It’s over for Biden

I don't know, "I don't know what that guy said at the end of that sentence and frankly I don't think he does either" was articulated pretty clearly.
Trump was rambling about golf scores at the end. Earlier he was going off on weird rants about black jobs. It's ok to admit that a normal candidate wouldn't do this.
You are seeing what you want to see. Trump looked like Einstein next to Joe. The focus is on Joe, which is the perfect outcome from the debate.
Joe ate it. I admit it. Why can't you admit that Trump provided zero policy and instead gave the same tired promises of doom and gloom if he doesn't get back in charge and nothing but utopia if he does?
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Biden looking senile is one question.

Biden losing the election because of that is another.

Biden looking senile is old news.

I'm still not sure if the outcome is adjusted much because of it.
Biden looking senile is one question.

Biden losing the election because of that is another.

Biden looking senile is old news.

I'm still not sure if the outcome is adjusted much because of it.
It likely won't. At best this might shift things a point or two.
You're only proving my point that Don can do no wrong in your eyes.
For the 100th time Huey, Donald Trump is a fat, lying, ****. I don't like him as a person, I would not be friends with him. It isn't about that. Donald Trump does what Donald is going to do, and that plan is incredibly simple for "being the greatest to ever do it" on how I can prepare myself and my family to navigate that.

The opposite of that is Joe Biden who is incapable of telling anyone anything at this point. Right or wrong.

I believe in a "deep state" or "cabal" or as I have always referred to them "the elite" an incredibly small group of people who are actually running things. As a perfect example of that, somebody did SOMETHING, behind the scenes to turn the media into the propaganda arm of the democratic party. It has not always been that way. It doesn't take a whole lot of investigation to realize all of our media is owned by like 5 people. That's not a "Joe Biden" thing, he is a perfect "useful idiot" but right now his usefulness is wanning.
It's documented he never cared or paid attention. Biden vs Trump it's Biden all day long, period.
Dude needed colorful pictures to pay attention. And even then he got bored immediately and wanted to watch Fox instead. Trump is basically a toddler in an 80 years old body. He may have a lot of energy at times. But mostly he needs naps, lots of distractions, and someone to give him a bottle when he throws his daily tantrums.
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I wouldn’t expect you too lol. Weird flex dude.
This isn't hard. It's pathetic what I'm witnessing from the corporate media and some generally well rounded and well meaning people. This...Isn't...Difficult....Thankful for the grassroots and endless volunteers not throwing in the towel. We will win
Prove it. A person could just as easily say not voting is a vote for Biden.

It's hilarious that lefties say not voting is ALWAYS a vote for the Republican, and NEVER a vote for the Democrat.
Electoral college has favored the republicans for 20 years. Losing the popular vote and yet winning the presidency. You do the math.
It's the reality of the situation. Apathy against Hillary gave us Trump in the first placement. It will happen again.
So be it. I’m not rewarding the Dems for running shitty candidates. Do whatever you want with your vote and I’ll do what I want. I don’t judge you for your vote. I don’t judge anyone on how they vote.
Yeah, all this talk about replacing Biden on the ticket at this stage of the game just aren’t realistic. There are various state guidelines on administering the election, so in like 17 states it would be an impossibility to even get another presidential Dem candidate on the ballot.
It would be funny if their efforts to game the system against third parties ultimately bit them in the ass when their stalking horse croaked on live TV.

“You watched it, and, on the most basic human level, you could only feel pity for the man and, more, fear for the country.”
I've been saying this for a while. When Trump dies the Republicans will go even further right. They'll try turning us into Saudi Arabia.

They may try to move to the right, but they won't be able to do it without Trump. People like Trump are only spawned once in a generation.

Even Bannon knows this. He quit his job running Breitbart to work for Trump because he recognized that Trump was a uniquely demonic entity.