It’s over for Biden

Okay, maybe it would pull in some young people. I just can't imagine being undecided between the policies of the two major parties regardless of if you think Biden is too old. One party has been taking away choices for people and the other supports the rights of individuals to make their own decisions.
The risk is apathy.

I’m as anti-Trump as they come, yet I am completely and utterly demotivated to vote for Biden/Harris. I knew this would happen and I don’t appreciate all the lies and gaslighting about his condition.
The Chis’ of the Dem party pointed the finger at the Dem voters rather than the party when Hillary lost, and they’ll do it again when Biden loses.
Chis, he had a great four year run, I hope they build a statue to him on the mall. But he’s spent. We can’t afford to lose this election, too much at stake. Time to shake it up.
That will lose us the election. It will piss off the black voting base of the Democratic Party. That's why I'm a hard no on any attempt of doing this. It isn't plausible.
Who do you and @Funky Bunch think should replace Biden and what are the odds that person would defeat Trump?
I would be for virtually any prominent dem outside Kamala or Newsom. I don’t think a California dem will work with swing state voters. My personal favorite at the moment is Whitmer. She is moderate. She works with business. She is intelligent and capable. Yes she made a misstep during covid, but that is a very minor issue in comparison to the California crew. She would make an awesome candidate and even better president.
The risk is apathy.

I’m as anti-Trump as they come, yet I am completely and utterly demotivated to vote for Biden/Harris. I knew this would happen and I don’t appreciate all the lies and gaslighting about his condition.
I could never be apathetic when the alternative is Trump. Biden wasn't the candidate I would have chosen 4 years ago. I'm liberal enough that I preferred Warren or Sanders. My vote will remain with the Democratic candidate whether it's Biden or someone else. Trump is simply too crazy to allow back in the Oval office.
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I could never be apathetic when the alternative is Trump. Biden wasn't the candidate I would have chosen 4 years ago. I'm liberal enough that I preferred Warren or Sanders. My vote will remain with the Democratic candidate whether it's Biden or someone else. Trump is simply too crazy to allow back in the Oval office.
I think the issue is apathy among those voters who generally dislike Trump but don’t hate him to the “Anyone but Trump” degree. They may just decide both suck and stay out altogether.
He doesn't have to make it four more years. All we need is the Democratic candidate to win the Presidency so that adults will be in charge not a narcissistic maniac.
This is where I've always been. My goodness. Pulling out this late throws everything into chaos. Unreal
Biden staffers urged donors and surrogates to be cheerleaders and ignore what happened on Thursday night

“Multiple DNC members on the call described feeling like they were being gaslighted — that they were being asked to ignore the dire nature of the party’s predicament. The call, they said, may have worsened a widespread sense of panic among elected officials, donors and other stakeholders.”

Biden staffers urged donors and surrogates to be cheerleaders and ignore what happened on Thursday night

“Multiple DNC members on the call described feeling like they were being gaslighted — that they were being asked to ignore the dire nature of the party’s predicament. The call, they said, may have worsened a widespread sense of panic among elected officials, donors and other stakeholders.”

Just like on here
He doesn't have to make it four more years. All we need is the Democratic candidate to win the Presidency so that adults will be in charge not a narcissistic maniac.

That's what the Party wants, the same Party also wanted Clinton. At some point you've gotta realize that the voters in the middle make the call and the voters in the middle vote for a person
Biden staffers urged donors and surrogates to be cheerleaders and ignore what happened on Thursday night

“Multiple DNC members on the call described feeling like they were being gaslighted — that they were being asked to ignore the dire nature of the party’s predicament. The call, they said, may have worsened a widespread sense of panic among elected officials, donors and other stakeholders.”

This is good believe it or not. If Dems weren't worried, I would be worried. I don't want us to be like the Rs and pretend that we can get complacent for the next five months.
This is good believe it or not. If Dems weren't worried, I would be worried. I don't want us to be like the Rs and pretend that we can get complacent for the next five months.
The nonsense that he needs to be replaced at this stage is what THEY are shooting for. Let that sink in and then pull yourself back from the ledge and focus.
That's what the Party wants, the same Party also wanted Clinton. At some point you've gotta realize that the voters in the middle make the call and the voters in the middle vote for a person
So the voters in the middle are going to vote for the guy that refused to leave the White House, lies every time his mouth opens, claims he has absolute immunity for anything, etc. because Biden's too old and Harris might end up as President?
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