It’s over for Biden

Are you kidding? A not small number of people who were solid Biden voters want him replaced. Independents would have voted for him in sufficient numbers prior to Thursday. Now most of them won’t vote or will vote third party. Young people were already not excited about Biden. You can count on many of them staying home if a change isn’t made.

They'll forget by November. I hope.
since I want trump to win I want biden in there... but I really cannot think of a way for dems to replace him right now. can you imagine whitmer or newsome walking away from michigan or cali, only to have a few months to prepare, no staff, no money to speak of, no rallies planned.... only to walk away and turn their back on their state?? doesn't seem likely
Like I've said in several threads, Biden sucked during the debate. However, debate "wins" don't necessarily lead to election wins. Just because the Biden alternatives would probably articulate policy better doesn't mean they'd get more votes. Hillary was much better in debates, but Trump is a better carnival barker/showman. You never really know what is going to influence someone's vote.

Personally, I don't know how someone over the age of 22 could be undecided. Both of these candidates have records of the kind of behavior they will exhibit and policies they support.
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Why do I have a sense that this was orchestrated according to a plan hatched many months back.

Yell and scream that Joe is competent, all in unison, and being as adamant as possible. Take visible offense whenever anyone calls for him to step down.

Wait until the last possible moment and then reverse course, with everyone calling for a replacement candidate. ... This replacement candidate will not have been subject to any party-wide vote, or any vetting of any sort ... but everyone will agree that he/she is the best available candidate, and the party will be steamrolled into supporting the replacement candidate. This person will be from the Van Jones/Susan Rice/Barak Obama wing of the party.

This flashy (made to be flashy) new and greater candidate will be promoted far and wide (even with a speech in the Berlin Tiergarten). This campaign will be notable for its shallowness and lack of focus on any issues. It will be a hero worship sort of thing and in the end, no one will know anything about this new person.

The newness of the new and better savior of Democracy will sweep him/her into office and another election will have been converted into a steal.


Our Democracy (Republic) is about to be tested.
I doubt that very much, but dredging this type of conspiracy theory up is one of the risks of making a change
Lots of potential voters are gonna stay home if it's Biden. You can't generate genuine excitement for the Biden/Harris ticket anymore. Rather than the alternatives commonly discussed here, I think the Dems should try to talk Manchin into being their guy. I know lots of Dems don't think he follows the party line strictly enough but, if the most important thing is beating Trump, he's a guy that could pull some votes from the right.
Here is Jon Stewart’s first show in February asking why they have been hiding Biden. That was almost 5 months ago. On Thursday night, we found out why.

The contested convention is 7 weeks away. They aren’t going to be able to continue to hide him, no matter how much they try.

Whitmer Warnock 2024

A woman and a black man sounds great to me, but if you think this ticket will pull voters considering Trump you don't understand his appeal.

It isn’t about pulling cultists away from Cheeto. They will never abandon him.

A new nominee is about getting people to vote who will otherwise sit home, especially young people. Also, it will have to be someone other than Warnock because the GA governor is a republican.
It isn’t about pulling cultists away from Cheeto. They will never abandon him.

A new nominee is about getting people to vote who will otherwise sit home, especially young people. Also, it will have to be someone other than Warnock because the GA governor is a republican.
Okay, maybe it would pull in some young people. I just can't imagine being undecided between the policies of the two major parties regardless of if you think Biden is too old. One party has been taking away choices for people and the other supports the rights of individuals to make their own decisions.
Here is Jon Stewart’s first show in February asking why they have been hiding Biden. That was almost 5 months ago. On Thursday night, we found out why.

The contested convention is 7 weeks away. They aren’t going to be able to continue to hide him, no matter how much they try.

Whitmer Warnock 2024

A woman and a black man?

80% chance Trump would pwn Whitmer/Warnock.
Are you kidding? A not small number of people who were solid Biden voters want him replaced. Independents would have voted for him in sufficient numbers prior to Thursday. Now most of them won’t vote or will vote third party. Young people were already not excited about Biden. You can count on many of them staying home if a change isn’t made.
The Office Yes GIF
Yet we are going with a dementia patient and a black woman who can’t communicate all that much better than the dementia patient. They can somehow beat TRUMP but popular, younger, successful governors from key swing states cannot.


It's a mess. I have no idea what's going to happen; replacing the Presidential candidate now seems desperate.
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