It’s over for Biden

No I don’t want Trump to win. He is not just a shitstain on the office of the presidency, he is a shitstain on our country.

Unfortunately I believe Trump will win if Biden remains the candidate. Biden is going to massively underperform his 2020 result. Why doesn’t everyone see that it is a FAR bigger risk to keep him than replace him? Stop looking at this with partisan eyes. Biden is objectively a far worse candidate now than he was four years ago.

Who do you and @Funky Bunch think should replace Biden and what are the odds that person would defeat Trump?
It's a huge chance.

Newsome won't motivate tons of new voters, IMO.

It isn’t necessarily going to be Newsom. Whitmer has won twice in one of the key swing states. There are several other successful governors who will be considered. Let’s see who stands out and let the delegates decide at the convention.

Biden can’t even complete a sentence. He is going up against the most dangerous person in the history of our country who unfortunately is very charismatic and a high level showman.

It is an utter and complete mismatch. Biden will get destroyed as will so many down ballot candidates around the country.

Project 2025 will be implemented without opposition if Biden is our nominee.
It isn’t necessarily going to be Newsom. Whitmer has won twice in one of the key swing states. There are several other successful governors who will be considered. Let’s see who stands out and let the delegates decide at the convention.

Biden can’t even complete a sentence. He is going up against the most dangerous person in the history of our country who unfortunately is very charismatic and a high level showman.

It is an utter and complete mismatch. Biden will get destroyed as will so many down ballot candidates around the country.

Project 2025 will be implemented without opposition if Biden is our nominee.

That's a big guess you're predicting.

Biden had one bad debate. The public has a short memory. Hopefully he rebounds.
That's a big guess you're predicting.

Biden had one bad debate. The public has a short memory. Hopefully he rebounds.

It isn’t just one bad debate. He has been kept in hiding for a long time because he is no longer capable mentally. The debate was confirmation of what many feared and the right wingers and their media have been alleging.

This is completely different than Obama having a bad debate because he was rusty. He was still mentally able and was much more effective in subsequent debates.

Biden isn’t going to improve on Thursday night’s debacle if they attempt to send him back out on to the debate stage in September. He is failing mentally and combined with a stutter, putting him in that situation is elder abuse.

We complain that republicans have no standards for their candidate. We are doing the same if we pretend that Biden has the mental fitness to be our nominee. We are admitting that we also have no standards.
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It isn’t just one bad debate. He has been kept in hiding for a long time because he is no longer capable mentally. The debate was confirmation of what many feared and the right wingers and their media have been alleging.

This is completely different than Obama having a bad debate because he was rusty. He was still mentally able and was much more effective in subsequent debates.

Biden isn’t going to improve on Thursday night’s debacle if they attempt to send him back out on to the debate stage in September. He is failing mentally and combined with a stutter, putting him in that situation is elder abuse.

We complain that republicans have no standards for their candidate. We are doing the same if we pretend that Biden has the mental fitness to be a candidate. We are admitting that we also have no standards for our candidate.
I agree he won't improve. He will only get worse. His advisors and other Dems will run things. But that's exactly what will happen with Trump. He won't be the one crafting policy. That will be done by 2025. It is what it is at this point. No matter who we have in charge, the direction of the country will either be by the same people who got us the infrastructure deal, or the same people who gave us abortion bans.
Yep. Just look at our board moderates, even some die hard liberals. We all see it and a number of 2020 Biden voters have said they are going to sit out the election. Hell the most liberal Bernie bro I know told me this morning he was voting third party because he couldn’t stand the idea of voting for someone unfit to serve.

This is a disaster and the party establishment just wants to put its head in the sand. What they need is a very rapid, statistically significant poll in each swing state. I am quite certain those results will show Biden losing…then they need to get their shit together and put someone forward who can win.
Party leadership does not have their head in the sand. It is deliberate
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The debate was an election clincher for Trump. Even though Trump managed to get in at least 30+ lies, the debate was all about Biden and his unbelievably bad performance. He not only looked bad physically, but rhetorically he was even a greater disaster. He mumbled and spoke almost incoherently unable to finish simple declarative sentences while consistently losing his train of thought. For the good of the country, it's time for Biden to pull out of the race. And it's time for Jill Biden to face reality and wholeheartedly convince him to do so.
Why stay the course? (Abridged version)
1. It’s a long long way to Election Day, people have short memories, and there’s at least one intervening event (sentencing) the other side has to get through.
2. Most of what I’ve seen has suggested that the debate will actually impact few votes. And who even knows yet what that looks like in the battlegrounds, which are the only places that matter.
3. There is downside risk of positioning as backroom politics. Now that’s not going to turn d’s to trump but it might well cause some to simply stay home.
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Why stay the course? (Abridged version)

3. There is downside risk of positioning as backroom politics. Now that’s not going to turn d’s to trump but it might well cause some to simply stay home.
I would argue nobody would care if Biden gets replaced (except for family and some current WH/campaign staff). Are there actual Biden fans? I know nobody who ever really wanted the guy other than to try to stop Trump. He’s not Obama or JFK, especially now.
I would argue nobody would care if Biden gets replaced (except for family and some current WH/campaign staff). Are there actual Biden fans? I know nobody who ever really wanted the guy other than to try to stop Trump. He’s not Obama or JFK, especially now.
Fans? Sure. And interests. There always are.
My guess is that there's a lot going on behind the scenes and he will drop out in the next 2 weeks.

