But you’ve nit detailed the missing component FROM CoVid or WITH CoVid.
my colleague recently had severe sepsis from a surgery and nearly passed, he tested positive for CoVid while in hospital care, his near passing from sepsis with CoVid is, not from CoVid, however that’s what the narrative here is leading us to believe. 100% of those that die WITH covid die FROM covid, and that’s simply not correct and is doin a disservice to all.
Just stop. These patients, in my hospital, their demise was because of it, not because of something else. Sure something else might have gotten the old fellow at some point, but not when it did. And, this wasn’t the case for the over 500 deaths and thousands of patients in my hospital since 2020. FFS sake we didn’t want any of this, we didn’t make anything up for any devious or perverse reason.
I don’t understand why this nuance you typed is a legitimate , or a reason to rationalize anything we’ve endured- we as in you, HC personnel, business, anyone. It was hell for everyone. The ‘talking point’ of - of vs with- is simply not constructive, or in most cases reality.
No one in HC is promoting lock downs, enjoys disruptions to our lives outside of work, or doesn’t wish it would go away- forever. Frankly one could argue we want it more than any to go away more than anyone else.
Yet, it remains a contagious reality of our lives, THANKFULLY no where near what it was. …and apparently a very unfortunate reality for the NW bb program at the moment.
It hopefully won’t rebound and get more virulent again. If it does, I’m concerned we are less prepared to deal with…not better.
None of us know how sick the people in NW program is, the implications for the extended networks of people in their program.
I am pretty confident bb coaches and cbb players at NW would prefer doing what they love…That is playing. Think of Kinnicks speech…‘I’d much rather….”.
It sucks for them, and sucks we won’t be entertained for a couple hours.
Frankly I wish we lived in a world where we prayed for them to get better, rather than basically try to discredit the situation and find the worst in it because of how it impacts ‘me’ and ‘what I want’.
In that vein….I’m glad your buddy recovered from sepsis and the Covid didn’t complicate it. Sincerely happy for you/him. Surviving sepsis alone is no easy task if it gets too far. We have outstanding physicians and people working in HC across the country…sadly we’d rather call them liars or data manipulators in this day and age.