wars?

Jesus, you’re a ****ing idiot.
The southern border, and wars in Middle East and Ukraine. Where have you been? Heck, the Biden administration let a Chinese balloon fly over the entire United States, taking pictures of military installations, and only shot it down after there was an uproar about it. While Trump has low character, etc…Biden is quite simply a buffoon.
The southern border, and wars in Middle East and Ukraine. Where have you been? Heck, the Biden administration let a Chinese balloon fly over the entire United States, taking pictures of military installations, and only shot it down after there was an uproar about it. While Trump has low character, etc…Biden is quite simply a buffoon.
Now do your felon.
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Trump would immediately close the border like it was during his presidency
Egad biden undid his policies by executive decree. Not rocket science. Biden is for abortion on demand which includes 3rd trimester. It is what it is.
He didn’t close the border. You’re a liar.
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The border under Trump....

FWIW, I used to be one of those stone-faced people. I’ve resolved to not stay quiet and challenge those who feel emboldened to say whatever they want. It’s been quite liberating and enjoyable.

For far too long, the “stone-faced” crowd has given license to the DT Barnum cult to say anything they want without being called on it. I particularly enjoy the look on their faces when confronted.
In my family…it’s the Dems that run their mouths at family gatherings while the Republicans generally sit stone-faced. It’s not worth the effort to try to speak common sense with some of them.
No matter what you native Iowans aka Rednecks believe, Iowa is, maybe was, certainly going to be, a backwater shithole. Nothing advanced gets made here and if it were, it has long left the state. Enjoy being a third world state in the years to come. The farm chemicals you consume daily should kill you faster than any gun you own but hey you got that bigotry going for you. Stop the Iowa nice BS. It's only whites for whites. Others get it and are leaving in droves.
lol…don’t let the door hit you on ass on the way out. 😜
Again if you are white, Christian, and straight, it's a great state. Everybody probably doesn't feel welcome in general.
Why should white Christians need to apologize for being such? Regarding sexual orientation, is that really an issue in this day and age? Also, what %-tage of Iowans would you estimate are LGBTQ…?
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Watch how the June debate goes,.. The only reason Dems would have agreed to this pre-convention debate would be to test Biden's abilities,.. If Joe drops the ball there will be a pinch hitter.
Who would you guess as the Dems possible “pinch hitter”.