I hope so. I follow some local democrats on FB. I know them from city campaigns or through the neighborhood association. At the moment, it is split much like it is on HORT. The ones who want a change are very vocal.
Look at his face. He isn’t well. His wife truly is a selfish a-hole for subjecting him to all of this
I always admired Jill Biden but her insistence that Joe remain in the race is simply baffling. More than anyone she has seen firsthand how he has deteriorated over the past few years. Like everyone else, she had to see Thursday night just how incapable he was and how embarrassing and humiliating it was for him.
He's very liberal.

There's a good chance Trump would beat him.
Newsome is a very slick politician, for better or worse. He would embarrass Trump at a debate & campaigning. Imo the dems are literally running the only guy Trump will beat.
It isn’t just one bad debate. He has been kept in hiding for a long time because he is no longer capable mentally. The debate was confirmation of what many feared and the right wingers and their media have been alleging.

This is completely different than Obama having a bad debate because he was rusty. He was still mentally able and was much more effective in subsequent debates.

Biden isn’t going to improve on Thursday night’s debacle if they attempt to send him back out on to the debate stage in September. He is failing mentally and combined with a stutter, putting him in that situation is elder abuse.

We complain that republicans have no standards for their candidate. We are doing the same if we pretend that Biden has the mental fitness to be our nominee. We are admitting that we also have no standards.

Yeah. It's a tough call, IMO.

I doubt the debate changed that many votes.
Yeah. It's a tough call, IMO.

I doubt the debate changed that many votes.

Are you kidding? A not small number of people who were solid Biden voters want him replaced. Independents would have voted for him in sufficient numbers prior to Thursday. Now most of them won’t vote or will vote third party. Young people were already not excited about Biden. You can count on many of them staying home if a change isn’t made.
Too late in the game
Why do I have a sense that this was orchestrated according to a plan hatched many months back.

Yell and scream that Joe is competent, all in unison, and being as adamant as possible. Take visible offense whenever anyone calls for him to step down.

Wait until the last possible moment and then reverse course, with everyone suddenly calling for a replacement candidate in a cacophony of orchestrated objection. ... This replacement candidate will not have been subject to any party-wide vote, or any vetting of any sort ... but everyone will agree that he/she is the best available candidate, and the party will be steamrolled into supporting the replacement candidate. This person will be from the Van Jones/Susan Rice/Barak Obama wing of the party.

This flashy (made to be flashy) new and greater candidate will be promoted far and wide (even with an Obama-like speech in the Berlin Tiergarten). This campaign will be notable for its shallowness and lack of focus on any issues. It will be a hero worship sort of thing and in the end, no one will know anything about this new person.

The newness of the new and better savior of Democracy will sweep him/her into office and another election will have been converted into a steal.


Our Democracy (Republic) is about to be tested.
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Are you kidding? A not small number of people who were solid Biden voters want him replaced. Independents would have voted for him in sufficient numbers prior to Thursday. Now most of them won’t vote or will vote third party. Young people were already not excited about Biden. You can count on many of them staying home if a change isn’t made.
I'm guessing this doesn't turn out to be reality.
Why do I have a sense that this was orchestrated according to a plan hatched many months ago back.

Yell and scream that Joe is competent, all in unison, and being as adamant as possible. Take visible offense whenever anyone calls for him to step down.

Wait until the last possible moment and then reverse course, with everyone calling for a replacement candidate. ... This replacement candidate will not have been subject to any party-wide vote, or any vetting of any sort ... but everyone will agree that he/she is the best available candidate, and the party will be steamrolled into supporting the replacement candidate. This person will be from the Van Jones/Susan Rice/Barak Obama wing of the party.

This flashy (made to be flashy) new and greater candidate will be promoted far and wide (even with a speech in the Berlin Tiergarten). This campaign will be notable for its shallowness and lack of focus on any issues. It will be a hero worship sort of thing and in the end, no one will know anything about this new person.

The newness of the new and better savior of Democracy will sweep him/her into office and another election will have been converted into a steal.


Our Democracy (Republic) is about to be tested.
Damn, bro, even if this turns out true, it's insane to claim this is a steal.